Friday, 2 March 2012

Significant Information About The Benefits Of Garlic

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There is no doubt that garlic stinks, literally. The fact is garlic is among the most effective natural remedy that's readily available from your local grocery store. All over the world, garlic has been used for food and also medicine for millennia already. It can be used as an anti-fungal as well as an antibacterial. Allicin, the organic compound that makes garlic smell, is in fact regarded as the world's most powerful antioxidant. We don't understand exactly why garlic is that great for us but it is.

Here are several of the health benefits of garlic. Research shows that strokes and also cardiovascular disease may be effectively stopped because of garlic. A drop of up to 5% in blood pressure is seen in those who use garlic supplements. Now you might think that 5% isn't that significant but the truth is that it is good enough in avoiding stroke and also heart disease.

Garlic is recognized for its antibacterial qualities. You can point out that antibiotics that you can get from the pharmacy are reliable against bacteria. However, bacteria are identified to have the capacity to develop defenses against these kind of antibiotics. An interesting fact about using garlic is that bacteria are not able to develop defenses to it. It is said that the antibacterial qualities of garlic were discovered in the 1800s.

The funny thing is, we really don't know precisely why or how garlic works though we know that it does work. The secret is hydrogen sulfide, according to some research workers who conducted an investigation on the benefits of garlic recently. Hydrogen sulfide, in huge quantities is in fact poisonous.

But our bodies generate this chemical and use it as an antioxidant. Hydrogen sulfide furthermore transmits signals that tell the arteries to relax. When the blood vessels are relaxed, a lot more blood can flow. This might be the key reason why garlic may help prevent various kinds of cancers. On a study carried out on mice, research workers learned that hydrogen sulfide works in preventing injury to the heart even immediately after a heart attack.

The thing is that many people don't eat enough amounts of garlic to see its remarkable benefits. In Italy, China and also Korea, people eat typically a dozen cloves of garlic every day. You can eat more fresh garlic too if you decide to incorporate garlic in the meals that you make.

As reported by a blog regarding natural cures, says that garlic may be useful no matter if it's enjoyed raw, cooked or even cold-aged. Garlic will fit nicely when used together with onions and also peppers when you make dishes. When making mixed veggies, you can also use garlic to incorporate flavor.

Bear in mind that too much garlic can actually cause indigestion. However, many people avoid garlic not really because it causes indigestion but because they don't want to get garlic breath. And that's not all; the garlic smell may even trickle out via your skin even if it has been several hours since you ate it. Many people prefer utilizing garlic capsules to prevent foul breath but if you consume a lot of garlic capsules, you'll still get the garlic smell on your skin. Or just do not eat a lot to avoid smelling like garlic. Keep enlightened and remain healthy.

Want more insight around benefits of garlic? Head to the link. Useful material concerning natural cures here.

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Factors Affecting Tooth Implant Cost That You Should Consider

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Dental care is very important for all people here in the world. It is considered to be a part of the entire hygiene of an individual. It is further believed that dental care begins at home. There are many products available in the local stores which can greatly aid people in taking care of their oral health.

However, despite the care we have observed, we can't erase the fact that there will be times that some of our teeth will lose their strength and eventually build up cavities. These cavities can lead to tooth extraction. Being unable to do so will only worsen the condition and leads the person to feel so much pain.

The problem of missing teeth is rampant nowadays especially that people are indulged to eating sweet foods. And this lead to a solution called tooth implant. And in planning to opt for such, you have to consider the right tooth implant cost for your own benefit.

Tooth implant is widely opted these days as many people would want to look as great as possible especially in the eyes of the people they want to impress. But the main problem in here is that some are being fooled by many dentists when it comes to the cost of the procedure. This is the reason why people really have to be oriented on the factors affecting the tooth implant cost before deciding.

Here are some of the factors that may affect the cost of tooth implant procedure:

Number of teeth to be placed

Every tooth has a corresponding cost. A single tooth placed will cost a lot cheaper than placing two or more. And for you to be accurate on the tooth implant cost, you have to ask the individual tooth price and multiply it to the number of teeth you are planning to get implanted.

The practitioner to handle the procedure

The procedure will be more satisfying if the practitioner is an expert. It is never ideal to go for a dentist who is a newbie as one will only consider your mouth as a training ground. So if you want to receive an excellent service expect to pay more.

Your health condition
There are patients who have specific health conditions that need to be addressed well before undergoing any invasive procedures like dental implant. If ever you have a certain condition that seems to hinder you to get the procedure, you need to be checked well or undergo checkups to end up with a safe implant. Of course, the tooth implant cost will be higher in this situation.

There are still a lot of factors that can highly affect the tooth implant cost and the above-mentioned are the most common and most important things to remember. There is nothing wrong with being sure about everything so be vigilant and end up satisfied with the implant made on you.

Get the right cost and get that perfect smile. Now, you can have that killer smile and face the crowd with great confidence.

Be updated with the factors affecting tooth implant cost and learn how to get the right one.

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Working As a Night Nurse

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If you have ever considered a career in nursing, you may have already looked into the many different fields that nursing encompasses. For instance, you could work in dermatology, hospice, pediatrics, nurse-midwifery, wound care, rehabilitation, plastic surgery, or radiology, among several other choices. Many of these fields require night shift work, and as undesirable as that may sound, you might want to take a second look at it. In nursing, as well as several other career fields, working nights can be extremely lucrative and may even help to push your career forward, if you are looking for a raise or a promotion.

Working the graveyard shift sounds about as exciting and attractive as working in a graveyard (unless you are actually into that kind of thing), but being a night shift worker can be very good for your bank account. Companies always pay their night shifts a great deal more - anywhere from 10 to 20 percent more than the average salaries for their positions! You may have some exhausting nights, especially working as a night nurse in any field, but the satisfaction of knowing that you are getting paid well for your time will be enough to get you through to the next shift.

Night shift nurses are also at an advantage when it comes to raises and promotions. You are not competing with the day workers, of which there are many more than the night shift, so you have more opportunities to climb the promotion ladder. It is also a disadvantage if you are not particularly good at your job, because your lack of skills will be that much more obvious in a smaller pool of nurses. If you are a hard worker, your good work will stand out, and vice versa. Nonetheless, you should be glad to have better chances for advancement in your field by working nights.

Something many people may not initially realize is that, aside from the extra money and better career advancement opportunities, you also are less likely to have to waste your time on endless meetings. Since there are not many higher-ups working the night shift, you will probably not have many meetings at all, and if you do, they will be focused and short.

The biggest benefit of working nights is the traffic. If you live in a high traffic city and waste hours of your time fighting through it on the highways, you will be relieved to realize that there is virtually no traffic at 3 in the morning, which is when you will probably be getting off from your shift. If you do have to work until the sun comes up, take heart; you will be going against the flow of traffic!

If you feel like nursing is the right career for you, take a look at the many different types of nursing degrees. You may need help paying for school, so be sure to also look into financial aid for nursing schools. Knowing what can be done to help you pay for nursing school is very important, so take your time and read as much information as you can.

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7 Easy Steps to Bloodborne Pathogens Certification

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In today's dangerous world, there are some diseases we should be extremely careful of. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV) are some such diseases. You may steer clear of all the known channels of viruses entering your body, but they can still infect you if you are not careful.

Enter bloodborne pathogens, microorganisms that carry these potentially fatal viruses. They can enter the blood stream of a healthy person if proper care is not taken. For instance, the improper handling of human blood, body fluids and human discharges of an infected person can infect a perfectly healthy body.

The Department of Health of the United States makes it compulsory for all those in the medical field with jobs involving working with human blood and body fluids, to undergo bloodborne pathogen training. This training is necessary for doctors, nurses, paramedics and laboratory personnel, tattoo artists and a lot of other professionals who work with human discharges and blood. While it is mandatory for them, many people in general also try to get the certification for their own benefit to keep themselves and their families healthy and disease free. Quite a lot of organizations provide this type of training program; some provide it online. Here are 7 easy steps to clearing the certification exam and becoming bloodborne pathogen training certified.

• Read the Material Thoroughly

The companies providing the training programs provide rich material and excellent resources. Read their materials and understand and relate to the ground situation.

• Understand the Terminology

Understand the terminology being used. Master it and imagine and use it in relation to real life practice.

• Focus on Methods

Read up on material that speaks about how to protect oneself and prevent exposure. Understand how the transfer of pathogens takes place and what precautions should be taken to prevent it. These methods are very critical and should be thoroughly memorized and practiced.

• Procedural Analysis

In case of an accidental exposure, understand the various steps, procedures and protocols to be undertaken to contain the contamination and control the situation. List the procedures in a proper order.

• Test your Knowledge

Take practice tests, if possible, and then of course the real tests. These exams should be very simple and be based on the material studied. Apply your knowledge.

• Collect Certificate

Tell yourself, "Congratulations!" when you pass your final exam. Upon passing the test, a certificate should be available. Preserve the print out for future use, if it's an online certificate.

• Review Tests

Training courses are generally reviewed every once in a while. Keep yourself updated about the regulations and procedures. Check the validity of your certification and retake the courses as needed to keep up with your knowledge and certification.

With the above help, you can easily earn bloodborne pathogen training certification. While it is mandatory for certain people in the field of medicine, it is also very useful for the common or lay person. It will keep you one step away from some very dangerous diseases and keep you healthy. Consider training for the certification to keep yourself, your colleagues and your loved ones safe and sound.

For more information, please visit our bloodborne pathogens training website.

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How To Treat Heartburn: A Basic Guide to Common Causes and Self Help Tips

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Heartburn is a digestive complaint which manifests as a burning sensation rising up from the abdominal area to the throat. Even mild heartburn attacks can lead to high levels of discomfort and sleepless nights. In this article I will outline some of the most common causes and how they can be avoided plus suggest some basic tips about natural heartburn remedies.

Heartburn attacks are generally worse during the night and can disrupt sleep. This is simply down to gravity, when you lay down it is much easier for the excessive acid to raise up the esophagus. If you are suffering an attack a night sit up until it subsides then when laying back down prop yourself up on pillows so your upper body is at an angle. You can even use blocks to raise the head of the bed slightly.

Prevention is better than cure as they say so let us also look at the cause of night heartburn attacks. Many people eat their largest meal of the day in the evening so the body is then working to digest that meal for several hours after. To help prevent this causing heartburn eat a smaller meal and take the time to chew the food properly as this will aid digestion. Also take smaller bites and sip water as you eat. It can also be beneficial to
take a gentle walk after eating, this will help with digestion and being upright will keep acid in your stomach.

Certain foods types are more prone to causing heartburn than others so be selective of what you eat in general but particularly in the evening. Avoid spicy food, dairy products and high fat foods as well a junk food. There are also some specific foods to avoid such as onions, tomatoes and spices.

Another common heartburn cause is caffeine. Try and moderate your caffeine intake, if you find this difficult to do you may need to gradually reduces the number of cups of coffee you drink during the day. You can substitute coffee for green or herbal tea. Depending on the variety they are low in caffeine or caffeine free and many such as, ginger and chamomile can actually aid digestion and help heal the lining of the abdomen from damage caused by digestive complaints.

When experiencing an attack a small cup of milk or coconut milk can provide instant relief. Water can also help and you should aim to drink plenty of fresh water each day, it will aid digestion and help flush out bodily toxins.

In summary if you follow a healthy diet, being mindful of what you eat and use some of the basic tips listed you can help reduce your acid indigestion symptoms significantly.

I have recently started a blog entitled 'How To Treat Heartburn' which provides advice on how to treat hearturn using natural remedies and also looks at the causes of heartburn. This will aid many people who suffer from acid indigestion and related digestive complaints to provide themselves with relief in a natural and safe way.

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How To Get Rid Of The Double Chin

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Having arrived at this article, it's my guess you own a double chin and want to do something about it. Not only is a double chin unattractive it will probably damage your self-image as well.

Therefore, I am going to take a look at what leads to a double chin and a few ideas to eliminate the double chin as well.

There are various completely different causes of a double chin. And half of the battle is to be aware of why you have a double chin. If you can understand the underlying reason then you might be well on the way to beating it. For a good number people, however, you will discover several elements at work including genetic factors and dietary issues along with your posture (how you "hold" yourself).

At first, I actually did not think posture was a contributing factor. However, I've changed my view and I'm now convinced the way you actually hold your head is very of important. I know, that might seem difficult to believe, but think about this. Take a flick through the numerous gossip columns or tabloid press.

You've all seen the image of the A-list celeb caught in an unsightly pose. Look at all those flabby and saggy bits and those horrible undesirable bulges.

These A-Listers get trained in how to "hold themselves" when in front of the camera. They do that so they will always look good...except some hack catches them in their pyjamas fetching the milk or putting out the garbage. This is the "actual" "real" person behind the make believe veil. And believe me they are way, way different to the "manufactured" images we normally see on the screen or in the glossy magazines.

It's for that reason that posture is so important. And you thought it wasn't important? Yep, as I said "me too" at first!

If posture has been a difficulty for you over the years it has probably now become a bad habit. And we all know they are troublesome bad habits are to break! Holding your head in a downward tilt all the time will reduce the exercise your neck and jaw muscles get and will inevitably cause a double chin in the longer term.

Now I understand that, if you sit at a computer all day, keeping your head up is difficult. But it is a major part of the strategy to counter your double chin by helping build and exercise the neck muscle tissues that little bit more. This will help and is an easily made change.

This is a bizarre one as some ultra-fit folks suffer from double chins and yet some people with awful diets get away with it. It's a paradox for sure (and one that upsets me).

The bottom line is that for many people, weight-reduction plan is a factor that has to be taken into account. There is a stack of stuff written and published on the Internet about food regimen so I'm not going to delve too deeply here.

Suffice to say common sense ought to prevail. The less sugar and saturated fats (and trans fats) in your diet, the less likely you are to be vulnerable to weight gain (as a general rule).

You know that if you drink a six pack and eat a double pizza every evening, you're likely to have a double chin and a wider weight issue. Eat and drink sensibly and employ a reasonable exercise regime and it will definitely help you maintain a proper weight and keep the double chin at bay. I needn't say any more.

If you are eating (and drinking) sensibly and have good posture and the double chin is being persistent, then perhaps try some specific exercises. If you go to the Get Rid Of The Double Chin (see link at the end of this article) web site, there are some videos to help you.

Your genes may also be an element, like they are with me, my chin is the first place I discover any weight gain. I need to work actually pretty hard to maintain a tight jawline and chin.

Unfortunately you cannot change your DNA - that's the way it is I. afraid.. The genes you get at birth are all you get and you need to make do. The Danes have an amazing saying..."you can only piss by the cock you're given". I love that saying, it does make me snigger and sums it up nicely if just a little rudely!

So, if you are genetically inclined towards a double chin, it's important to make the very best of what you have. That means a combination of good posture, a proper diet and a sensible exercise program. They will all help. Of course, no matter what your scenario, it's best not to let yourself get a double chin in the first place! As always, prevention is better (and less painful) than cure.

Let's talk about cosmetic surgery - Don't even consider it!

First up, it is massively expensive. Secondly, in my view it leads to the slippery slope of one surgery after another. Thirdly, if you ask me, it just does not look right either - sorry. Just have a look at a few of the results you see on some personalities. I have no doubt whatsoever, it's the reason it's known as "plastic surgery". Far better a natural "remedy".

O.K, that's it and I hope I have been able to provide you with some useful pointers on how to get rid of the double chin.

For more information on how to get rid of the double chin, click the link. You might also like to go to this link for some double chin exercises.

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No Sweat Tips on How to Stop Sweaty Hands

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Do you have those clammy, sweaty hands even though you're not nervous at all? Having sweaty hands can really be frustrating because you won't be able to properly interact with people, especially those who are most dear to you. This is also a no-no in the professional world, particularly if you are always meeting new people d eventually having to shake their hands. Just imagine how awkward that would be. Sweaty hands is a medical condition referred to as hyperhidrosis. But you don't have to hesitate anymore for there are solutions to it. Now, you'd be able to hold your partner's hands without worrying. There are actually natural remedies that you can use to be able to stop your hands from sweating too much.

Here are some of them:
Be more conscious of your diet by limiting your intake of foods that contain iodine like onions, liver, broccoli, beef asparagus and turkey.You can also make use of tea, as it is considered a natural anti-perspirant because it contains tannin acid which is proven to reduce sweating. Try to soak your hands in a tea for 15 minutes for four times every day.Be more selective as to what food you eat-- try to include whole grains in your diet for they are good sources of fiber and vitamin B, for they are essential minerals needed to remove various toxins in the body.Remember that nothing beats eating healthy. So, see to it that you eat fresh fruits before each meal. You should also include vegetables in your daily menu.Try to reduce your caffeine intake of drinks and beverages such as coffee because it only causes anxiety, which can actually trigger excessive sweating.Lastly, when all else fails, you can always try acupuncture. It balances the energy in your body as well as help your brain to relax. Most importantly, it targets the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that is related to temperature control.

Holding sweaty hands can really feel awkward and uneasy. So, if you have those clammy hands that make you anxious and apprehensive about holding someone else hands, perhaps it's already the right time for you to include a healthier diet to your lifestyle. Try the different alternative methods that could help you stop the excessive sweating of your hands. Keep it cool and simple by following these easy tips on how you'd be able to do just that. Have soft and dry hands that people will wish to have and hold.

Rafaelle M. Paras is a freelance writer for several health and wellness companies in the Philippines. You may read more of her articles on health at Philippines Children's Hospital.

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6 Easy Ways to Jump Out of Bed Every Morning

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When your alarm sounds in the morning, do you wake up right away? Or do you find yourself hitting the snooze button to get just that bit extra amount of sleep?

I used to find it incredibly hard to wake up each morning. Most days I would debate in my mind whether it was really worth getting out of my nice, warm, comfortable bed to get ready for work or if I should sleep in and find out if I could pull off just 1 more sick day.

So what's changed?

A lot actually.

I no longer dread getting up in the morning. My body and mind is now conditioned to burst out of bed each morning.

1. The Alarm Clock Method

When the sound of our alarm clock abruptly wakes us up each morning we can't help but hit the snooze button and go back to sleep, even if it is only for a few more minutes.

Instead of placing your alarm clock on your bedside table making it easy to switch off, start placing it further away so you have to get out of bed to switch it off. Getting out of bed is near impossible some days but if we are forced to get out of bed then the hard part is done and we can get on with our day.

2. Live With Purpose

We find it so hard to get out of bed in the morning because we would much rather sleep in than go to work.

We all need to feel as if we are doing something worthwhile with our day. Everyone needs a purpose.

We must wake up and look at each day as providing the perfect opportunity to take another step towards reaching our goals. We can't waste it by sleeping.

We need to know what we are living for each day.

3. Wake Up to the Sound of Music

I love waking up to the sound of happy, uplifting music in the morning. It starts my day off on the right track. If you listen to happy music every morning, you will condition your mind to associate getting out of bed with happy feelings.

Instead of that annoying beeping sound that wakes you up every morning, set your alarm to play your favourite uplifting song.

4. Go to Bed & Wake Up At the Same Time

Everyone has heard this of this tip, and for good reason too; it works. Every single day (yes, that includes weekends!), go to bed and wake up at the same time. You can teach your body to do almost anything on cue if you do it for long enough.

Research says that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So within 3 short weeks if you stick to this tip you will find yourself getting out of bed every day with ease.

Even if you find yourself only being able to get 2 hours of sleep one night, your body will still have no trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

5. Plan Ahead

If you know you have to do something at a certain time then you have no choice but to get out of bed. "I have to be up for work every morning though," you may cry. This is true, but most of us don't look forward to work.

When I say plan ahead, I mean before you go to bed plan what YOU want to do the next day. Not only is planning one of the most best ways to achieve your goals but it ensures that you get the most out of your day by maximising productivity.

6. Do What You Love

You have to have some "Me" time every morning. If you don't set some time aside for yourself every morning you will discover that you only wake up each day to get ready for work.

Find something you love to do and do it every morning. Personally, I love to meditate or play the guitar in the morning. Some people like reading or working out. This is specific to you as you know which activities you enjoy.

All of a sudden you will find that you can't wait to get out of bed in the morning.

If you enjoyed this article then visit The Zen Approach for more interesting articles.

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Top 8 Ways to Acquire a Flat Stomach

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What do celebrities such as Mario Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Lopez, and Gabrielle Union all have in common? It's not the number of hit movies they have under their belt, or how much money they make per movie. It's that they all have lean, sexy, and defined stomachs! They have the treasured flat abdomens that you want so bad but don't know what to do to get it. That's where I come in. I am going to give you some tips on how to get that much treasured washboard stomach.

1. Consume low-GI foods. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, poultry, and fish. Whole grains should be consumed in moderation as they are calorie dense.

2. Drink plenty of water. Also decrease liquid calories, such as fruit juices and other high-sugar beverages such as colas, sports drinks, and energy drinks.

3. Don't skip meals. Consuming 5-6 small meals per day will keep blood sugar levels stabilized and decrease unwanted sugar cravings while controlling metabolism.

4. You must resistance train. Your body needs muscle to burn fat. Also, resistance training will increase growth hormone, a powerful fat-burning hormone.

5. Sleep 7-9 hours per night. Proper amounts of sleep keep hormones such as cortisol and ghrelin from spiking which are culprits in abdominal fat and weight gain. Also, growth hormone levels peaks at night while you're asleep.

6. Perform 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day. A mix of steady-state and interval training throughout the week will help you to burn more total calories.

7. Stay active throughout the day. Working out at the gym for an hour then sitting for the rest of the day will not get you the washboard stomach that you want so badly. Increase your physical activity levels outside of the gym by performing housework or yard work; playing with your children; or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.

8. Last but not least, you must perform appropriate abdominal work. Plank variations, dead bug variations, reverse crunches, and other stabilization-type exercises work best at conditioning all of the abdominal muscles. Remember to stretch your hip flexors as well. When they are tight, they pull your pelvis forward, stretching your abdominal muscles and making them weak.

Follow these tips, and they will put you one step further to reaching your dream of having what many of the celebrities have-a flat, defined abdomen!

Pamela Brown,
Personal Trainer and Fitness Consultant,

Pamela Brown is a personal trainer and consultant in Huntsville, AL. She received her Master's degree in Human Performance Studies from the University of Alabama in 2009, She also has personal training certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the American Association of Health, Fitness, and Rehab Professionals. She creates and implements exercise programs for individuals with musculoskeletal, metabolic, and cardiac conditions on a daily basis. Her website,, is dedicated to providing free health, fitness, and nutrition advice for those who want to lose weight, enhance their quality of life, or recover from injury.

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5 Quick Facts About Bloodborne Pathogens

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Bloodborne pathogens are disease-causing bacteria and viruses that are present in the blood and body fluids of the infected. These infected fluids, in case of exposure, are capable of causing fatal diseases like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV in healthy human beings.

For the prevention of the diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States Department of Health has come up with a set of rules or standards. These standards apply to all those people who are required to work with human body fluids directly or may be in contact with the body fluids indirectly. Here is a list of 5 facts about bloodborne pathogens, which can help you keep yourself, your family and coworkers safe.

• Bloodborne pathogens may spread through direct/indirect contact or droplet transmission. When the infected body fluid enters the healthy body through wounds or cuts or other gateways, it is called the direct transmission. Indirect transmission is when the object or equipment infected with deadly blood or fluids is used by a healthy person and the pathogens enter the body. Droplet transmission is when the healthy person inhales the droplets from the sneeze or cough of the infected person.

• Bloodborne pathogens spread in very favorable conditions. The unhealthy fluids contain some very deadly disease-causing bacteria and viruses, in a fairly good quantity. For the person being infected, if he is susceptible to the pathogens, he will definitely be infected. The pathogen also needs to enter the body through the correct site. Entry into the body or the blood stream triggers the infection, not mere touching.

• Those working with blood and body fluids need to be trained. Care has to be taken by the people who handle blood and body fluids on daily basis. The professionals working in the healthcare industry, doctors, physicians, nurses, paramedics and laboratory personnel are trained to handle the fluids. All others who may be in contact with the body fluids like the janitors and workers in the hospitals are also required to be trained to handle them.

• Bloodborne pathogen infections can be prevented. With care on the part of those who work in the healthcare industry and others who may be in contact with human body fluids, the infections caused by bloodborne pathogens can be easily prevented. As per the OSHA guidelines, the professionals have to practice the 'universal precautions'. The universal precautions are a set of rules that assume that all blood and body material is infected. Working on this assumption, the professional are required to take precautions to keep themselves free of infections.

• Exposure control procedures need to be in place in case of accidental exposure. In spite of all precautions taken, there may sometimes be lapses, for which the staff should always be prepared. The exposure control is divided into engineering control and the workplace control.

With the proper precautions and care, the transmission of the blood borne pathogens can be avoided and the diseases can be prevented. Care has to be taken by all those in the healthcare industry to keep themselves safe first.

For more information, please visit our bloodborne pathogen website.

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Having Digestive Issues? - You Need To Eat Healthier

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There are all kinds of foodstuffs that can be extremely detrimental for your digestive system. These include foods containing a lot of fat, fast foods, processed food items, and many other. Eating the wrong way can result in constipation, heartburn, feeling bloated, and additional digestion related symptoms.

Improving food digestion stokes the metabolism and enables your system to free itself of toxins and wastes. The most essential factors in digestive health are a healthy diet and appropriate food combinations.

The fiber found in complex carbs, fruits, and vegetables is essential for good digestion. Without it, the digestive system does not convert the food you eat to a beneficial form. You no longer take in nutrients efficiently which weakens the immune system.

Fiber helps to move waste through the body quickly, increases the bulk of feces, and purifies the system. Relying on refined foods impairs food digestion, which can cause chronic fatigue, bloating, gas, IBS, diverticulosis, ulcers, Chron's condition, constipation, allergies, heartburn, chronic conditions, weight gain, brittle hair and nails, and more.

Ingesting lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain keeps your intestines in a good shape which in turn helps your system to absorb all important nutrients easier.

Other foodstuffs that are useful for your food digestion are those that include "good" bacteria. These microorganisms increase the production of molecules that are valuable in soaking up important nutrients.

This kind of foods are called probiotic food items and they include yogurt, sauerkraut, cottage cheese along with lots of others. On the other hand, foods that help to feed the "good" bacteria already in your system are called prebiotic foods. These include, for instance, oatmeal, bananas, and honey.

People who drink a sufficient quantity of water usually tend to have healthier digestive systems. This is since water serves as a lubricant to help waste move through the system more rapidly. It additionally dissolves vitamins and minerals so that they are simpler to soak up.

Foods with high amounts of oils and saturated fats have the opposite effect. They will significantly weaken the digestion of foods in your system.

It also matters which kinds of food items you consume together. Certain combinations can be very undesirable while others are actually beneficial. There are some diet programs, such as great taste no pain system, that can help you to find the right combinations.

The whole system of appropriate food combination, doesn't imply getting rid of every appetizing meal from your diet. Instead, appropriate digestion is obtained by classifying foods into groups according to how the body breaks them down.

Foods that rely on alkaline digestion enzymes for absorption and elimination shouldn't be paired with foods that need strong acids, like hydrochloric acid, for digestion. All foods can be consumed, just not in the same dinner.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet and the appropriate combination of food items can strengthen food digestion and eliminate numerous unpleasant, chronic problems. There is no need to depend on medication, surgery, or even supplements.

In conclusion, your diet is the most essential element in digestive health and wellness. Just some easy lifestyle modifications can be extremely beneficial in lifting your mood and well-being.

Great Taste No Pain system is a diet deal that educates you exactly how to combine food items the healthiest way possible. If you want to get rid of severe constipation and other digestion concerns, you may want to consider this system.

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Importance of Flu Vaccinations

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With new strains of flu developing all the time, medical science does not promise that getting vaccinated against known flu types will guarantee your protection - but flu shots are often recommended for reducing your risk of catching these viruses.

The flu vaccinations offered by your local clinic or health centre will be specially designed to combat the most common strains of flu currently in circulation, or that are predicted to be contracted by more people during the winter season. In recent years, flu shots offered protection against the H1N1 pandemic, commonly known as swine flu, in addition to other common influenza viruses.

If you have ever suffered from flu, you will be familiar with the discomfort and health risks associated with the condition, which affects people in different ways but can be very serious in some cases, especially when contracted by young children or elderly people. If you are pregnant, or have medical conditions such as asthma, cerebral palsy or epilepsy, flu protection can be especially important. To ensure the best possible protection, many clinics recommend that everyone over the age of six months is vaccinated annually against new and returning influenza strains, which may not be covered by your previous vaccinations.

When you get flu vaccinations, your body will be injected with a small sample of the virus that will cause your immune system to produce antibodies and fight the infection. These antibodies will remain in your system and offer long term protection against this type of influenza for up to a year, though levels of antibodies begin declining after six months.

The flu contained in the vaccination is inactivated and composed of killed virus, so vaccinations do not put your health at risk. There can be exceptions however, and it's often not advised that you get a flu shot if you have previously had bad reactions to other types of vaccines or have a fever on the day of your vaccination. Some types of allergies may also prevent you from being vaccinated, such as an allergy to chicken eggs.

If you have a phobia of needles, or wish to investigate alternative methods of immunisation, your clinic may offer a nasal spray vaccine, which causes an immune reaction in your nose and airways. Unlike the inactive virus contained in vaccinations, the nasal spray flu content is live and in some cases can be transmitted to other people, though it does not give flu to recipients themselves.

The author of this article about flu vaccinations is a part of a digital marketing agency that works with brands like Bupa. The views and opinions expressed within this article belong to the writer and any reference or summary of Bupa Health Information Factsheets or product information is that of the writers and does not represent Bupa or the information contained within the Bupa website. The contents of this article are of a general nature only and do not constitute specific advice.  This article does not take into account your circumstances or needs and must not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice.

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Bringing Together Whey Protein And Your Fitness Workout Programs

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When I take on a new customer and we put together solid fitness workout programs to help them actualize their goals, the next thing I ask for is to email me their daily diet plan. More times than not, I see a shortage of protein being consumed in their diet programs. If you are one of those folks who find it hard to get additional protein in your diet to help feed the muscles you're trying to amplify on your workout program, I highly suggest you look into supplementing with a protein powder. Let's take a look at whey protein, one of my favourites that I feed on a daily basis.

How much protein should you be absorbing daily?

The rule of thumb is to multiply 1.5 x your bodyweight. So let's say you weight 150 pounds. This means you should be absorbing 225 grams of protein spread over six daily meals. Just as important as it is to absorb the right amount of protein daily, it's also as important to not consume too much. It can overload your kidneys/liver causing failure which is very grave.

Neither should you try to eat less than 6 meals a day as that affects your insulin levels which affects your weight loss goals. If you're falling short of your daily protein requirements, talk to a supplement professional about which one is best suited for your body. If you agree to choose whey, source out a trustworthy brand, preferably one that is hormone/antibiotic-free.

When is the most fitting time to supplement with a protein shake?

Most would say post workout, especially if it was a high intensity. Your body has been pushed to its limits and in need of solid nutrition/protein to help fix the wears and tears. It's also more easily consumed into your muscle cells after your fitness exercises. Having said that there has also been studies shown that consuming it pre-workout can help in preserving the muscle tissues, which can break down during your workout. I personally find that consuming a shake or food before I workout can lead me to feeling dizziness, therefore I like to enjoy it at the end. Having a protein powder on hand that mixes freely with water allows you to access it from wherever you are. Shake, drink and go!

Main point, if you're dedicated to a training regime, you owe your diet the same level of attention. Supplements can help you get there if your diet is lacking.

If you're someone who wants to know more about diet programs or how to combine some great fitness workout programs into your daily life, then is for you. We can introduce you to a great workout plan with a healthy nutritious diet to go with it. Learn from the pros who train the pros.

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Have You Decided to Give Up Coffee? Try These Alternatives

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Have you finally decided to give up coffee because you are worried about your blood pressure, disrupted sleep patterns, or other health concerns?

If you, like up to 20% of the population in the Western world, have IBS, you have probably learned that coffee is a trigger. Surprisingly, decaffeinated coffee is also a trigger. It is not just the caffeine that stimulates your gut. Coffee contains an enzyme that irritates the digestive tract.

You love the flavor and the entire coffee experience - but you know that coffee is not agreeing with you.

The decision has been made... but you miss that early morning experience... the warm, rich flavor, texture, and aroma... the way it feels as it caresses your tongue and glides down your throat.

Coffee substitutes might be the answer for you.

Grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits form the basis for many coffee-like beverages. They may be roasted, steeped, or boiled to extract the substances that are used to produce a final dried product that you mix with hot water or prepare like regular ground coffee.

Here are a few substitutes that might be worth trying.

Caf-Lib Original Blend Caffeine-Free Grain Beverage

Caf-Lib is an instant coffee alternative extracted from roasted malt barley, roasted barley, and roasted chicory. It is 100% all natural with no caffeine, sugar, chemicals, or preservatives. It looks and tastes much like coffee without some of coffee's disagreeable side effects.

Pero Caffeine-Free Instant Natural Beverage

Pero, a product of Switzerland, is made from malted barley, barley, chicory, and rye, with no added ingredients. It is very low in acidity and has a coffee-like taste.

Teeccino Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee

Teeccino coffee substitutes are rich in inulin, a soluble fiber from chicory root that helps to improve digestion/elimination and increase the absorption of calcium and minerals. It is nonacidic and high in heart-healthy potassium. Teeccino is available in several flavors.

Dandy Blend Instant Grain Caffeine-Free Coffee Beverage

Dandy Blend is macrobiotic, vegan, and gluten-free with no acidity or bitterness. It features the health benefits of dandelion and the rich, full-bodied flavor, smoothness, and texture of real coffee.

Cafix All Natural Caffeine-Free Instant Beverage

Cafix coffee substitute gets its rich flavor from a healthful blend of all natural ingredients... nothing artificial. Ingredients include malted barley, barley, chicory, figs, and beet roots.

Cafe Orzo Organic Italian Caffeine-Free Alternative

Cafe Orzo is made from organic roasted barley. Brew it the way you would coffee - in your drip coffee machine, a drip filter, or in a French press. It is a smooth, nutty drink with a rich flavor.

Crio Bru Vega Real

Vega Real is premium roasted cocoa with natural hints of red berries and dark spice. The earthy-toned beans are harvested at the peak of freshness and then crafted to reveal a luxurious, complex flavor that hints of red berries and dark spice with a cocoa aroma. Making Crio Bru is easy, whether in a coffee maker or French press. The brew is reported as delicious, especially when you add a little sweetener or creamer.

Note: cocoa beans contain small amounts of caffeine. If you are caffeine- or chocolate- sensitive, this may not be the beverage for you.

Natural Touch Kaffree Roma Caffeine-Free Coffee Substitute

Kaffree Roma Roasted Grain Beverage is delicious and satisfying. It is made from roasted malt barley with a touch of chicory. Enjoy the robust, full-bodied taste of coffee without the caffeine, tannic acids, or coffee beans.

Kathy Steinemann is an author and article writer with many years of experience. If you have IBS or IBD, or are just trying to increase fiber in your diet, be sure to check her book, IBS-IBD Fiber Charts: Soluble and Insoluble Fibre Data for over 250 Items, Including Links to Internet Resources.

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Monophobia and Its Links to Agoraphobia and Other Anxiety Disorders

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Monophobia in an acute fear of being alone or in a place that is not familiar. In many cases, the fear of being left alone revolves around a single individual or small group of individuals. If you remove these individuals, the results are increased anxiety and nervousness. Eventually this can escalate into full panic attacks.

However, because of the nature of the disorder, many people do not even realize they have it until a major lifestyle change, such as a relocation or death in the family, occurs. Unfortunately, at this point, the rational, logical side of thinking has been replaced in large part by panic attacks and fears that can make diagnosing and progressing with the disorder particularly difficult.

Recent studies have helped to shed new light for many people affected by monophobia. These studies suggest that many social anxieties, such as monophobia tend to occur in clusters. For example, it is common for someone with monophobia to also experience symptoms of agoraphobia and general social anxiety disorders. By establishing a firm link between the disorders, doctors and loved ones have a greater chance of detecting symptoms, habits and behaviors that show tendencies towards these orders.

This can be crucial in effective treatment and management of monophobia or agoraphobia. As with many phobias, if a fear or irrational thought is allowed to take root and become a part of a person's daily lifestyle, it can be much more difficult to treat. This results in increased treatment times, increased stress and more effort to return to a standard quality of life and daily routine.

Two of the leading treatments for monophobia are cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. In many cases, combinations of the two therapies are used to achieve results. In cognitive behavioral therapy most often involves talking about thoughts, feelings and symptoms related to monophobia and providing sufferers methods of managing anxiety and suppressing fears and uncomfortable emotions. In many cases, just as an irrational fear can be learned, it can be unlearned through repeated logical analysis of the situation.

Once these methods are learned, exposure therapy is used to solidify the process. By exposing the patient to uncomfortable situations, such as removing their source of comfort, and coaching them through managing the anxiety as it occurs, patients can learn real ways of coping with fears and anxieties and help to overcome them. By repeated exposure to a stimulus and a controlled response, the patient often can come to terms with the nature of the fear and live a healthy, normal life.

Monophobia is an increasingly common anxiety disorder that affects countless people from around the world. However, with proper treatment and management, you or your loved one can overcome your fear of being alone.

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Why You Are Having Blue Poop?

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As a matter of fact, blue color as your poop is something extremely uncommon when it comes to poop color, and it is not precisely impossible for blue colored poop to occur. Depending on your situation as well as condition, the reasons may vary in this regard. However, most of the times the reasons are normally related to the consumption of something you had earlier to the specific bowel movement. Sadly though, there are also some specific diseases that could be an outcome for the bluish greenish shade of the poop. The good news here is that if your poop is only blue in color without being greenish in any way, then it is not at all associated with any kind of disease.

What Causes Your Poop To Turn Blue?

- Prussian blue - It happens to be one of the established reasons when it comes to the occurrence of blue poop and it is because of the indirect consumption of several pigments and Prussian blue turns out to be one the pigments. The pigment of Prussian blue is also being utilized in capsules to treat patients who are suffering from the problem of thallium poisoning, cesium poisoning or radiation poisoning. Chemically, it has been regarded as a dye, and all such patients who have been provided with considerably a high dosage of this capsule may excrete blue shaded poop until the entire pigment is out of their system.

- Artificial Dyes in Drink And Food Items - Edible dyes happens to be one of the most common reasons when it comes to the occurrence of blue poop as in the present times there are a large number of drinks and food items that are available with these dyes as their vital ingredient. Some of the most commonly consumed items that lead to blue colored stool include ice-cream, colored candy, blue curaçao, grape soda, Kool Aid and many others.

- Baby Formulas - Babies and infants are very well known for excreting poops of different shades and in most of the scenarios, it is nothing to be worried about. If your baby has been excreting blue poop, it is generally the outcome of the baby formula that you have been feeding the baby with.

- Consuming Inedible Colors - Mentally challenged individuals as well as small kinds may at time consume colored items such as crayons, glitters or colors that could be another vital reason behind the appearance of blue poop.

Author is an established writer and expert in the computer and tech niche, currently writing on topics like blue poop. Visit to read more information.

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All About Gynostemma

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Although not a lot of people are familiar with the gynostemma, it represents one of the most beneficial herbs that they can consume. It is found in the southern parts of China, Northern Korea, Vietnam and Japan and belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, the same as cucumbers and melons. However, unlike melons and cucumbers this magnificent herb does not bear fruit but seeds when both male and female plants are grown together. It is a climbing vine recognizable by its serrated leaves, which usually grow in the group of five, although there are some species with three or seven leaves in a group. As it is a vine, it uses tendrils to attach itself. There are about 30 species of this plant.

Because of its sweet taste, at first people wanted to use it as a sweetener. On their way of studying the herb, they discovered that it had similar chemical components (saponims) to ginseng and started referring to it as a 'southern ginseng'. The other name for gynostemma is Jiaogulan, while the people, living in the southern parts of China who have been using it for the longest, refer to it as an 'immortality herb'. It is a name well deserved because of its many therapeutic characteristics and medical usages.

The root and the aerial part of the plant are the ones used in medicine. Being rich in antioxidants, this extraordinary herb is excellent for improving the immune system, starting with lowering blood pressure and LHD cholesterol (that is, the bad cholesterol), to helping with cardiovascular illnesses. It is also packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Some studies have shown that gynostemma is highly beneficial in inhibiting different kinds of cancer and slowing down the aging process as well.

However, there are some minor side effects found when using this herb. Small percent of the users have reported feeling nausea after the intake of gynostemma. So far, these are the only side effects reported, as there are not enough researches conducted on this herb. Because of the lack of the researches, it is not recommended to pregnant women or those who are breast-feeding and small children under the age of three.

In China it is primarily used in the form of tea whereas in the other parts of the world this gynostemma powders and extracts have become quite popular. The most difficult product of gynostemma to find is when it is in its raw form.

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Thermal Regulation, Protective Apparel and Heat Stress - The Exogenous Factor

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Whether it's today's chemical, biological agent scare or tomorrow's first responder call, firefighters are among the chosen few who continually play Russian Roulette with their health each time they don their hazardous material suit or turnout gear and head into disaster. Each year governing committees amend standards to improve protective equipment. Yet, in spite of these good intentions, protective fabrics place an immeasurable health risk on the human body. As enigmatic as the term "heat stress" is, so is a "cure-all" solution.

Firefighters, EMTs and other first responders are well versed on the facts and remedies of the minor heat illness occurrences... heat rash, heat cramps, tetany (painful muscle spasms caused by faulty calcium metabolism or diminished parathyroid function), heat syncope (fainting) and heat exhaustion. But, it's the obscure damage that one serious heat related incident as heat stroke can cause that is shrouded in obscurity. In a 1995 Occupational Medicine article, the Cancer Registry of Norway reported a correlation between the incidence of kidney cancer and both exposure and cumulative exposure to working in hot environments and volatiles some 20 to 35 years before observation. The main findings of this study revealed heat stress and kidney cancer in the group with at least three years of total employment. A quote from this study stated, "increased risk of kidney cancer has been reported from previous studies of workers in aluminum smelters and other hot environments such as foundries and coke ovens".

Studies published in the American Journal of Medicine suggest that Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and a variety of other critical conditions associated with ARDS are also linked to heat stroke. Recently, the Center for Disease Control revealed astounding facts about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) that resembles the chronic effects of an individual who survives heat stroke, but it doesn't end there. Medical research hints a correlation between continual exposure of heat to the body that forces the individual to near exhaustion usually results in mild to serious physiologic and neurologic aftereffects. Typically described as exhaustion and poor stamina, the underlying factor in both a severe heat illness and CFS is their pathology involving our body's cellular energy "storehouse".

Research cannot well define the dysfunction of our body's immune system when it is broached by a disruption caused by severe heat. It does, however, intimate that as our body experiences this severe disruption, our natural killer cells that fight viruses can be suppressed or deficient, compromising our immune system. Commonalities discovered between CFS and sequelae (the medical term for recurrent complications frequently noticed in individuals who recover from a severe heat illness) are:
-overall muscle discomfort, flaccid muscles, headaches and weakness
-sleep disturbances or hypersomnolence (requiring excessive sleep hours and naps)
-spatial disorientation, light headedness and dyslogia (speech impairment, reasoning, memory loss
and/or the ability to concentrate)
-chills and night sweats (a thermoregulatory problem)
-skin sensitivity and sensitivity to heat and cold
-irregular heart beat and recurrent chest and/or abdominal pain
-lowered tolerance to alcohol, irritable bowel and/or diarrhea
-weight fluctuation and menstrual cycle disruption

Our bodies are truly a complex chemical, electrical and biological organism. In the early stages of a severe heat illness, at the cellular level, tremendous hyperactivity and abnormalities are taking place. Excessive heat exposure radically denatures proteins, lipoproteins and phospholipids; it liquifies membranes and provokes electrolyte abnormalities that ultimately leads to cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ failure and finally death. Lipids (one of the principal structural materials of living cells) are transported by the lipoproteins throughout the blood, so disruption of our cells is most definitely not a good thing. As we destroy the lipo-proteins that sheath the myelin in the neurotransmitters (nerve fibers), we impair our communication central processing system. Potassium is essential for muscular contraction and function of the heart, skeletal and smooth internal organ muscles, as well as the osmotic pressure and ionic electrical balance. As heat stress persists, potassium levels peak and wane as muscle damage occurs. As these minerals work together to facilitate one another, abnormal levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphates could become significant enough to cause hypertension (persistent high blood pressure), cardiac arrhythmias or tachycardia (irregular or elevated heart rate) or be the precursor to mild stroke and require immediate treatment.

As our electrolytes become imbalanced, the onset of vomiting and diarrhea can occur. If excess sweating has occurred, the level of sodium usually measures high unless plenty of water without sodium replenishment was previously ingested. Sodium helps maintain osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid, gastrointestinal absorption of certain sugars and proteins, cell permeability and muscle function. Liver damage is a consistent finding and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is very common and may be incited by liver failure.

Hemodynamic reports (the study of the forces involved in blood circulation) reveal in severe dehydration cases, abnormal coagulation occurs altering amino acids and causes cerebral edema (excess fluid in the brain cells or tissues). Prolonged intravascular coagulation or loss of blood to the lungs incites damage to the lung tissues and may predispose people to develop pulmonary problems like ARDS. Once this occurs, individuals require more positive inhalation pressure via mechanical ventilation.

Serious heat damage to the body is often associated with endotoxemia (the presence of endotoxins in the blood and tissues) that form an integral part of the cell wall of certain bacteria and are released when the cell destructs. Blood hemorrhaging in the skin (red bumps) can occur followed by blood in the urine. As dehydration increases, the viscosity of the blood changes (from oxygen rich, easily perfused fluid to a sludge-like substance). Vascular tone and capacity, in turn, alter blood pressure and cardiac output. If left untreated, the heart becomes tired and quits. Neurologic complications vary from mental disorientation to delirium, unconsciousness, convulsions or a comatose state (displaying similar symptoms to that of sustaining a serious head injury). Those individuals may require tomography scans to determine the level of Central Nervous System (CNS) damage.

Nerve damage can be as subtle to recovering heat stroke victims as partial or permanent anhidrosis (cessation of sweating). From thereon, the individual's ability to maintain thermal equilibrium may be compromised, especially when faced with heat stress conditions. Irreparable damage to the body's heat-dissipating bodily mechanisms may be noted along with muscle coordination may be weak and affected in some or all quadrants of the body. One's equilibrium and hand-eye coordination may be off. In some cases, lack of nerve conductivity in the lower limbs may also be noted.

Neurologic disorders during the progression of heat related illnesses are further complicated by release of adrenaline (epinephrine- the most potent stimulant of our sympathetic nervous system). Adrenaline stress is extremely prevalent in high-risk occupations where tension, fear, anger, excitement and life threatening situations occur. Release of adrenaline changes the physiological responses and causes a magnitude of complex reactions including, but not limited to increased blood pressure, heart rate and force of blood vessel contraction, relaxation of bronchiolar and intestinal smooth muscles and other metabolic effects. According to John LoZito, Neurologist, a release of some adrenaline is good, but needless adrenaline incites hyperactivity akin to dropping a fuel drum on a bonfire further increasing susceptibility for more serious maladies: stroke, cardiac stress, etc.

Extreme dehydration causes retention of carcinogens and an imbalance of myoglobin (oxygen carrying proteins) in prominent organs like the bladder and colon. Progressive loss of fluid prevents diluting and flushing of these toxins, predisposes one for constipation and urinary tract infections, as well as bladder and colon cancer. Kidney stones may form more readily as calcium, uric acid and other substances become concentrated and form crystals due to fluid loss. Advanced heat stress damage incites sudden rhabdomolysis and intramuscular necrosis (destroying skeletal muscles and decay of muscle tissue also known as muscle wasting).

Researchers have long purported good fluid intake neutralizes the cavity causing acids, flushes away sugar and inhibits the microorganisms that cause gum disease and other oral hygiene problems. For individuals afflicted with asthma, drying of the nose membranes, throat and lung tissues presumably incite more asthma attacks than with hydrated tissues or humid weather. Dehydration, measuring as little as one percent of one's body weight in non-heat stress conditions can be the cause for headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps and the overall "blah" feeling. A net water loss of as little as four percent of one's body weight can cause blood pressure to plummet quickly. These and a host of other disorders make simple nausea and headaches just a walk in the park.

The typical information from organizations like the National Institute of Health, OSHA, NIOSH, CDC, Worksafe Australia and others do not reflect the pathophysiology of how heat stress affects our body at the cellular level. Medical science has just begun to unravel the baneful mysteries of bodily reaction to heat, unfortunately many times after the fact.

The Effects of Medication and Drugs:
The picture becomes more complicated when diet pills, diuretics, over-the-counter cold and flu remedies, and pain medication have been ingested on individuals succumbing to a heat stress illness. Antihistamines, decongestants and remedies containing alcohol act to dry up the mucous membranes and decrease sweat gland secretion, causing further dehydration. Caffeine and herbal stimulants incite the bladder and heart rate, while sleep aids can dull the senses and motor skills and can linger in the body for as long as 24 hours. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes, hypoglycemia or anemia and other undetected maladies (atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases) negatively alter the equation for maintaining thermal regulation. Age, malnutrition, impaired health, adiposity (excess body fat), prior fatigue, lack of proper sleep, or previous or repeated episodes of heat-related illnesses all play a vital role in predisposing individuals to the negative effects of heat stress. Individuals with a previous head injury or nerve damage, underactive thyroid, hypertension or smoke heavily are potentially more susceptible to heat stress.

During the past decade, I have collected data from innumerable sources: pathology and medical reports, insurance and government labor statistics, Department of Defense (DOD) and University sponsored epidemiological studies on Gulf War soldiers, and a myriad of information from institutes around the world. All have revealed astonishing facts. The most notable fact is best stated by my long-time mentor, John LoZito, Neurologist who tutored me for several years... "what heat stresses and negative pressures your body tolerates today are not necessarily the same levels that your bodily functioning mechanisms will tolerate tomorrow... or the day thereafter."

More than two decades ago, I was a small business owner. Every day I dressed in expensive clothing, sat behind an over-sized desk and dealt with the general public from a nice air-conditioned office. Each week I faithfully attended Rotary Club meetings and networked with other business associates at all the right social events. I was a member of the Better Business Council, taught a business course at a junior college and donated more than my share of hours of community service. And one night I changed from the dress ensembles to Levi's and tee-shirts and joined my soul mate in a research and development venture to solve heat stress problems for the U.S. Armed Forces. The project initially sounded reasonable. Create a passive means of keeping ground soldiers cool, especially in desert warfare conditions, without using electricity and encumbering mechanical devices like pumps and batteries that were prone to fail at critical times. The end result must be a man portable device with temperatures that would be tolerated by the body without negative physiologic reaction.

We examined a variety of patented devices, amassed data from previous test contingents - case studies on battlefield soldiers, firefighters, miners, roughnecks, helicopter pilots, off-shore powerboat and super bike motorcycle racers, and a host of other subjects who were required to wear protective apparel under normal work conditions, many while conducting high metabolic activity in high heat indexes. We evaluated numerous laboratory test results of a variety of ice / gel, evaporative, vortex and water circulative technologies. Aside from the usual shortcomings of too cold of temperature to allow heat abstraction from an exothermic body or mechanical devices that failed at critical times, we elected to explore exotherm type, constant temperature phase-change technology. Little did we realize what a huge undertaking this project would become. During the three and a half years of research and development, I was fortunate to have been tutored by some terrific medical doctors. I spent an inordinate amount of time in sports rehabilitation facilities like Alabama Sports Medicine (where athletes earning seven figures go for major surgery), HealthSouth, and Atlantic Orthopaedic. My thirst for knowledge on this subject was not limited to humans. I also visited armed forces working dog kennels and Churchill Downs horse track in an attempt to better understand optimum healing temperatures.

According to the United States Sports Academy the perfect temperature for optimum healing in prolonged cryotherapy for return to function is 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). Devices that could maintain that temperature would not cause negative physiologic reaction, vasoconstriction, soft tissue damage, cold shock or frostbite. Rather, this temperature also thwarted the onset of histamine production, swelling and fluid retention to the affected tissue. Hence, this lead to a starting point for understanding how to reduce heat stress in humans by first understanding of how our bodies reacted to temperature variation. Further, I learned about the negative affects/effects prolonged heat exposure has to individuals afflicted with heat intolerant diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Ichthyosis and other neurological and related skin disorders that thwart an individual's ability to sweat or regulate their temperature naturally.

Today's Achilles Heel:
The serious heat related ailment is described as either Classic or Exertional Heat Stroke (EHS). The latter, common among firefighters and people who conduct high metabolic activity, is highly morbid. Classic Heat Stroke (CHS) is common among sedentary or elderly people, obese, chronically ill, or individuals with advanced heart disease who are exposed to high ambient temperatures, but aren't necessarily exercising in this environment. On the other hand, EHS is accelerated when personal protective equipment (PPE) alters the equation of balancing heat gain against heat loss in an incubative environment like firefighting, mining, smelting etc. EHS victims can display the same acute symptoms of classic heat stroke, but many may continue to sweat. Terms like micro-environmental temperature zone (MTZ), moisture vapor transfer rate (MVTR), intense temperature differential (ITD), sweat fog, work tolerance time (WTT), and latent heat of vaporization all work in concert against you when wearing impermeable chemical suits, turnout gear and a variety of protective fabrics with little or no porosity. Synonymous with HazMat suits, MTZ is defined as the continual rise in the temperature of the latent heat trapped inside the encapsulated apparel when caloric activity occurs and vaporization of moisture is not attainable, creating a thermal burden-the rainforest effect.

A major chemical corporation and the University of Central Florida conducted a 90-day test in a laboratory on how garments interfered with the body's cooling mechanisms. Different garments in weight and porosity were worn by subjects walking on a treadmill until their core temperature reached 101 degrees F. The conclusions - simple cotton clothing can inhibit the MVTR by as much as 20 percent, while fire retardant clothing (contingent upon its porosity, denier weight, color and chemical additive) increases the thermal burden and decreases the MVTR. Researchers continually strive to increase safety while reducing health risks associated with the wearing of protective fabrics.

While testing on treadmills may result in good data in controlled environments, walking on a treadmill in controlled conditions does not emulate the exacting metabolic stress on the body when lifting heavy objects in real life situations, further complicated by wearing protective apparel. A study of threshold limit values in the workplace reveal that even wearing the lightest of garments, heat stress threshold action limits (where individuals core temperature rises to 38 degrees C before requiring treatment) are exceeded in most U.S. cities each summer. The heat wave of July 1999 (in the chemical valley) in Sarnia, Ontario lasted for several days. Two workers lost their lives due to heat stroke while wearing protective coveralls as required by their occupation. Both individuals were in their middle ages and had previous exposure to this type of environment throughout theirworking career.

Balancing heat stress while complying with safety regulations is a dual edged sword. In July of 1998, at the Dothan, Alabama Fire Academy training grounds, I measured the intense temperature differential inside ten firefighters HazMat suits conducting routine chemical spill exercises on a hot 96 degree F day with 82 percent relative humidity. The asphalt temperature averaged 126 degrees F at 0930 hours to 132 degrees F at 1200 hours. The average ITD measured at least 20 degrees warmer than normal skin temperature inside their suits, creating an incubative environment for heat stress.

I define incubative environments as surrounding temperatures that breed heat stress in confined areas where moving air to assist in sweat evaporation, shade and other cooling means are not attainable. One such test I conducted was with the shuttle rescue Black Hawk helicopter crew stationed at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. These pilots have little means of recirculating cool air while flying nap of the earth at low altitudes. They must wear fire retardant flight suits, further reducing the MVTR as well as a full head helmet, trapping more heat that the body's radiator wants to dissipate. I suspected it would be a highly incubative environment and was interested in determining the ITD these pilots might experience on a normal mission.

The helicopter faced south to gain maximum UV exposure for the six-hour test. At 0800, I placed a sunscreen in the window and a thermometer on the floor shaded from direct sun. At 0900 hours, I took a digital reading of the outside air temperature (OAT) as 92 degrees F. At 0900, the inside thermometer shaded from direct sun measured 99 degrees F. At 1300 hours, the shaded thermometer read 108 degrees F. I removed the sunscreen and moved the thermometer to the seat exposed to direct sun. At 1303 hours, three minutes after removal of the sunscreen, the thermometer measured 115 degrees F. At 1306 hours, the thermometer measured 129 degrees F. Later that afternoon, after 30 minutes of flying into direct sunlight at an altitude of 1000 feet, the sustained cockpit temperature measured 109 degrees F where the OAT at that altitude measured 94 degrees F.

A few years ago, I attended a special military conference held at the U.S. Marine Corps Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF) Headquarters at Indian Head, Maryland. The purpose of the conference was to acquaint the military with off-the-shelf solutions to the age-old problem of heat stress. Hence, I briefed key Marine Corps individuals about the most suitable solution- a myriad of HTF exotherm type cooling devices that had been scientifically proven to increase WTT by 22%, while maintaining normal body vitals, as possible solutions to heat stress for some in-field applications. After the bombing of Khobar towers in 1996, the joint armed forces employ more working canines on perimeter security patrol. Desert conditions pose an extreme health hazard to working dogs, as they do not have the bodily means to expel heat readily like humans. After a technology briefing and demonstration of the HTF exotherm technology, I was approached by an engineer from a company who was promoting their new ingestible, non-soluble "thermosensor" being tested by the Navy Seals. When swallowed, this device would directly transmit thermosensory information to the Corpsman when one's core temperature reached 39 degrees C.

The engineer purported that this device could be the answer to reducing heat stress in the field. So I asked him the proverbial question. "Let's say you're on a covert operation in Central America where the heat index averages 100 degrees F and higher. You're carrying only 40 pounds of weapons, radios and extra gear. You must keep your camouflage BDUs on for protection against insect bites, snakes and the like. The heat and humidity, coupled with simple walking in the jungle will increase your core temperature quickly, by one or more degrees. What will this thermosensor device accomplish if remedies can't be implemented the moment the alarm signals?" He replied that they conducted testing in a laboratory on treadmills. "Why the treadmill?" I asked. "Well, because it measures cardiovascular output."

In turn I asked, "have you ever watched a decon team wearing MOPP2/4 gear or JS-List Overgarments during a chem/bio warfare exercise lift the dead weight of an apparently unconscious 180 pound person lying on the ground and carry that individual to a decontamination tent some 40 yards away... and then do this hurriedly thirty or more times representing a bio-chemical agent incident?" Ah, no. "Are you aware of the exponential increase in metabolic energy required to lift an object versus just walking to increase one's heart rate?" Not really. "Do you know what bodily heat is trapped inside this chemical suit in a heat index of 95 degrees F when this individual is carrying people and breathing filtered air?" "No, but the sensor tells the individual to immediately hydrate." "Wouldn't he also have to be decontaminated first before breaking the veil and exposing himself to the environment which delays rehydrating?" He walked away in silence.

OSHA and other organizations purport utilizing measuring devices like Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) and other heat stress monitoring equipment as a good means of knowing the environment you're facing. However, WBGT and other devices cannot measure the decrement in mental and physical performance that results in a lower margin of safety and increased potential of errors of pilots and other personnel when placed in incubative situations. Just as each of us are unique as our DNA, so will our WTT vary from day to day and task to task, especially so when protective apparel and nonporous fabrics are introduced in the equation.

Aboard the submarine tender the U.S.S. Frank Cable, due to heat radiating off the engines and equipment in their boiler/engine rooms and adjacent operational rooms, the sustained room temperature averages 96 degrees F to 99 degrees F on most days. The safety director at Electric Boat, builders of the Wolf Class submarine, report that their welders, plumbers and electricians were the top three job classifications to report recurrent heat stress illnesses. They predominantly worked in confined spaces the size of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging tube wearing fire retardant coveralls. During industrial training week in July 1996 at Texas A&M Firefighting Academy, I gained great empathy for the firefighters from Canada that were not acclimated to Texas heat and humidity. All seven first aid tents were kept busy ferrying heat stress cases to a more suitable location for treatment.

During February of 1998, I conducted six heat stress awareness seminars around Australia beginning in Perth, working my way around the continent to Sydney. During that time, I was invited to tour the world's largest deep copper mine in northwestern Queensland, in the heart of the outback. Mount Isa Mine mines four minerals in close proximity - copper, silver, lead and zinc where approximately 35,000 tons of ore are produced daily in this labyrinth whose tunnels extend well in excess of 500 km and at a depth well over 1760 meters. After completing a medical questionnaire, I rode the double-decker lift with 180 workers to the primary sub-level for my briefing. The first oral instruction was to advise me that the best temperature, as good as it gets, averages 41 degrees C year-round.... the kind of environment that incubates heat related illnesses. The previous day, during my on-site heat stress seminar, MIM ventilation coordinator Tony Nixon, reported 28 heat stress casualties occurred during January, almost one per day. To better comprehend work tolerance time, environmental temperatures, air current and other workplace variables, I had to experience it for myself. Although MIM boasts 19 shafts, 14 dedicated to ventilation, the temperature of the air blowing in the shafts was slightly warmer than average skin temperature so excess heat gained by convection was inevitable.

Donned in high denier coveralls and 18 pounds of equipment, I set out to explore the darkness over one mile down. Accompanied by a safety coordinator, we walked and rode in transport vehicles to expose me to a multitude of work situations. Occasionally, I would put on the filter mask to avoid breathing diesel fumes and fine particulate dust. The temperature was unforgiving. Near the stoking areas, the radiant heat approached 60 degrees C. Workers averaged 12 to 15 minutes in this sector, returning red-faced, drenched in sweat, fatigued and dehydrated. Had I not been wearing the HTF exotherm cooling solution of the armed forces research project, I too would have succumbed to heat stress after over four and one-half hours in that environment.

The Physiological Benefits of HTF (Heat Transfer Formula Exotherm) Cooling:
Based on substantial medical research, the unique Heat Transfer Formula (HTF) temperature of 55 degrees F for specific use in personal body cooling has unequivocally proven its effectiveness in greatly reducing the symptoms and effects associated with heat related illnesses. Primarily, this optimum temperature does not cause vasoconstriction or the "thermal shock syndrome" generally felt when exposed to the cold temperatures of ice and gel. Thermogenesis (rapid heat production through shivering) is not incited when this optimum temperature is held in close contact (thermal communication) with the body. Rather, this temperature allows for quick acclimatization, accompanied by a comfortable cool sensation felt on the peripheral skin areas, further inducing heat abstraction from the torso.

First acting as a heat sink, this 55 degree F temperature abstracts excess body heat gained through metabolic activity and/or micro-environmental temperatures created when donning personal protective apparel. The blood carried throughout the peripheral vessels and surrounding soft tissues expel the latent heat and become cooler as more and more heat is abstracted from the surface area. Consequently, recirculating cooler blood back throughout the venous return thwarts additional concomitant hyperactivity among the body's vitals required to meet the demands of thermal regulation. As cooler blood continually irrigates the cardiovascular system, less metabolic energy is required, slowing the activity of essential body vitals (blood pressure, heart rate, pulmonary output of increased oxygen demands) as well as the latent heat of vaporization (sweating). As sweating wanes, cellular metabolic activity is reduced and less electrolyte fluids and precious minerals are forfeited resulting in a prolonged endurance factor. Since no vascular constriction is occurring, proper oxygen flow is maintained for optimum muscle function, brain activity and CNS functions.

Akin to the radiator of an engine, the optimum temperature of 55 degrees F is the cooler receptor absorbing heat from the medium closest in proximity (the human body). In this example, as the body's engine cools, less heat needs to be expelled and less stress is placed on the engine itself. Clearly, the engine and its ancillary bodily functions operate more smoothly. As more hyperactive heat is exacted by the body's cooling mechanisms when attaining thermal equilibrium, an individual's vigilance and senses remain more acute. Individuals can focus more clearly on the task at hand, not being physiologically and psychologically distracted by the uncomfortable reactions their body is experiencing as a result of trying to attain or maintain thermal equilibrium.

According to John LoZito, Neurologist, utilizing the optimum temperature of 55 degrees F in as a body management device "helps maintain the body's 'vitals'... the first technology I've seen to work in harmony with physiology to cool both the mind and body. I find this technology especially effective in high risk occupations where 'adrenaline stress' adds further negative pressures to the already stressed individual."

Former Miami Dolphins trainer, Dr. Gary Berns states, "this technology uses safe, comfortable temperatures that work in direct correlation to our body's physiological, neurological and metabolic systems. As the body cooling device absorbs the excess heat from the chest cavity or extremity, the blood flow begins to cool. As the blood cools, the sympathetic system slows down the metabolism. We then vasodilate and decrease the sympathetic outflow and turn our body into a more calm, relaxed state further reducing body vitals, i.e. blood pressure and heart rate etc. Cooling the blood flow at its source with a higher temperature medium keeps the body from adversely reacting - fighting vasoconstriction by pumping more blood through the arterial system."

To further substantiate the effectiveness of "optimum temperature" body cooling, the U. S. Air Force Operations Test & Evaluation Center (AFOTEC), now located at Kirtland AFB New Mexico, in conjunction with Alamo Medical Research Institute conducted an extensive 10-day instrumented evaluation of this HTF Exotherm type cooling device. This technology was studied to determine the utility of these one-of-a-kind Heat Transfer Formula Exotherm Type body cooling devices for sole source inclusion for procurement worldwide. Ten male firefighters with medical clearance for unrestricted duty from San Antonio, Texas volunteered to participate in this study. Laboratory testing was conducted to baseline test participants' physical condition to quantitatively evaluate the physiological benefits of wearing the HTF constant temperature body cooling vests in high heat, high exertion environments versus not wearing a body cooling device.

The end report compared the work tolerance time (WTT) findings of wearing the HTF exotherm cooling device versus not wearing any cooling device as stated below.

AFOTEC Conclusions:
-A 22% increase in the firefighter's work time (WTT) performance was noted.

-No significant change in core body temperatures, blood pressure or heart rates.

-Reduced recovery time for those who put the vest on after completing task.

-Test participants comfort levels were rated higher.

-Slower build up of core body temperature.

For more information on this technology visit and go to the Technology page. This technology is like no other in performance comparison or its omnipotent uses as a safe, eco-friendly thermal management solution for cooling or warming people, animals, objects or equipment. It is truly amazing how it works!

Kathryn Doherty is noted for her 20 years of research on heat stress and its baneful effects on humans and working canines. She has conducted heat stress seminars for the National Safety Council and around the world and continues to explore solutions and technology that affects our daily lives. She has published several articles on this subject that affects the health of individuals in today's workplace, especially focusing on the volatile industries mentioned throughout. She welcomes new technology and information.

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Why You Should Consider the Tortoise Approach to Getting Healthy

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AppId is over the quota

In this article I will explain why you should consider using the tortoise approach to getting healthy. I will explain what I mean by the tortoise approach. Then I will show you how this approach can be used to help you change your eating and exercise habits easily and permanently.

So what do I mean by the tortoise approach? Well, you've probably twigged that I'm referring to the story of the tortoise and the hare and how the tortoise wins by being slow and steady. The hare sets off at a fast pace but then stops and then when he gets going again it's too late. This is where I diverge from the story as I maintain that not only does the tortoise win the race but that the hare is unlikely to reach the finishing line.

So let me translate that into the context of getting fit and healthy so that you understand why I'm advocating that you use the tortoise approach. The hare is the person who, for example, decides to start an exercise programme, maybe following the latest celebrity fitness DVD, and really gives it their all for the first few days, maybe even a few weeks. But then your enthusiasm wanes and you begin to do it less often and/or for short periods until eventually you stop altogether. This can happen because of the everyday challenges of life like having to work extra hours to meet a deadline at work or you get ill or you just don't enjoy it and can't force yourself to keep going. Either way you feel bad, guilty even but the thought of pushing yourself to get back into it is not appealing and so you find reasons not to do so until the pain of being unfit gets so extreme that you start this process again.

Now let's look at the tortoise. The tortoise, in contrast, is the person who commits to a long term programme, indeed a lifelong programme, of slowly, gently, gradually building up their fitness level, maintaining it and adjusting it to fit the changing circumstances of their life. They start with a small, easily achieveable step of, for example, a 5 minute walk every day and each week increase the time and/or the speed of their walk until they reach the level of fitness they are aiming for. Then they focus on maintaining that level until it has become a natural and automatic part of their life. They feel good about themselves from day 1 and almost effortlessly transform their health once and for all.

Which route to health sounds more appealing to you?

By the way do you want more information about getting healthy if so download my brand new free ebook, Dawn's Top 7 Myths of Health and Weight Loss here:

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The RICE Principle for Soft Tissue Injury

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AppId is over the quota

What is the RICE principle for a soft tissue injury?

Strains and sprains can be very painful, but the pain doesn't always show up immediately following an injury. It is common for 1st or 2nd degree injuries to become more painful the day following when inflammation sets in and the area becomes stiff. Whether you feel immediate pain or not, the following steps should be taken to decrease the amount of pain and inflammation that will occur in the first 72 hours of injury. This will also help to limit the amount of scar tissue build up during the second stage of the healing process.

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

REST. This is especially important for lower body injuries such as ankle sprains. Keeping weight off the injured area will ensure no further damage to the already compromised tissue.

ICE. Ice is extremely important to control the amount of inflammation (swelling) that occurs to heal a soft tissue injury. Inflammation is necessary for the healing process, but too much inflammation will cause excess scar tissue and increase healing time. Ice should be applied to the injury for 10-15 minutes every few hours for up to 72 hours after the incident. Ice is the main pain reliever of RICE, some suggest you reapply as soon as the skin rewarms. Do not leave ice on the skin for more than 15 minutes as this can lead to frostbite.

COMPRESSION. Compression is also a useful tool to help limit swelling. It's as simple as using an ACE bandage or tensor to wrap the injury such as ankle or wrist. Be cautious not to cut off circulation into toes or fingers.

ELEVATION. As much as possible keep the injury higher than your heart, especially at night. This will promote circulation in the proper direction to help control swelling.

MASSAGE. The RICE principle uses 4 different methods to help decrease inflammation and manage pain in the first stage (72 hours) of a soft tissue injury. These same 2 properties are also major components of massage. Not only can massage promote the healing process but it is also useful in the second stage of soft tissue injury, which lasts from 72 hours up to 6 weeks. Once the initial pain and swelling has decreased, scar tissue begins to build up and range of motion is often decreased. Massage in the second stage of healing will help to limit and breakdown excess scar tissue. Enabling a faster and more efficient recovery.

Mike Booth is owner of Massage Athletica in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has a keen interest in working with athletes to help enhance recovery and boost performance, well before they become injured! Reach Mike at Massage Therapy Winnipeg

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The Real Reason Behind Fitness Confusion

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AppId is over the quota

Ever have that pivotal moment when you realize you have too many options? We all love our options. Having too many options however, can lead to paralysis by analysis. Fitness options are no exception. The media has done more than it's fair share to fuel the fitness fire. While it's great that the benefits of exercise are being preached, it causes a relatively high level of confusion. In a world where all exercise is supposed to be good for you; it can be extremely tough to narrow down your best options. This fitness confusion is partly responsible for the average joe's lack of progress in the gym.

The problem is that this media onslaught is primarily designed to sell fitness products or training systems. No one is genuinely selling an education on fitness. An education is by far the most important aspect in improving health. Maya Angelou once said, "When you know better you do better." Many, if not most, fitness companies push products of one variety or another without instilling the proper fitness fundamentals. How can someone learn to do better if they're chasing after too many loose ends? Chasing after loose ends ultimately means one thing: scattered efforts.

Scattered efforts happen when anyone decides to smash too many things into their training program. One fitness magazine may recommend crunches on an exercise ball; while another recommends no crunches at all. Both magazines may be promising readers the secret to a six-pack. What appears to be the same goal is now utterly confounded by two distinct methodologies. If an average joe reads both magazines he may arrive at the not-so-illogical conclusion that he should use both methods. Is this the best move possible? No. Does it happen a lot? Yes. Is there a potential way around this all too common scenario? Possibly.

If you're just starting a fitness program stick to the one program until you achieve some level of progress. There is no rule saying that you can't switch training programs after you've accomplished your initial goals. As you develop your fitness skills your needs in a program will invariably change. Once your needs in a program become more sophisticated it will be necessary to seek out further fountains of information. The plethora of fitness options will never go away and, by extension, the possibility for consumer confusion. Insure your fitness success by sticking to one thing at a time.

Andrew Vazquez holds a degree in Exercise Physiology with a minor in Nutrition. He is passionate about educating individuals about their health and wellness. Visit for more information regarding guided training programs. Questions can be sent to

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