Wednesday, 8 February 2012

How many Calories you burn in a day?

When it comes to weight loss, it is all about deficits in calories. In other words, if you are trying to lose weight, you will need to monitor the amount of calories that you consume on a daily basis and to ensure that this is lower than what you burn. Now, let's look at the big question: how many calories you burn in a day?

There are many ways that have been proposed over the years to answer this question.

A very simple rule, it is that, on average, men burn 2500 calories per day, while women burn 2000.

It is often a reasonable starting point, but the truth is that it is not very accurate. They are not valid for the "average" people, whatever that means. To truly answer the question "How many calories you burn in a day?", you need to consider more than just your sex.

A better method would be to calculate your metabolic rate and then adjust according your level of activity.

The base metabolic rate is the energy that you need to keep living and breathing.

A simple method to estimate it is the Harris-Benedict Equation. This takes into account, weight and age sex. Men tend to have a metabolism higher than women, the formula should therefore be different to take account of this difference. As a person ages, metabolism of drops and this will also affect the amount of calories burned. And of course, a larger person will tend to need more calories than a smaller.

However, this formula does not consider body composition. The Katch-McArdle formula differs from this aspect that it takes in muscular lean mass account. In other words, the form requires that you measure your body fat percentage. Many fitness professionals prefer to use this formula, as it is a more precise picture of what happens in reality.

Metabolic rate will answer the question, "how many calories you burn in a day just to stay alive?", but it is not the end of the image. You must also take into account the number of calories used in activity.

It is important to understand that the activity levels and fat body composition affects the rate of combustion of calories. For example, some people have a way of life more active than others, so they must consume more food to maintain their current weight. Then there are others that are more athletic and most of their weight comes from lean muscle mass. Sports individuals have a higher metabolism and can consume more.

This can be explained by multiplying the metabolic rate of base by an "activity factor". This number varies between 1.2 to sedentary people and 1.9 for very active athletes.

So once you know how many calories you burn, you must be sure that you eat and drink for less than this.

But it do not take to the extreme. For example, you should not suddenly drop your caloric level of 3000 calories to 1000 calories. Is not a sustainable diet because the body will need more than 1000 calories per day to enable it to function properly. If you radically change your diet, the body does not have enough time to adapt to drastic changes and you may experience health problems. The correct way to lose weight is to reduce your calories in a systematic manner.

Many doctors advise that you target a deficit of 500 calories to lose weight permanently and safely.

The recommended approach is therefore in three steps.

Step 1: Use one of the equations to answer the question "How many calories you burn in a day thanks to your metabolism?"

Step 2: Multiply by a factor of activity to estimate total calories burning.

Step 3: Subtract 500 calories from this issue for you say how to eat and drink every day.

Information on the fitness and Nutrition available.

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