In my healing process, I found a lot of information on why I must honor my body and many ideas on how to do so. Unfortunately, I have found as many boards on a daily basis to learn how to live with fibromyalgia. Here are some of the things that made life easier for me, I wish that I had heard when I was diagnosed first with things.
We all need a model of activity and rest. Can I fix my races and appointment on Wednesday. It's my day "short". Thursday, I will schedule any appointment and leave as a day of work in my Office. This allows less feel tired if I had activities on two days.
I see too often, my clients have activities spread throughout the week. It reminds me that Bilbo has said, "I feel thin, kind of stretched, as butter, brushed on the bread too.". Having a profile of activity and rest, like the wake-up and sleep, we have time for our bodies and minds to recover; ultimately, we do more.
I also analyzed what is my best time of the day and doing my best to plan my activities around this. Things I schedule at the time when the clarity of my energy and brain are the best. These can be appointments, creative time, reading, or network. Often, however, it is a date with my husband. I leave him with the "remains" all the time!
If you want, you need to plan your pace so that you can always take advantage of your life. Don't forget to program some of your favorite activities in your best times of the day.
It's good for you and your family. It will keep you feeling like such a prisoner of your disease and keep your family feel like they have lost you. It can mean say things you want to do so that you can say yes to what you really want to do.
Calendars & schedules
Another thing, that I realized was that calendar with my iPhone has led me to me overbooking. On the iPhone, the month view shows only one point if something is planned. The view that shows what you have planned shows only one day or a week at a time.
Basically, I realized that I need to see a whole month at a time where to book my appointments; I need to see The Big Picture. However, with again must my fibro fog I electronic reminders that my iPhone gives me remind me when my appointments are.
This was especially true when my Fibromyalgia has been for the worse. At one point, I only booking an appointment a week to manage my energy. Any more and has been rubbed too much and too much pain to enjoy my family.
My perfected system is a combo of a small monthly calendar to schedule my appointment, where I can see the landscape of my time and my iPhone to remind me when to go to these appointments. Few days, I sit with the calendar and make sure that all my commitments are part of my phone with the appropriate reminder alarms.
If this last step is hard to remember, or if you want to delegate and save your energy, maybe you can have a person to support for you. Many times they are asking us how they can help and tell us, "you cannot." Keep your synchronized calendar is something they can do.
I also changed how closely can I book my appointment. First of all, I did not worry about those who have already reserved; I ask just new appointments to both better, give me more time to the transition between going to my appointments and activities.
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, do always go us as fast or as clearly think we did once. By having more time to transition, us give us time to gear change, get our bodies moving, even not a little lost on the way and arrive at time - calm, cool and collected!
If this is fibro fog or my style of behavior, I easily lose track of time. It is a huge part of why it's so easy for me to Miss go to bed on time or forget to take breaks when I'm working on a project. A great help for me is using a timer.
I love timers! In fact, I use a moment to remind me that I have a phone call to make. I know that I will work on all these things with you sharing and completely forget this call.
I use the timers on my phone and in my Office to remind me:
When to eat once more. When drink more water. When to take my supplements and medicines. When to give Mr. Bear (my cat) medication. When it is almost time to go to bed. When it is time to go to bed. When to take a break from work. When it is time to prepare for an appointment. When it is really time to leave for an appointment.There are so many uses. timers can be a major Lifesaver! (Ah, there goes my timer!) (Time to make this call...)
Stages of the action
This that you have identified, is your book you (read the section honoring your body: Getting to Know YOU for more information) or from this list that excite your mind? How to honor your body will be easier to integrate into your daily life? If you make a regular habit, which will bring the biggest change?
About the author: Tami Stackelhouse is a coach of fibromyalgia - a coach certified health specializes in helping women with fibromyalgia, tired of prisoner detained in their own body, find the hope and freedom. Tami coaches of women with fibromyalgia, it suffered symptoms itself for more than 25 years.
The site of Tami of useful articles on the research of fibromyalgia, treatment options and how to take care of yourself, while managing life with an invisible illness. You can also connect to its hope of healing newsletter & that comes out once a month with articles, advice and facts of fibro.
Sometimes, knowing that someone understands what you feel can provide great healing. Tami would like to hear from you!
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