Monday, 27 February 2012

Everyone Needs an Edge - Posture Yourself

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Whether young or old we all could use an edge in life. We prepare for a job interview or a college admission interview with a cover letter, resume and support materials that show our best endorsements, we pick out the clothes we will wear the day before our interview so that we give a great first impression and we are early and not late for the interview so we show our punctuality, but do we look at how we posture ourselves?

When you give that first impression to your interviewer do you project confidence? Is your posture positioned to show confidence when you stand, walk or sit during the interview process? Body posture can project confidence and belief in your abilities through the way you posture yourself. When the interviewer ask a question (even though your stomach maybe in a knot) and your posture is good, you will project confidence in your knowledge and experience which will assist the interviewer in believing in you and your abilities for the job. Showing a confident image will not only give off a confident image to your interviewer but also you will feel more confident in yourself.

To practice your posture, look in a mirror and watch how you hold yourself when; you shake a hand, sit in a chair, answer questions and how you walk. If your shoulders are rolled forward, or have forward leaning posture or slouch when you walk, practice straightening up your body alignment and roll your shoulders back.

Practice good posture as part of your daily routine. Some daily exercises that may help in obtaining good posture are rolling your shoulders forward and back to strengthen muscles and reduce muscle tension and when sitting or walking be aware of your posture and correct it when it happens, as you practice this during the day and everyday it will become a habit and you will automatically correct your posture. Daily exercise to increase your core muscle strength will also help to assist with good posture. The core muscles will assist in helping you support good posture and again give you the feeling of being stronger and more confident.

We all need every possible edge that we can get to help us land that interview. So as you look at your critical item checklist for that interview it should include: an effective cover letter, resume, support materials, the outfit and now your posture.

Wishing you great success in your interview! Posture Yourself!

Deb Contre author of Posture Correction and site for posture correction suggestions at:
"Keep you spine in line and everything will be fine."

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Personal Trainer - Choosing the Right Person

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Instead of a traditional gym membership, working with a personal trainer can be the extra motivation you need to stay accountable. His or her professional advice and experience can ensure that a person is completing the right amount of exercise to achieve a specific goal. Strength training and weight loss goals require completely different steps to achieve the change.


A personal trainer needs to have some type of experience in the field. A person that is fit, that works out frequently, is not necessarily qualified to take responsibility for another person's fitness goals and routines. Look for someone that has worked with individuals or small groups in the past, with successful results. If possible, consider asking for references.

If trainers are associated with a gym or consultations and appointments come along with a gym membership, you can be sure that this person has experience. However, consider asking what type of experience he or she has. Does this person usually with any clients or clients that have a specific goal in mind. Finding someone with specific experience can maximize the benefits of meeting with a personal trainer.


It is common for a personal trainer to have a degree in things like exercise science, exercise physiology or even physical education. This course of study imparts knowledge about fitness but also includes extensive coverage of the human body, how it works, and what type of activities are beneficial from a healthy point of view.

Aside from working with other people on weight loss or fitness goals, check the professional's credentials. Is he or she associated with any type of organization? Do they have any certifications? When dealing with an individual or a business, think about asking whether or not they are licensed and insured. This can give a potential client some extra peace of mind.


Experience and credentials are great, but if a personal trainer doesn't have a personality that matches with or motivates a client, the professional relationship can fall apart. Request a meeting in advance of the first appointment. Ask questions about his or her philosophy of training. Ask about how this person will help reach the desired goal. This information can shed some light on what a future training session would be like.

Other trainers offer individuals a free session to provide an opportunity for each to get to know the other. This is a great chance to figure out if this is the right person to professionally commit to. During the training, think about how the trainer motivates and how he or she responds to questions and concerns. With the right personality, credentials, and experience, a good fit between trainers and clients can be established.

When you need a personal trainer New Orleans offers a unique option to take advantage of. For the results you are looking for, trust a professional from

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How To Cure Hemorrhoids

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This article is here to help you if you want to know how to cure a hemorrhoid or piles. When you are suffering from hemorrhoids you know just of how debilitating and painful the condition can be. Well help is at hand as we investigate how to cure a hemorrhoid for you.

Hemorrhoids Is A 'Condition'

Firstly, it's important to understand that hemorrhoids is a 'condition' and not a disease. This is an important distinction when seeking to understand how to cure a hemorrhoid. The difference is that a disease is caused by external influences on your body caused by agents (bacteria or viruses) that are attacking your body and causing its defenses to work hard. When bacteria or viruses strike then frequently various medicines can be used to attack them so getting rid of them and so a cure can be effected which kills off or removes the source.

A condition is simply defined as something that affects your body but is not the result of an infection. A demonstration of this is a pulled muscle when, after some over reaching or unusual activity, your muscle has become torn and inflamed and painful when moved. This is what causes muscular soreness and, in extreme cases, pain as your body tries to protect the muscle from further injury and then to begin the healing process. Here your treatment is designed to help your muscles on the road to recovery by applying pain relief, providing occasion for rest and delivering alternative treatments that are right for the condition.

Hemorrhoids treatment

So in your quest about 'how to cure a hemorrhoid' you are seeking a set of treatments that will…

1. Alleviate pain to make your life mode comfortable when you have the condition

2. Prevent the condition getting worse

3. Provide the necessary conditions to allow your body to cure itself.

In addition it should also give you the necessary information so that you can take steps to prevent the recurrence of the condition in future.

So, it is now clear that no one 'magic pill' is the solution. That's why any treatment you may have had a go at could assist, but it takes more than one approach to achieve a lasting resolution for your hemorrhoids or piles.

Palliative treatments for hemorrhoids.

Palliative treatments are not cures, but are a relief from the symptoms of your condition. Examples are:-

• Creams and wipes to administer pain relief and prevent infection should the skin become broken

• Suppositories to do the same when your hemorrhoids are internal

• Sitz baths which, for some people, provide welcome relieve from the discomfort caused by their hemorrhoids. It provides help by working to keep the sore area clean and by assisting the flow of blood.

Cure for hemorrhoids or piles.

There are a wide range of options for you to work on curing your hemorrhoids and you should select those that work for your condition by following good guidance. Some common themes are:-

• Drink more water and other fluids to keep your stools loose

• Undertake some specific exercises to increase the condition of your 'core' muscles and the flow of blood to your anal area

• Adjust your diet to achieve better quality of stools

There are many more detailed examples for you to study and select, more than can be covered in this short article so please read on via the link as you discover more about how to cure a hemorrhoid.

The Product Inspector researches valuable solutions so you can enjoy all life has to offer. He brings over 15 years of experience for your benefit. Do you want to learn more about curing your hemorrhoids? Find out more here, see the How To Cure a Hemorrhoid page at

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Beauty Parlor Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Yield Huge Benefits

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Beauty parlors transform clients hair and nails into things of beauty. But breathing beauty parlor air every day can cause acute symptoms that can turn into health problems. And this is because many salon products contain heavy duty chemicals.

Using an air purifier to keep the air clean is just as important as having clean towels, brushes and combs, and the right shades of hair color and nail polish. Here are 5 features an air cleaner needs to have to be effective.

Enhanced Carbon Filter---The fumes that evaporate from salon products such as perms, hair dye, nail polish, and polish remover are often volatile organic chemicals. Even a small amount in the air can cause eyes to water, throats to burn, dizziness and even nausea.

And while carbon is well known for its ability to remove gaseous chemicals, VOC compounds are heavy duty and even carbon needs help to eliminate them effectively. That's why it is important that that activated carbon zeolite be enhanced with potassium iodide. This increases the carbon's ability to properly eliminate salon fumes.

Split Capacitor Motor---The best defense is a good offense. And having a cleaner with a motor that will allow it to run 24 hours a day means that fumes are never allowed to reach a level that would cause the acute symptoms that can make clients and staff so uncomfortable and sometimes cause clients to resort to using gas masks.

This type of motor allows filtration to be safe, effective, and continuous whether you are there or not. And being able to have the air filtered at night means you get to walk into a salon that smells fresh and clean every morning.

Steel Construction---Having a cleaner with a motor that runs all the time will generate heat. If your cleaner is made of plastic, changes are the heat from the motor will cause the plastic to give off noxious odors. This is obviously not something you want to happen, and you certainly don't want to pay for a cleaner that sends more fumes into the air. Selecting a purifier that is made of steel is an easy and effective fix to the problem.

Multiple Filtration Speeds---During peak times, if there a multiple stylists and technicians offering procedures that are smelly, the air quality can go downhill fast. A unit that allows you to control the rate at which the air is cleaned allows you to stay ahead of the problem.

Low, medium, and high settings give you the most control over how your air smells. And when things are less busy, you can save money and energy by being able to turn the filtrations speed back to low.

Wheels---Most air cleaners work by cleaning the air that is closest to them first, sending the clean air out into the space and pulling in more air. Having a purifier that has wheels means you can roll the cleaner closer to a stylist or an area that is producing the most fumes.

Heavy heavy-duty wheels that can roll easily over a number of surfaces means you are more able to contain the fumes and prevent them from affecting everyone in the salon.

Providing clean air for those in your salon is one of the most important services you can offer. Fresh air makes everyone feel better, and feel better about your salon.

Get rid of chemical fumes in your salon with the Beauty Salon Air Purifier at

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A Look at What Sports Medicine Is All About

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If you play sports, whether it be professional sports or just for fun you can find yourself dealing with aches, pains and discomforts in your joints and muscles. An occasional ache or pain is something you can deal with on your own but an injury that happens on the field may require an examination by a sports medicine specialist for an appropriate diagnoses and subsequent treatment.

It helps to first have an understanding of what sports medicine is. It is the study as well as the practice of medical related principles that are associated with the science of sports. In particular the areas that this branch of medicine deals with include sports injury diagnosis and treatment and the prevention of sports injuries. It also has to do with sports training and athletic performance which involves such subjects as sports nutrition, sports psychology and exercise.

A sports medicine specialist is a person who has received specialized education and training in this area. The individual focuses their attention on the medical as well as the therapeutic aspects involved in physical activity as well as participating in sports. A specialist in this area may be a doctor, a surgeon or other type of healthcare provider who does a great deal of work with athletes.

Most athletes who are dealing with a sports related injury prefer to see a practitioner who has the training and experience needed to treat athletic related injuries and conditions. The simplest way to find such a person is to ask other athletes if they can recommend anyone. Talk to those who are involved in local sports teams, as well as clubs and healthcare associations and organizations for referrals. Once you have been given some names then you will need to finds out about the qualifications for each person on your list.

One thing you need to know as you go about checking qualifications is that board certification in the areas of sports medicine is not something that is presently available for healthcare providers. However there was an extra certification examination created that became available to practitioners in 1993 that grants what is known as a Certificate of Added Qualifications in Sports Medicine. This certificate can only be obtained by clinicians who have already received Board Certification, by way of the American Board of Family Practice, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine.

If you have sustained a sports injury and need to have it looked at then for those who belong to an HMO or a PPO your family doctor should be the first professional you turn to for help. Even if your primary care physician is not a specialist in this area he or she may still have the skills and training necessary to help you with the injury you are dealing with. Minor injuries of a musculoskeletal nature such as acute strains or sprains generally respond very well and reasonably fast to traditional treatments.

Sports medicine Houston specialists will be able to determine whether your injury is serious and how best to treat it. Learn more by visiting

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The Most Common Hip Pain Causes

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If you have ever looked at a picture of the hip you will notice that it is a very tight-knit area (as opposed to the hip flexor, which is a large muscle group), where everything needs to be precise to work correctly. If there is even one small thing that is not functioning correctly, there can be massive problems to the entire hip.

The hip is composed of bones, joints, bursas, tendons, nerves, and there are many ways each of these can hurt. The hip pain causes looked at in this article will focus on the most common sources of pain, because there are hundreds, if not thousands of ways hip pain can be caused.

Hip Pain Causes in Detail

The following sections will outline the 5 sources of hip pain causes and explain a little more of what they mean for you.


You are probably familiar with fractures as a result of trauma; most people have broken a bone at some point in their life. Unfortunately, a fracture in the Hip can be more problematic than other locations. A hip fracture usually occurs near the top of the thigh bone (femur) and almost always requires surgery to fix. Not only that but there can be other damage done to the region that is overlooked because of the break and can continue to cause pain after the bone is healed. Older people are especially at risk for a hip fracture as their bones often thin out as they age.


Contusions, often referred to as bruises, are the result of a blunt trauma, often experienced while playing a contact sport. The pain from a bruise is usually caused from inflammation, while the actual injury is caused by damaged structures in the surrounding muscles.


Inflammation can occur in several different types of body parts, but most commonly is found in tendons. Tendons attach the muscles in your body to other structures, usually bones. If the inflammation in the tendon is bad enough it can lead to tendonitis of the afflicted muscle which can cause sustained pain over a long period of time.

A common instance of inflammation in the hip is to one of the bursa located along the femur. The bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion for the bone against other tissue in the body. When the bursa becomes inflamed it is called bursitis, and is a very common running injury that causes pain during movement.


There are several conditions and diseases that are hip pain causes. These usually develop slowly over time, the most well-known one being Hip Arthritis. Arthritis is essentially the wearing down of protective cartilage at a joint and leads to very painful bone on bone contact.

Secondary Sources

Since the Hip is such a crucial and central body part, pain that starts in other places may be a hip pain cause. One example of this is Piriformis syndrome, which originates along the back of the leg. When the Sciatic nerve is pinched, in some cases the pain is felt in the hip region because of the long length of the nerve and the location of the pinch. There are also cases where people get groin or abdominal hernias that occur really close to the Hip Joint.

Information is power; you owe it to yourself and your body's health to understand your injuries. If you are able to understand injuries, you can diagnose them faster, treat them better, and recovery to the highest possible levels.

If you need more information about a hip flexor pain or other hip flexor topics, visit my website.

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You Could Have Larger Breasts This Summer If You Take Action Right Now: Part 2

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In this article we are going to present some breast enlargement options. In the last article, which was the first article of this collection I addressed the disadvantages of breast surgery. First, the cost and second the very real dangers that are associated with the surgical procedure. Just to recap, the potential risks are prolonged discomfort and soreness, possibly a number of additional surgeries in an attempt to have the normal life that was taken away from the initial surgery. The ultimate and most terrible complication can be a complete loss of feeling in the nipple region of the breast.

Now I want to go over some of the various natural breast enlargement options that are available to you. You'll find pills, creams, lotions, serums, pumps, exercises and bras that all promote enhancement benefits but do they work and if so, what is it that makes it work?

Lets talk about one item that doesn't physically enhance your breasts. This is the lift bra or the padded bra. They are healthy and do make the breasts appear larger but they require clothing so that they are not noticed by those around you. I was speaking to a friend one night on the phone and the husband was telling me a story in which he went out on a date. When he got to the girls place she removed her wig, padded bra as well as padded buttocks. He told me that she had looked good inside the bar when he had a couple drinks. Now he saw the bionic woman and it was a real turnoff. That isn't funny but it does illustrate a point. People will purchased and wear several physical contraptions designed to give the appearance of larger breasts and a more attractive body. The problem with these physical devices is that they are crutches and when the clothes come off you can't hide the true condition of your body.

Next lets consider the breast pump. The concept is that by sucking the breasts into a vacuum, it will cause the breast to enlarge. This is a flawed understanding of anatomy and physiology even though it makes sense to the ignorant. This myth is promoted for other parts in the human anatomy with the same lack of results. Don't confuse this particular pump with a breast milk pump, which covers only the areola to extract milk for future use. I will stop addressing this ridiculous contraption at this point. There are some reports of women hurting themselves and winding up with complications as a result of breast pumps for enlargement.

How about the breast enhancement exercises that you hear about? Do they work or are we just being bombarded with more propaganda to market something to the ignorant? Actually, the exercises do help make the breasts appear more youthful and larger. The exercises do not however increase the actual size of the breasts. These exercises strengthen the muscle tissues that support the breast, keeping the breasts from sagging. Exercises can give the breasts the look of being larger mainly because it holds them up.

Push-ups are good whether they are performed on the floor or facing a wall. The physical fitness of the person would dictate which method to use. Light flies are also beneficial since they strengthen the pectoral muscles.

In the next write-up I will compare natural herbal products for breast enlargement that include capsules, creams, lotions, serums and more.

Find more articles like this about Acne Scar Cream that will either eliminate the scars or make them barely visible. Also learn about more breast enhancement products like Breast Success, which has been used for years by thousands of women.

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Traditional Uses of Griffonia

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Griffonia Simplicifolia is one of the medicinal herbs that are gotten from Africa particularly West Africa and Central Africa. Before the production of capsule and supplement made from griffonia, this herbal plant was traditionally used in the treatment of many diseases and also for a number of purposes. Here are some of the traditional uses of griffonia simplicifolia.

Traditionally, griffonia is used in the treatment of a number of illnesses in West and Central Africa as well as other African region where the plant is found. In Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire the bark of the plant is crushed and the pulp is used to treat syphilitic sores.

The leaf of the plant is also traditionally used in the treatment of some illnesses. The active ingredient in the leaf is extracted and administered to people who are nauseating. The extracts help the patient not to vomit. The same leave extract of the plant is also used to treat cough. People who are suffering from low libido are also given this extract because it increases sexual desire.

The extract from the stem and the leave can be combined and used for the treatment of constipation. The concoction serves as a purgative in the treatment of constipation. People who have wounds that suppurate use the decoction of the leaves and the stems to wash their wounds. It serves as antiseptic wash for such wounds.

The leaf sap of griffonia also has a number of medicinal uses. Traditionally, people use the sap from the leave as eye drops for the treatment of the inflammation of the eyes. Kidney problems are treated with the leaf sap also. It is either inserted through the rectum or drunk. The leaf can be used to make paste which is applied on burns. It can also be used as insecticide in birds. Traditionally, people put the leaves of the plant in their chicken pen in order to eliminate lice.

Tooth decay is another illness that can be treated traditionally with griffonia simplicifolia. The stems and the bark of the stems are combined together to produce paste which can be used in the treatment of tooth decay. Besides, some people chew the stem in order to increase their libido. Intercostals pain can be treated traditionally with the mixture of lemon juice, ground twig bark of griffonia and capsicum pepper.

In Nigeria, some traditional doctors use the extract gotten from the powdered roots in the treatment of sickle cell anemia. The Ghanaians are using the wood as walking stick because it is very tough. They are also using the leaves of the plant to bitter their palm wine. Ghanaians equally quench thirst using liquid that comes from the cut stems.

Besides the traditional medicinal uses of griffonia, it can also be used for fashion especially in Ghana. Women produce local face powder using the roots of the plants. They chew the root and then allow it to dry. The end product can be used as face powder. The leaves are utilized in the production of black dyes.

These are some of the traditional uses of griffonia simplicifolia.

Griffonia simplicifolia a plant that has a number of medicinal uses. If you want to know more about griffonia simplicifolia and its medicinal value visit You will find good deal of information on griffonia medicinal value in the site.

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Cholesterol and Your Health - Is It Really a Demon?

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You may have thought that cholesterol is dangerous. You may even have thought that consuming cholesterol in your diet increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Therefore, you may assume that to improve your health and decrease your chances of getting heart disease, stroke or cancer that you need to reduce your intake of cholesterol. You would assume that would lower your blood cholesterol levels and bring you out of the danger zone. Is this true? To answer this question means understanding first what cholesterol is, and then what it does in the body.

What Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is sterol: a waxy lipid (meaning fat) compound that is found in animal tissues. It performs a variety of essential functions in your body. For example, it facilitates both the absorption and the transportation of fatty acids.

It is also a fundamental building block for a variety of your hormones. These include both your adrenal hormones (cortisol, cortisone and aldosterone) and your sex hormones (progesterone, estrogens and testosterone). Additionally, it plays an important role in helping your brain to function well. The same is true for your immune system and your heart health.

Cholesterol's Reputation. If cholesterol is so essential to your health, how did it develop the reputation of being the devil in molecular form? This shady reputation came about because it was seen that people who had heart disease or strokes also had high cholesterol levels. So it was thought that cholesterol levels themselves were the problem.

But actually the body raises cholesterol levels in response to a problem. In other words, high cholesterol levels are the body's attempt to keep itself healthy. The body raises these levels to deal with inflammation. When the insides of the arteries and veins are inflamed, for example, the body sends cholesterol in to attempt to patch the areas of inflammation. It's actually the inflammation that's the problem, and not the cholesterol itself.

Blood Cholesterol Levels: What's "normal"? Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per deciliter (dL) of blood. Current standards define desirable total cholesterol levels as less than 200 mg/dL, with 200-239 mg/dL defined as borderline high and 240 mg/dL and above high.

For low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, less than 100 mg/dL is considered optimal, 100-129 mg/dL near optimal or above optimal, 130-159 mg/dL borderline high, 160-189 mg/dL high and 190 mg/dL and above very high. It is worth noting that these standards were defined after initial studies which were conducted only on men.

It remains to be seen whether the cholesterol levels defined as normal for the male body are actually best for a woman. Men's hormone requirements are much different than women's. Also, women's bodies have a different biochemistry and metabolism than men, including hormonal production needs and responses, a fact that may seem obvious, but which has not been recognized in many "scientific" studies, particularly earlier ones.

When Cholesterol Intake is too Low. Cholesterol is so essential to your well-being, that if you do not provide enough in your diet for your body's requirements, your body will make it. In other words, if your diet contains too little cholesterol, your bodily synthesis of cholesterol will go into high gear to produce enough. This is why you can reduce your dietary cholesterol and find that your blood cholesterol levels remain unchanged, that they've gone higher or even skyrocketed.

What this means is, that if your cholesterol levels are high, look for and eliminate the sources of inflammation that are driving those high levels, don't try to eliminate the body's attempt to repair the damage that inflammation is causing.

You can bolster your physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being with free expert, insider tips to guide you. You're invited to subscribe and request your topic at

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4 Ways To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

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It is very likely that you are looking for ways to lose weight fast naturally. This is something that everyone wants and is something that is possible. However, it is very important to point out that this will still require some hard work from you - there is no magical pill that you can take that will make the weight drop off!

Portion Size

If you actually looked at the size of your portion, it will feel normal and just right; however, it is probably way too big. Portion control is the downfall for many people who are looking to lose weight fast naturally. You can eat all of the right things but if you eat too much of it, you will still put on weight! To cut down on your portions and lose weight fast naturally, put your meals on a smaller plate. This will make your brain think that you are getting the same amount of food but you will be lowering your calorie intake.

Eat Slowly

As well as portion sizes, another big downfall is the speed that people eat. If you want to lose weight fast naturally you must not eat fast. When you eat fast it does not give your body the chance to digest the food. This will give your body the feeling like it is still hungry and will lead you to eating seconds. However, if you eat slowly, your food will digest along the way and you will feel satisfied. Turn off the TV while you eat and have conversations with those eating with you. This will make you chew, swallow and talk before going for the next mouthful.

Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

The main trick to lose weight fast naturally is to eat foods that are low in calories. Fruit and vegetables have next to no calories and will also help to battle the sweet cravings. Another benefit of eating more of your "five a day" is that they are healthy. Fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that your body needs, not just to lose weight but also to fight infections and diseases.

Do Some Basic Exercise

Exercise is a great thing and something that your body needs. Not only will it help you lose weight fast naturally, it will also help you to build up your muscle and live longer. Just 30 minutes, five times a day is all you need to become healthier and you do not need to do all of that in one go. Take your time to build up slowly and constantly make changes to your exercise regime so your body does not get used to it.

There are plenty of diet plans that put the above tips into practice. They will also help offer advice and information along the way so that you lose weight fast naturally and easily.

My articles are written for people that want or have to lose weight, but want to do it the natural way. My education is not in diets, but in what natural products and exercises will help in your pursuit to lose those unwanted pounds safely and naturally.


Nancy Ambrosio

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Glyconutrients One of the Most Important Discoveries in the Last 100 Years

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Glyconutrients have been one of the most important discoveries in the last 100 years. Glyconutrients have a big impact on your immune system and are the key to the way your cells communicate with each other for the complex functions to occur. Researchers say it's the most important discovery to your health and the key to a long healthy life.

Glyconutrients are plant carbohydrates (monosaccharides), there are over 200 carbohydrates and sugars but there are only 8 essential nutrients that are needed to be ingested for your body to function. These are:
XyloseFucoseGalactoseGlucoseMannoseN-acetylglucosamineN-acetylgalactosamineN-acetylneuraminic acid(a sialic acid).

These glyconutrients combine with other molecules to coat the cell surface to form glycoforms or glycoconjugates. They bind with proteins to form glycoproteins that coat the surface of every cell with a nucleus in the human body. They bind with lipids (fats) and form glycolipids, which adhere to the cell surface.

Glyconutrients are not vitamins, minerals, amino acids or enzymes, but are in a different class as nutritional supplements from plants that maintain cellular health which leads to healthy tissues and healthy organs therefore healthy bodies. All cells need glyconutrients and there are over 600 trillion of them.

Glyconutritional approach gets to the root of the problem instead of treating the symptoms and could help with autoimmune diseases, cancers, and degenerative diseases. It was first discovered in the 1980's when a research pharmacologist investigated the active ingredient in Aloe Vera, which was a carbohydrate with many mannose sugar molecules linked together, which can become inactive quite quickly when extracted, therefore expensive techniques are used to isolate this ingredient without unstabilizing it.

The research findings commenced to appear in scientific journals such as Glycobiology Journal and Journal of Biotechnology. In 1990 the Journal of Biotechnology states: 'Almost without exception, whenever two or more living cells interact in a specific way, cell surface carbohydrates will be involved.'

The sources of these 8 essential glyconutrients have been used for centuries as healing properties. The primary sources are fungi, saps, gums, and seeds; the secondary sources are grains, fruit and vegetables.

Mushrooms and fungi are known as immune system boosters as they contain glucose, galactose and mannose. They also have anti-tumour actions, suppress inappropriate immune reactions and modulate the immune system. They also contain beta-glucans, called lentinant, which are a polysaccharide, these stimulate white blood cells to engulf invaders and clean up toxins. Beta-glucans also fight cancer and tumour growth extending cancer survival time, fight infections, improve recovery from radiation treatments, and boost wound healing.

For Health and Wellbeing products or Nutrition and Health information go to her website

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Everything You Need To Know About Your Hip Extensors

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Some people may say that the hip flexors do not get as much exposure as they deserve, but the hip extensors get even less, despite the equal importance they have. The lesser known hip extensors are the opposing muscles to the flexors, which are composed primarily of muscles running along the back of the leg. The hip extensor's primary function is to pull down the leg from any vertical position (i.e. the hip flexors let you lift your knee up; the hip extensors can be used to pull it back down).

Hip Extensors Anatomy

Most people would be surprised to learn that the hip extensors are mainly made up of 2 major muscle groups: the Hamstring and the Gluteus Maximus.


You are probably familiar with the Hamstring, but just in case you are not here's a quick refresher. The Hamstring is composed of the large muscle and tendons behind your thigh muscle and is used heavily in running and athletic activity.

Gluteus Maximus

The Gluteus Maximus is the most obvious opponent of the hip flexors as it is located right behind the pelvis. It is the largest of the gluteal muscles and extremely powerful in humans and primates, often called the "butt". It is subdivided into smaller muscles but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Why Is This Muscle Group Important?

You may be asking yourself what the importance of the extensors is in relation to the flexors. The answer is simple, in that since the two muscle groups are antagonists (oppose) of each other, anything you do to one of them affects the other.

When you get a flexor injury, the typical course of action is to rest and encourage healing, and then hip flexor strengthening because your muscles have weakened through inactivity. However, most people do not strengthen their extensors, which have also become weak because they have not been used much due to the hip flexor pain. When this happens, the flexors become much stronger than the extensors and cause a muscular imbalance. Muscular imbalances usually lead to non-proper functioning body parts and often injury like a hip flexor strain as a result of one muscle being stronger than the other, which is the last thing you want. This illustrates the importance of training the extensor muscles like the Hamstring and Gluteus Maximus alongside with the hip flexors to develop total functional symmetry.

Information is power; you owe it to yourself and your body's health to understand your injuries. If you are able to understand injuries, you can diagnose them faster, treat them better, and recovery to the highest possible levels.

If you need more information about a hip flexor pain or other hip flexor topics, visit my website.

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Capsaicin at Work: It Is Called Pepper Spray

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The recent student protestings have awakened our thoughts as to the benefits of using pepper spray in our society. And it should be brought out here that it is up to us to decide the moral value in its use by ourselves or by our law enforcement agencies. Authorization to apply it has been given by most law enforcement agencies in the United States and we can run around pepper spraying people if we need to. Why does Europe not sanction it: instead, in Finland the possession of pepper spray requires a license issued only for defensive purposes and in private security. Germany is the only one that will allow anyone, including minors, to own and carry pepper spray provided they are labeled "for the purpose of defense against animals", and pepper spray is not considered legal to use as a weapon..

Here is what it will do for you if you get sprayed, as instructed, by aiming at a person's eyes: Your eyes will water profusely by virtue of the irritation capsaicin causes to the tissues of the eyes. You may become temporarily blind for 15-30 minutes, and experience pain. Your eyes will close involuntarily, which may mean that you are unable to open your eyes at will for a period of time. Another effect is a sudden and instant feeling of restriction in your airways and an intense pain around your face, nose and throat. The strength of the spray affects the duration of the symptoms and the average full effect may last for about 30-45 minutes with lesser problems lasting for hours. The current canister model pepper spray for use by the general public has a capsaicin concentration of 1-10 percent..

Hopefully you will not have to endure multiple discharges of pepper spray because it can result in long- lasting changes in corneal sensitivity, and especially if you have been hit by a direct and focused stream of liquid known as the hydraulic needle effect.

People undergoing the aftermath of an exposure to pepper spray describe themselves as being set " alight" and feeling that their eyelids are "bubbling and boiling", also as fiery, painful and irritating".

There are not too many recourses to turn to here! Capsaicin is insoluble in water, which will not wash it away like many other chemical substances. Your own tears will stand as your defender, as they will come as you force yourself to blink repeatedly to rinse the irritant from your eyes. If the Emergency Department pulls out their Baby Shampoo, do not assume you are getting your hair shampooed: they use this to remove the residue from your hair and face, as much as they can without undue rubbing.

I do think the police ought to have the proper tools to subdue people who are causing harm to others in the public square. These tools should be wielded by officers who are committed to uphold the law and who can control their emotions.

I do not think the police should squirt pepper spray into the eyes of a crowd of innocent and orderly people. What are your thoughts on this subject?

Margaret Heaps is a native born Californian who sees life as not long enough to fit everything in. She has grass roots in Petaluma, California and Nicasio, California, where her great grandfather bought land from gold that he mined in the Gold Rush of 1848 and created a high yield dairy farm. With this background legacy, she married and raised six boys, went back to school and became a registered nurse; this was her profession for many years. Now that she has retired, her energy level still high, she built a brand new website, and an entertaining blog, Our products are well made, excellently priced and useful for today's needs: home gyms, jump ropes, pilates, exercise mats and balls, exercise bikes and many other things.

This is your opportunity to join us in being fit and healthy to whatever degree you decide. Help yourself to our website and fill your needs now. Contact us 530-389-8928 or

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Is Life So Hectic?

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Life is hectic for most of us. We get less time to take care of our health and it is having severe consequences. Avoiding meals has become common among many of us especially those of us who are trying to maintain a professional position, run a family and everything else that we need to do in a normal day. Having said all that it is the high time we think about this issue seriously. Researchers and scientists have made incredible discoveries to resolve and create some effective and useful fitness strategies to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst maintaining a busy lifestyle.

So far, exercise and balanced diets are considered as two of the most crucial factors that lead to healthy and strong body. But with the changing lifestyle and lack of physical activities, there is an urgency to apply useful and innovative fitness strategies. Many people suffer from nutritional deficiencies as they get less time to take meals at proper times. Researchers and fitness experts are also giving green light to the people for using fitness and health supplements as they have found them to be effective in filling in those deficiencies.

Supplements are a part of fitness regime. There are various types of supplements available. For most of us we need some assistance in selecting the right supplement. Therefore we need to do some research on this issue. The internet is the best place to start to do this research. There are some health and fitness websites that give a great deal information. You can solve various queries related to health and fitness.

There are various types of supplements. But not all of them are equal. Some supplements are designed for the body. Others are designed for specific fitness goals. Your budget is also an important factor that most of us consider while selecting any fitness products and supplements. There are several varieties of supplements, including weight loss pills, creatine, whey protein, protein powders, weight loss supplements and protein bars.

There are various types of bodybuilding and fitness supplements. Many people consider supplement to be of great use. They think that supplements alone can make them fit and slim. But this is a fallacy to some extent. Along with proper exercise and diet, you need to take the right nutritional supplements to get the desired result although it must be balanced.

Training and nutrition are the most crucial components of a fitness, bodybuilding and fitness programs. Athletes use different types of sports supplements to maintain their physique and get strength. Protein supplements are of great use. There are different useful protein supplements that can help you in getting strength. You can get essential amino acids from the protein supplements. These supplements come in the form of egg, whey protein powders, and whey protein powders.

Even though life can be sometimes hectic and we can wonder where does the time go? It is critical to evaluate the time we spend on things that are not truly important and or relevant to our health and fitness. Chronic illness such obesity, diabetes, heart disease l could go on, are so prevalent in our communities today and are effecting people at a much early age. So it is extremely important that we take good care of yourselves and our families and part of that is good nutrition and good exercise. Examine your time. Introduce a little time management and develop good habits for health and fitness.

For more information on these and other issues concerning pregnancy, baby health and Infertility and, please visit

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Exposure to Mercury - Top ten reasons to worry

With so many things to think, why must still add us something to the list? The answer is that the failure to pay attention to our exposure to mercury and its means of symptoms, addition of a multitude of problems to those with which we already have case.

And, Alternatively, paying attention now, avoid us these issues entirely, or catch early, until they are misdiagnosed as, say, attention deficit, hyperactivity, mental illness, sclerosis, chronic fatigue and more.

Here are ten reasons to be wary of exposure and accumulation:

1. Mercury is the most toxic, that we are regularly exposed.

2. Mercury accumulates in the human body because we are at the top of the food chain.

3. At the United States, the mercury exposure is considerable. A study indicated that 8% of women had levels of mercury higher than national guidelines.

4. A major source of the ingestion of mercury for humans humans is fish and seafood because they naturally store mercury in their bodies.

5 Mix is one of the major sources of mercury exposure, because they consist of a volatile mixture of 50% of liquid mercury and other toxic metals.

6. When the mercury in dental amalgam is exposed to saliva, result, an electric pump that moves of mercury in the body.

8 People who have several amalgam have on average ten times more mercury in feces and saliva than free people of amalgam.

9 When the amalgam is replaced, mercury levels decline about 90% in feces and saliva and 75% in the urine.

10 Levels of safe exposure to mercury as defined by government agencies are based on "doses" in an exhibition. However the mercury accumulates in our bodies. This fact is not supported into account when setting such guidelines.

Nowhere is this more evident risk to try to become pregnant and give birth to a child healthy and normal. In this process, the different forms of mercury can carry different risks. For example, has been shown that the toxicity of an embryo are organic and inorganic mercury in animals, but apparently have demonstrated that the fetuses of pregnant women exposed to methylmercury excess risk (called embryotoxicity..) only

Occupational exposure to inorganic mercury in women who become pregnant has been demonstrated to cause an error in cell division in the developing embryo. The result is that, during cell division, the "daughter" cells end up having the number of chromosomes, either too much or too little. (called "aneuploidy.")

This disturbance in the genetic code, which the human body is built in utero may result in spontaneous abortions or a newborn which is resistant to after birth, or a variety of congenital diseases and birth defects.

Mercury also affects sperm. The authors Ernst and Lauritsen showed that the organic and inorganic mercury decreases the percentage of sperms. They report that "after incubation for 15 min with 40 µM of mercuric chloride a significant decrease in sperm motility was observed." Less than 5% of sperm were mobile after 30 minutes of exposure to methyl mercuric chloride 20 µM. »

These are some of the many reasons that we need to be proactive prevention mercury exposure in the first place and prevent its accumulation in our bodies when we are exposed... We can begin by refusing all vaccines for ourselves and our children thimerosal-containing and by making certain that no dentist does never place of silver amalgam (mercury more than 50%) in our mouth or those of our children.

If you wish to receive an additional toxic metals self-assessment Questionnaire so that you can view your own symptoms of health the possibility of toxicity of metals, including mercury, go to

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Can You Stop a Gag Reflex?

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The gag reflex is an important part of the human body that is designed to protect the throat from swallowing objects or substances that are not meant for the human body. This reflex is also used to prevent a person from choking to death. People should proceed with extreme caution before trying to stop their gag reflex.

Even though this gagging is an important function for the human body it can sometimes get in the way of routine dental care and simple tasks such as brushing the teeth. In some instances this reflex action can make it extremely difficult for a person to take life saving medication because they cannot swallow the pills. There are ways that a person can stop their gag reflex from reacting every time that they have something undesirable placed at the back of their throat.

Most people do not like to visit a dentist office and when they go to an appointment the last thing they want to be concerned about is gagging from the instruments that a dentist or dental hygienist uses to provide care for their mouths. One way that they can work around this problem is by numbing a patient's mouth and throat area. A person can actually perform this procedure with the use of over-the-counter medicine that is used to relieve gum and tooth pain.

People can use a toothbrush to help stop their gag reflex. This works by taking the toothbrush and placing it in the throat right to the spot where the reflex begins to kick in. When a person constantly performs this action it will make their reflex less sensitive over time. Most people using this method will notice a significant change to their gag reflex in about a month.

There are some people who claim that if a person takes their left hand and place their thumb inside of a tight fist this is supposed to somehow stop the gag reflex from occurring. This is one method that people will have to try for themselves because it doesn't work for everyone.

Some divers have been known to suffer from this gagging related to the type of equipment that they use for underwater movement. Physicians prescribe breathing techniques and exercises to them that will help to eliminate or reduce this problem. These techniques include breathing in and counting to 4 and breathing out counting to 6. This technique is supposed to help relax the throat and allow the diver to use their mouth pieces for diving procedures. Some physicians have claimed that wearing bands and watches can help to stop the problem. Once again this is something that might work on an individual basis and not for everyone.

There are prescribed drugs that can be used to stop the gag reflex. These drugs include lidocaine viscous and benzocaine. People must consult a physician before taking any type of drug for stopping the gag reflex. A doctor or physician will prescribe drugs for this problem if they find that there is a serious need for them to be administered to a patient.

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Flu Season Is Here, November To April

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If you have not yet been influenced this year by anybody else's Flu Tips, my humble offerings are here for your perusal. Flu is a serious state of your affairs, because I am not going to get the flu this year. I will have done everything in my power to avoid contracting it: I will duck when anyone sneezes. Try this, because you do not want those squiggly little viruses to get near your hands, mouth or nose. And you can do your part of communal teaching on this subject by stopping the culprit on the street, no matter who is looking on, and giving him the hard facts of sneezing into his sleeve. And, do not be touching public telephone receivers and doorknobs indiscriminately: you know they are laden with the evil virus that landed there randomly on the palm and fingers of a beautiful snot covered child.

Remember, especially if you are kind of old, that you are one of the easiest persons to give the disease to, and that during the holidays you must not allow your grandchildren to crawl up onto your lap. And, please, do not think that you can get away with hugging or kissing behind the door where nobody can see you, because this leaves its residue in all the wrong places and causes disasters later, like the flu. None of this kissing and hugging can happen again until probably the middle of April. Kids, you need to know not to ask Grandmother for hugs and kisses during the flu season. She needs to be watched because she will do it in spite of the rules. Be aware that the only thing that carries the viruses and helps to spread the disease is those sickly drops of spit or sneezing liquid, or lung/bronchial tube mucous that enter Grandmother's mouth, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs.

You can imagine how finely a sneeze shapes those droplets into such small particles that you cannot feel them landing on you. The respiratory tract is warm and moist and is a wonderful nest for those viruses; they stay in there for one to four days thinking aloud, hence those groans and coughs, about how to make their host the most miserable. Then they come up with this preposterous idea of causing irritation inside their nest and producing lots of runny nose glue,. But, that is not good enough; they have to go and cause a fever, cough and body aches. Most of the symptoms stay there in the respiratory tract, but sometimes people get abdominal messages, like diarrhea and vomiting: Look out, Kids, it is mostly you!

The most economical and all-around way to prevent flu in your home is to get everybody over 6 months of age down to the doctor to receive flu vaccine in whatever form you prefer: The flu shot is given with a needle; a high-dose vaccine given to people 65 or more; a seasonal flu shot is given to people 6 months of age and older, or a nasal spray vaccine. The vaccine stimulates the antibodies that protect against the virus to develop.

Vaccines definitely do not cause flu. That vaccines cause flu is just a vague memory at this time. The fear started when, in 1979, live viruses were used in vaccines: people got sick. We use dead viruses now and flu virus is made up of parts of viruses, or a live, weakened virus, which is harmless to transmit the flu.

Vaccines have two reasons to exist: to protect the vaccinated person and all the household members, because the one vaccinated will not be able to spread the flu. The flu vaccine is 59% effective, but it is the best way to defend against the virus.

Take it easy on your, exercise routine while you are sick!

Margaret Heaps is a native born Californian who sees life as not long enough to fit everything in. She has grass roots in Petaluma, California and Nicasio, California, where her great grandfather bought land from gold that he mined in the Gold Rush of 1848. William Charles Redding retired from the gold fields to Nicasio, Marin County, where he established a high yield dairy farm where he lived from 1864 and died in 1910.

With this background legacy, Margaret married and raised six boys, went back to school and became a registered nurse; this was her profession for many years. Now that she has retired, her energy level still high, she has built a brand new website, that features all manner of exercise equipment, including exercise bicycles, home gyms, pilates, jump ropes and much more. She also has an entertaining blog. Please contact me at 530-389-8928 or leave a message.

Now is a great opportunity to get acquainted with our products of the home exercise business. Click on our link above and you will find a world of exercise progress tools for yourself and your children. Start small and gradually work into a greater effort that will leave you healthy and strong.

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Movie Stars and Your Body - 2 Sides to Consider

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1) The Thin Side:

We are influenced by movies, magazines and music -no - we are seduced by movies magazines and music. And we want to be in that world.

But - that world doesn't exist, except on the screen and on the glossy magazine page and in the music studio.

Those people, the movie stars, the magazine models, the Diva singers, don't live in the real world. They don't live in your or my world. That means they don't have to function as you or I function. In fact they find it hard to be 'normal'

Remember a movie star makes his or her money by being stared at by millions of people on giant screens all round the world. Their every skin flaw and blemish shows. They have 'make-up and hair' that takes hours before they can 'appear'. They have trainers and doctors and advisors that exist only to make sure they have no 'flaw" on that screen. And they live in a world where everybody they know or ever meet, is also in that world.

Life in the public eye, where your money is made only when million are staring at you, has a tremendous cost; -to your ego; how you think you should look; and of course - to the concept of a balanced life.

Yes of course they are paid (the top few) handsomely to have their skin stretched flat skin and take the Botox, and starvation diets.

However we are not. That is not our world. We do not need the work outs and diets that make our body's shrink until our heads are the biggest thing on our body. We can be normal.

We are lucky, to be able to have normal lives.

Of course the seduction (in the movies and the magazines) is not an accident it is planned and we are encouraged by everything around us to have that 'look'.

Enjoy the movies and the magazine's - but stay you. Be normal. Be happy with you. And your body - remember that show "How to Look Good Naked"? (The U.K. version) It was a show about teaching women their bodies were fine just as they were, and they could look good, sexy, and attractive, bulges included. It taught a great lesson.

Your body type is probably not the same as Michelle Pfeiffer, slight and small, so don't try and be like her. If you are Caucasian and you have Asian friends you are two different body types don't try to emulate each other

2) The Side of Fat:

Obesity is rampant in N America, especially the USA, where steroid fed beef and chickens dominate our plates.

Being overweight is not a crime, nor does it make you a bad person - but it's not healthy. If I may suggest a remedy - eat less.

Fat people are not happier, overweight means more weight for your body to carry, more activity for an already stressed heart (your fat and cholesterol already giving it enough work).

Obesity gross overeating is not something to emulate, or make your children emulate

Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk for global deaths. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In addition, 44% of the diabetes burden, 23% of the ischaemic heart disease burden and between 7% and 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity

5 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight.Of these 1.5 billion overweight adults, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese.Overall, more than one in ten of the world's adult population was obese.

In 2010, around 43 million children under five were overweight. Once considered a high-income country problem, overweight and obesity are now on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Close to 35 million overweight children are living in developing countries and 8 million in developed countries.

Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight. For example, 65% of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kill more people than underweight (this includes all high-income and most middle-income countries).

(ref: World Health Organization)

So What is Normal?

A little extra weight is fine, it's you. Nothing wrong with chubby. Be your own body. But too much weight or not enough weight can be deadly.

A simple way is to look at your BMI - Body Mass Index. There are lots of websites where you can calculate your own BMI - using your height and weight as a calculation. Make sure the calculation also includes your frame size - or at least your ethnicity

For your BMI calculations - 18.5 - 24 is normal

Less than 18.5 you are becoming underweight

a BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight

a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obesity.

Now, of course it's just an average, it gives you an idea of where you are on the scale. It's just fine to be a little overweight, better in fact than being too skinny, gives your body more resources

Movie stars and models and glam singers cannot afford balance in their lives - they are paid to be out of the ordinary. Out of balance. Not themselves.

We are lucky can have balance. We can look human. If you are a person who puts on weight when you just think about food, acknowledge it and work on it - a healthy life is worth it.

If you are thin, put some weight on, work on it - it's good to be normal, healthy and have the energy and joy that comes from a fully working body - a body that is not fighting anemia or obesity or Botox.

Be normal and balanced. We can afford to be, we live in the real world.

Germaine Gibson writes at MultiVitaminReviewOnline.Com and has published books on Amazon and Kindle.
This is an extract from her upcoming Book -"Diets Fitness and Weight loss"

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How Patients Annoy Their Doctors and How You Can Avoid Doing the Same

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Did you ever get the feeling that your doctor is annoyed by your behavior? Well it turns out that there are many things that patients frequently do that can make a doctor's temperature rise.

Not Knowing Current list of Meds

Patients often make the mistake of assuming that their doctor knows their current full list of medications. Of course, a primary doctor may very well have a record scattered in the chart but often times, they do not have immediate access to a detailed, up-to-date list. In addition if you have seen another doctor and they have prescribed medications, then your current doctor may be unaware of the addition. And what if you are in the emergency room or seeing a specialist completely unfamiliar with you?

Too often patients may say they are taking "a small blue pill" or half of "a white pill" or have no idea of the dose. Or perhaps they dig deep into their pocket and produce a baggie of pills while announcing, "Here they are!" Many patients struggle to recall medications and doses and after feeling overwhelmed, eventually succumb to taking their meds without a clear idea of what they are treating.

Prescription: It is no wonder that patients are easily confused by their medication list. According to a Medicare study several years ago, a typical senior fills 28.5 prescriptions including refills per year on average. Although reports vary, seniors regularly take between 5 and 7 medications daily not including those with more complicated health issues.

Always keep your own detailed record of all medications, daily doses and drug allergies. In addition, be sure to chart when you started taking the med, for what reason as well as the prescribing doctor. Also include a list of vitamins and supplements as these may also affect medications. Sometimes patients fail to mention non-prescription supplements because they feel these aren't important or that their doctor would disapprove. However, this can be extremely dangerous as many medications and supplements can negatively interact with each other, negate the others effects or even pose life-threatening problems.
Don't waste valuable time with your doctor trying to decipher your medication baggie. If you are unsure which meds you are taking, your doctor may be unsure which are effective or ineffective.

Kitchen Sink of Complaints

You have made an appointment to see your doctor for mild shortness of breath that you have been experiencing. But while patiently waiting for your doctor to walk in the room suddenly you remember that your foot was also hurting you. Then you recall noticing some hair loss while in the shower. Oh and wait, your lower back hurts sometimes when you are performing your daily exercise.

Perhaps due to the rising cost of healthcare, co-pays or lack of personal time to see their doctor, many patients have become hoarders: hoarders of symptoms. Each time a new symptom is experienced, it is placed on a mental medical list as something to mention to the doctor. So by the time the doctor asks, "So what brings you in?" a kitchen sink of complaints is presented.

Prescription: You don't want to purposely leave out symptoms because perhaps unbeknownst to you, they may be related to your primary issue and give your doctor a clearer understanding of your medical picture. For instance, sometimes when patients have gallbladder issues they often have referred shoulder pain. Although they may not seem obviously related, this may actually help make a more definitive diagnosis. What you should avoid however, is expecting each and every symptom to be fully evaluated and treated. Evaluation of shortness of breath or chest pain outweighs foot pain.

So, although you should mention all your complaints to your doctor, sometimes you may have to be selective. In the time allotted, your doctor will generally be unable to work up a long laundry list of complaints and will often refer you to make another appointment to address some of the other symptoms if they are less urgent.

Medication Non-compliance

You have been seen by your doctor, had a full physical exam, discussed treatment options, been given a prescription and leave the office. Yet instead of going to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled, you go home because you don't think you need more medication. The days, weeks and months go by, you experience the same or worsening symptoms and make another appointment with your doctor. When asked if you are taking your meds as prescribed, you state that you never filled the prescription. Or perhaps you did fill but decided along the way you didn't feel like taking anymore.

Prescription: Patients that are blatantly non-compliant are very frustrating to doctors. Doctors have their patient's best interest in mind yet, patients should never feel ambushed and pressured into a treatment or medication that they do not understand or are uncomfortable taking. However, avoid misleading your doctor into thinking you are onboard with a treatment plan by quietly accepting the prescription and nodding in agreement.

Honest communication is vital to ensure a good medical outcome. You should feel comfortable stating to your doctor that you are wary and perhaps would like to try another option. If you leave without the intention to fill your prescription, you are doing a disservice to your health as well as damaging your relationship with your doctor.

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Employers Lose $623 Per Employee Each Year Due to Unhealthy Behavior!

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An index was created by Thomson Reuters, known as "Workforce Wellness Index". This index was specifically designed and created in order to evaluate the collective health of America's workforce. The Workforce Wellness Index demonstrates that the rising poor health is causing American employers to shell out more money each year on medical costs.

$623 is the average cost that an employer will lose per employee each year. Think about it, what is that cost to 30 percent or more of American workers who are the sickest and fattest. As an employer, this means that you will need to shell out 623 dollars for medical costs per employee (per employee!) if they get sick due to their own unhealthy behavior - this is the part where you scream "It's not fair!"

Around 14 percent of the total medical costs are linked to 6 measurement criteria:

Blood pressure Blood glucose Cholesterol Body mass index (BMI) Alcohol use Tobacco use

The BMII measures, is the relative "bigness" of the American population, and it is the biggest factor in "plumpness" and also the biggest factor in medical costs.

You may be one of those employers who really does not want to poke your nose in your employees' business after they off the clock. But you may need to reconsider your "No prying" stand, if you strongly believe that an employee's unhealthy behavior could cost you a handsome sum.

As an employer, shelling out a lot of money on medical costs (because your employee just had too much smoke and alcohol the other night at a bar and passed out while working on one of the lathe machines) is not something you want to make a habit of. The big question is "why is it that we as a people, think that we can just chow down on sweet and unhealthy foods, sit in front of the television with the remote control permanently stuck in one hand, smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, not take part in healthy exercise routines and think that we are going to be just fine?"

Why do we have a habit of making a mess and expecting other people (in this case, our bosses) to pick up a broom and mop and clean up our mess!

As an employer, you also need to make sure that your employees are observing a healthy lifestyle by also making sure that you implement health and fitness policies.

Jim Edholm is President of Business Benefits Insurance (BBI), an employee benefits planning firm in Andover, MA. He has worked with employers for more than 25 years and can be contacted at (978) 474-4730, via his website, or via e-mail (

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Benefits and Costs of Relationship Traumas

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Relationship mishaps can be significant traumas.

A trauma is a high impact event that has seriously hurt us or has threatened to hurt us or a loved one. The impact disturbs our sense of equilibrium and security. The central reaction is emotional pain and fear and the primary behavioral tendency is avoidance of what hurt us or threatened to hurt us and anything that seems similar and reminds us of the traumatic event. So individuals who are injured in relationships tend to be untrusting and find themselves wanting to be in a relationship and at the same time being afraid to connect.

Betrayal, rejection and abuse are obvious traumatic events. Domestic violence, rape and isolation and control are serious traumas which compromise the mental health of the victim.

While I was lecturing in a college class, a young woman in the front row started to weep. I was talking about anti-social personality disorders and how these charming and intelligent men (usually the disorder is found in men), who are often enjoyable lovers are ultimately unable to love and end up hurting their partners. The description fit a recent situation in which the student had just been hurt. Understanding that the injury was due to personality disorder of the other person, helped her process her trauma.

High impact life events in relationships or otherwise, change us. They change our worldview - the way we understand ourselves and the world at large. They can get us to change our priorities, our goals and even our lifestyle. In short, they force us to adapt, which requires flexibility and openness. The healthy resolution of trauma then is personal growth and integration of the experience.

What Helps:

• Put into words and tell others what has happened to you. Keeping it secret and private will keep the injury active and unresolved.
• Discover and create your own personal meaning of the event. What is the injury and what is the meaning of it. "Betrayal", for example may mean very different things to different people. Also true for rejection, abuse, etc.
• Identify your fear and avoid running away from what has hurt you. Avoidance will keep fear alive, but don't do what will get you hurt again.
• Confrontation with a positive outcome is what we are after. This most likely will be with someone who has not hurt us.
• Welcome personal change and growth. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" and makes us different and better.

Traumatic events in relationships and elsewhere in our lives are unwelcome experiences, yet they can bring important benefits if we are open to finding out more about ourselves and to developing our potentials.
Copyright©2012Ralph Schillace,Ph.D.

Contact Information. Dr. Ralph Schillace is a practicing clinical psychologist in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology, an author ("Relationship Pain", iUniverse, 2000), a keynote speaker and consultant. His training program for medical staff presented with Dr. Patricia Reiss is entitled "Every Patient Contact Counts" which he also keynotes. He also speaks on "The Powerful Impact of Positive Feedback" and "Life is Not a Touchscreen: Effort Counts".

Permission to reprint articles by Ralph Schillace, Ph.D. is hereby given to all print, broadcast, and electronic media provided that the contact information at the end of each article is included in the publication. If your organization publishes articles electronically, a live clickable link to must also be included in the body of the article.

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27 Important Things Infection Control Aims to Achieve

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Infection control was devised by the United States Department of Health to protect and benefit the people working in the healthcare sector. Those who work in the healthcare sector constantly risk their lives to make us better. In the process, they can contract illnesses and infections if they do not take the right precautions. Thus infection control aims at educating and cautioning doctors, nurses, laboratory personnel, paramedics and all the others who work with the sick in the healthcare industry about how to make sure they do not contract the infections.

The infection control training not only promotes health amongst healthcare professionals but also encourages safe healthcare practice in general. This training focuses on:

• Explaining to healthcare workers and staff the benefits of accepting certain scientifically proven principles related to infection control.

• Explaining the responsibility of the professional to accept and practice certain proven scientific principles related to infection control.

• Explaining the consequences of not practicing safe infection controlling techniques to the healthcare professionals.

• Describing the responsibility of the healthcare worker to monitor the infection control practices in place.

• Explaining to the professional on how he is expected to interfere and explain to a fellow worker in case the precautions are not being taken or the safe practices are not being adhered to.

• Explaining how pathogens and microorganisms infect sterile environments.

• Identifying the outcome in case of exposure to microorganisms and pathogens.

• Listing strategies to prevent the transmission of pathogens and microorganisms.

• Describing how infection control concepts will be applied in practice.

• Defining and understanding "engineering controls" and "work practice controls".

• Identifying where "engineering controls" and "work practice controls" have to be applied. The difference between them is explained.

• Describing the methods of prevention of bloodborne pathogens and how the contamination can be avoided.

• Identifying strategies to prevent exposure.

• Describing situations and safe practices that minimize exposure to patients and healthcare workers.

• Describing situations and unsafe practices that maximize exposure to patients and healthcare workers.

• Describing the importance of barriers and personal protective gear and equipment when handling a potentially dangerous material.

• Identifying barriers and personal protective gear and equipment to be used when handling a potentially dangerous material.

• Discussing the importance of correct and accurate applications during times of emergency.

• Defining the terms "disinfection", "sterilization" and "cleaning".

• Describing and explaining the three levels of disinfection.

• Differentiating between "critical", "semi-critical" and "non-critical" medical devices.

• Identifying professional responsibility in maintaining safe standards.

• Identifying and understanding the importance of cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing material, instruments and devices.

• Discussing the role of health strategies to protect healthcare workers.

• Explaining the importance evaluation and investigation in case of non specific findings during investigations.

• Identifying the strategies to prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases.

• Identifying resources in case of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV transmission.

Infection control workshops are held regularly for health care workers. These workshops and other similar classes are useful for not just promoting a safe healthcare environment but safe personal health as well. Find them online and off.

For more information, please visit our infection control training website.

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Herbal Remedies For Gastric Disorder

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Gastric disorders often include gastritis, heartburn or reflux, dyspepsia or indigestion, hyper-acidity, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, etc. Most of them may cause pain, nausea, bloating, belching, vomiting, flatulence, headache and several other discomforts. While Inflammatory Bowel Disease and chronic ulcers should be treated by a doctor, most other gastric disorders can be treated with herbs. Herbal remedies for gastric disorders are the best as they are gentle and natural for the system. Some of them are briefly mentioned below.

Juices & Mixtures

Coconut water, juices of spinach, carrot, potato, aloe vera, cabbage, coriander (added to fresh buttermilk) and lemon are effective in treating gastric disorders. Asafetida mixed in cumin water, curd and buttermilk, rice gruel, a tablespoon of cinnamon water, and honey are also effective. So is probiotic yogurt.

Bitter Herbs

Bitter herbs are unrivaled stomach tonics, promoting digestive juices, peristalsis and the flow of bile. Chamomile is an excellent tonic for the liver and digestive system. Gentian, Centuary, Boldo, and Mugwort are bitter and immensely useful herbal remedies for gastric disorders.

Other Herbs

Ginger is a wonder medicine for any stomach related irritations and diseases. Ginger juice mixed with salt or honey, or ginger tea, can be very effective. Peppermint is another useful herb; its ability to calm cramping stomach and intestinal muscles makes it a superb treatment for indigestion. Other useful herbs are: Artichoke, Goldenseal, Marshmallow, Marigold and Bishop's Weed, Carom seed, Asparagus, Bell pepper, fennel, garlic, cardamom, Goldenseal, Bayberry and turmeric, ajwain, mint, lavender, rosemary, juniper, valerian, lemon balm, yarrow, slippery elm, aniseed, clove, Haritaki, (also known as Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Nishoth (Operculina terpethum), Mulathi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Marich (Piper nigrum), i.e., Pepper. Laxative herbs such as Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Rhubarb, and Buckthorn besides Aloe Vera resin, will greatly help heal the stomach and intestines. Antispasmodic herbs relieve cramping and spasms, and include Cramp Bark, Black Haw, Lady's Slipper (very rare and hence expensive).


Apples and carrots contain malic acid and tartaric acid which help neutralize stomach acids. Papaya seeds and pineapples, blueberries, cherries and tomatoes and vegetables like squash and Cranberry can also fight gastric problems. Orange is another effective indigestion remedy. So are grapes.

Oil rubbing

Rubbing a carrier oil (i.e. Olive, Castor, Almond, or Grape Seed oil) into the stomach and massaging 1-3 drops of one of the essential oils supra into the stomach area, will also be effective.


Water is the best medicine for all diseases. Water consumption must be sufficient to meet the requirements of the body.

Sherlock Danielly is well know for his knowledge in herbal remedies. He had written much article on herbal remedies for depression,herbal remedies for arthritis, herbal remedies for menopause, herbal remedies for constipation, gastritis cure etc.

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Top-Rated Salon Air Purifier - 7 Essential Features

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If you're searching for a portable salon air purifier with high ratings, koodos to you for your concern about air quality in your salon. Here are 7 essential features an effective air purifier must have in order to receive top ratings from you.

Chemical Filter---The fumes from salon products can often be smelled from several doors away in a mall or even on the street when the door is open to the shop. So it's not hard to imagine what it smells like inside. And you, your staff, and clients are up close and personal with these fumes for hours.

A filter that can reduce the number of chemicals in the air is crucial for every salon. Carbon is well known for its ability to eliminate gaseous pollutants. However, the chemicals that many salon products produce are heavy-duty and are known as volatile organic chemicals. Even carbon needs help eliminating these strong chemicals.

So the carbon filter should have an additive (potassium iodide) that enhances carbon's ability to remove VOCs. This filter can also remove a number of other chemicals including formaldehyde.

Oxygen As Only By-Product---Some cleaners produced controversial by-products. Ozone and ionized particles can cause health issues. The best cleaners are the ones that only produce fresh, clean air. There is no down side to that.

Particle Filters---Even though it is usually the smell from salon chemicals that has people donning gas masks, the particles that can be generated need to be eliminated from the air as well. Large and medium size particles can be easily eliminated by pre-filters that are relatively inexpensive.

Other more normal indoor pollutants need to be eliminated especially with clients bringing in particles that are attached to clothing, packages, and hair. Your salon air can benefit greatly from removing particulates such as dust, seasonal pollens, pet hair, and airborne viruses and bacteria. A purifier with a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter can remove particles like these that are as small as.3 microns.

Portability---A unit with wheels gives you and your salon a huge advantage. This feature allows you to roll the cleaner closer to the source of the fumes. That means they impact the air less keeping others more comfortable and breathing cleaner air throughout their visit.

And should you move to another shop in the same city or one across the county, being able to take the cleaner with you means that fresh air in your salon is always as close as the nearest outlet.

360 Degree Air Intake---Pulling air in from all sides gives you greater flexibility in where you can place the cleaner. A cleaner constructed with this feature can be placed as close as 6 inches from any surface. This means it can be placed in a corner, by a wall and out of the way yet still perform effectively.

Multiple Filtration Speeds---At peak times when there are a lot of fumes being produced, it's crucial to be able to filter the air faster. This keeps clients comfortable and reduces the number of fumes in the air faster.

Being able to control the rate at which the air is filtered allows you to keep air quality high regardless of how many manicures, perms, or colorings your stylists are performing. And when there is a lull, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money by turning the filtration speed to low.

24 Hour Operation----A split capacitor motor allows for continuous filtration even when you are not there. This takes out the day's fumes that may continue to linger in the air and allows you to open your salon the next morning to air that is fresh and inviting.

Keep the air in your salon smelling fresh and clean with the air purifier specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals and particles at

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Healthy Living Saves Money

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Health is the foremost of all natural states in which human beings find ourselves demonstrating a slight control over. Habits, whether they are good or bad can alter the physiology of the human condition. During the mid 1960s, research in the medical industry showed that with no doubt tobacco is detrimental to a humans health, and along with that is an addiction of which the expense is only compared to alcohol and they each kill.

As we grow older, we have to understand that it is time to take stock of what we need to do to retain our health and some changes might need to be assessed to our wants and responsibilities. Getting and staying healthy in this twenty-first century is not going to be as easy as you might have considered. Innovations in medical science still find the sniffles kicking the posterior of the industry. Swine and avian flu, and illnesses like West Nile can be new terms for victims of such diseases. Researchers spend many hours attempting to remain ahead of the newest strains of influenza since they change each year which requires a new vaccine.

Exercise and food as well as a good night's sleep are as important as the apple. Eating a variety of foods in appropriate portions is instrumental in helping to create a healthier life. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are useful in nourishing cells and supporting bodily activities. Proper hydration to flush toxins out of the body is crucial to proper kidney function and helps to speed up elimination. Liquids, fiber and bulk are all important to processing foods and eliminating waste that is produced from consumed foods.

Correct amounts of sugars and fats are the fuel required to stoke the engine of our metabolic system which is the place our energy comes from. Too much of these though when they are not readily used is stored for future utilization and this can sometimes be bad for us. Brain function, and physical activity burn many calories for temperature regulation and propelling the human body onward. A sedentary lifestyle in conjunction with too many calories is never good. This is the stuff of which type 2 diabetes is made of. After a person reaches morbidly obesity, losing weight is much more difficult and longevity is decreased.

This can appear to be unfair, but it is true. We do everything we can to stay healthy as we head for routine exams, eat properly, get enough rest, and if you take a look into the garages and closets of folks it would look like that we get enough exercise. Genetics of course have a role here too. Cancer, brain disorders, gall bladder and pancreas diseases are just a few maladies that are often inherited. A family history of either of these can encourage you to visit with your primary care doctor about it so that you can continually be monitored and treated should the need arise.

As we pay attention to the costs of health care increase so does the essence of care and the innovations for treatment. Just like anything else in society, you will get what you pay for. That's no different with medical procedures and the necessity for them. Years ago procedures for gall bladder condition resulted in a large scar and ten days of confinement at the hospital along with a few weeks to recuperate. Today's innovative advances in medical science find a robot in the OR guided by a doctor in a procedure that takes less than fifteen minutes and the patient is often dispatched home within an hour or two, or as soon as the anesthetic wears off. They can then likely return to their everyday lives with little to no pain.

Risky activities kill more individuals than disease. The playthings we enjoy often lead to death. Sometimes we abuse motorized devices in our pursuit of earthly pleasures. With little regard to whether we are using the devices for pleasure or for basic transportation and responsible use, even the least risk can become fatal. All outdoor leisure time devices are equipped with instructions and warnings in easy reach for operators to take a gander at and preferably pay heed to. This is often overshadowed though by a blatant disregard for heeding to basic safety instructions.

Purveyors of such devices should have to give an eye examination to those who wish to buy because it is obvious that many accidents occur because some folks refuse to spend time with the instructions. How else does one explain how a 400 pound toy wound up atop a 40 foot tall tree, backwards and upside down? Emergency room is the next stop. Having good health and staying that way as well as prospering is basic when you would enjoy living your life to the full. Making a good decision that contributes to health and longevity saves expense and spares loved ones grief which is often delayed when using smart health choices and common sense.

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Fast Shingles Treatment To Get Rid Of The Problem

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Shingles is a skin affliction that induces extreme discomfort and agony for the sufferer. The condition appears as itchy and painful red blisters in the affected locations. While the condition can be extremely frustrating and painful, the sufferers prefer to eliminate it as quick as feasible.

The shingles illness is an interesting case of viral infections since it initially presents itself in the form of the widely known chicken pox disease. For most patients the illness passes without any sort of serious incidences, but the virus remains in the system and can cause shingles.

Treatment for shingles can differ from simple over the counter analgesic to stronger antiviral medications and steroids. All of these have the ability of inducing further harm to the individual. None are natural, and all cause perturbations to the body that could have rippling effects into the future.

My friend found out that she had shingles after she went to the doctor with rash complaints. They recommended her antiviral medicine and sent her home.

The specialist said that it might take up to ten days before considerable outcomes could be noticed. My friend didn't want to suffer that long and we started seeking some quicker ways. Well, we indeed found a system that guaranteed to cure shingles within 3 days.

We determined to purchase the book and try the seven step formula. Of course, right off the bat, our favorite thing about this treatment was that it was all natural.

The system supplied 14 home remedies that can be made by anybody with ordinary kitchen supplies. We knew that even if the seven step quick shingles treatment did not get rid the shingles within three days, there might still be no detrimental side effects for my friend.

The treatment deal appeared to be too good to be true and we were extremely sceptical about it. Nevertheless, my friend began to go through these seven steps, and it was almost unbelievable how effectively the remedies began to take effect. The quantity of her blisters were substantially diminished in under 2 days. After the third day, they were virtually totally gone. This truly was a fast shingles cure.

These natural home remedies for shingles also helped my niece that got shingles only two years after she got over her chicken pox. My sister followed the seven steps as my friend and noticed that her daughter's shingles eruptions were almost entirely gone by day 4.

It takes a little bit energy to get healed since you should follow the steps scrupulously. Nonetheless, the instructions are extremely clear so you shouldn't have any troubles to understand them. Also, because the system is totally natural, there are no or very little side effects involved.

You are able to get rid of the symptoms of shingles quick and naturally. Locate more details visiting our natural shingles treatment website now.

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Melasma: Can get rid you and reach the skin looking young?

Most of us would like to keep a juvenile face as we age. With Melasma a brown color that may appear on the forehead, cheeks, jaw or upper lips, can put us in a single step back. I have it on both cheeks, but it is more noticeable on my right cheek.

A combination of issues can cause hyperpigmentation: genetics, sun exposure, oral contraceptives or problems hormones, to name a few. You could not get rid of this skin problem, but the good news is by learning the most effective road to care of the skin for you you can help your skin. Start with some of these tips.

Improve your diet

To help protect your face against free radicals in our environment, try to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Antioxidant-rich vegetables include broccoli, spinach, artichokes and carrots. Fruits that are important for the fight against free radicals are blueberries, cherries and cranberries.

Wear sunscreen

Ultraviolet light can trigger the Melasma. For this reason, when you are exposed to the Sun, wear a Sun hat to the test with an edge of 4 "or more." Your Sun screen lotion must contain ingredients that will block UVA rays, which cause premature aging of the skin and UVB rays, which cause sunburn. Use a Sunscreen SPF 30 or greater than. I have not been able to heal my spots, but there are various treatments that can alleviate their.

Fraxel Laser

FDA approved, it takes approximately 3-5 sessions, each session lasts 30 minutes. This treatment offers a series of laser beams tiny and very close to the region needs repair. The laser leaves the normal surrounding skin intact to help with the healing process. This treatment can be expensive, and I haven't tried it.


It is a procedure that is to clean the top layer of skin by spraying his face with endometrial crystals to remove dead epidermal cells. This procedure may not work for Melasma, hyperpigmentation is much deeper.

Bleaching cream, prescription and over the counter

Prescription and over-the-counter bleaching creams contain hydroquinone, which decreases the formation of melanin. Hydroquinone comes in low concentrations for over-the-counter for hyperpigmentation of server you will have a prescription to a higher dose.

Side effects may include skin irritation and stains on your nails. When you stop using the cream, your fingernails should return to normal.

Natural skin Lighteners

Natural skin Lighteners must be 100% natural and non-irritating to the skin. He should be able to ease your Melasma and contain natural anti-aging ingredients. Here are some of the ingredients to look for:

Root committed

A the ability to inhibit the formation of melanin pigment of the skin for this reason that it can naturally lighten hyperpigmentation on your face.

Natural vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol)

A powerful antioxidant to help free radicals that can attack your face.


Extract of fruit of the passion of the Brazil that has the capability to nourish and revitalize the skin. also helps regulate the production of sebum, thereby preventing the skin from becoming too dry or oily.

You will not be able to get rid of the Melasma, but you can get the younger look skin by taking a little extra time to read about good treatment for your skin.

Visit my site for more information on these natural ingredients.

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