Friday, 18 November 2011

Adolescent and Older Female Athletes Need to Value Training to Play Sports

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ALL female athletes - not just elite athletes - need to value training to play sports.

Researchers have shown there are many benefits for every female athlete - these are just some of the most important:

1. Minimize the risk of injury,*

2. Stabilize and strengthen the lower body, and

3. Minimize the risk of osteoarthritis (OA); this will affect 70% of all females that suffer knee injuries within 12 years of the injury as compared to injured males who may, or may not have an OA challenge within 20 years,

Let's say you are thinking that injuries and sports HAPPEN!! AGREED!! However, did you know that the trained female athlete will bounce back more quickly than an untrained athlete?

Further, even though females play sports for far more social reasons than males - many want to be quicker, stronger, and generate more power - sport-specific training is the only way to optimize this for all athletes. Now, the teen female athlete has many challenges listed under "Differences between female and male athletes" on my website. One challenge - absence of a neuromuscular spurt at puberty - is attracting much attention from researchers.

Also, it is now known that my BNP Training (balance, neuromuscular control, and proprioception) not only helps every athlete develop a solid kinetic chain; it will help minimize the risk for OA.

Couple BNP Training with safe and age-appropriate guidelines and every athlete will benefit from a stronger foundation. Volunteer coaches, parents, guardians, and the adolescent (teen) female athletes need to find time in their busy schedules to make certain the female athlete's core and joints (also the upper body for overhead sports) are ready to develop the required skills for each sport.

Historically, male athletes have trained to play sports and female athletes have just played their sports. There is compelling research from independent researchers that provide valued insight into why training to play sports is very important for all female athletes; e.g., a link between the central nervous system and fatigue in females has been identified recently. I am hoping in the next decade we will see female athletes embrace training to play sports and the current too high injury rate causing 40,000+ ACL surgeries (just in USA) and up to 250,000 female sports related knee injuries annually, will lower over time.

Call me old school, but the future Moms do not need an OA challenge in their late twenties or early thirties. Youth sports, et al has to understand that pro athletes take off time to rejuvenate their body and their mind; then, they begin training for their next season. Now, youth sports is on a 10 - 11 month cycle between club and varsity sports through high school. Doctors know this year-round sports cycle with youth, who have open growth plates, is a primary cause of the too high rate of lower body injury.

Since no one wants to see any athlete idled by injury, it is time to reign in what has led to this too high injury rate and listen to healthcare professionals. Common sense says that healthcare professionals are committed to helping all athletes stay healthy. Let's listen to them. An orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Geier says he is asked why he wants to see the injury rate go down, since he and his colleagues would benefit from more procedures. He says: "it's the right thing to do."

* There are no training programs that can guarantee injury will not occur during training or playing sports.

I started my website,, so every user can make informed decisions about the adolescent female athlete training to play sports.

I present complex research and medically based information in easy to understand language so today's parent(s)/guardian(s) of daughter-athletes can learn how to minimize every female athlete's risk for injury while helping them become faster, quicker, and stronger. It is known that the trained athlete, if injured, will return to play faster than an untrained athlete. There is no downside to safe and age-appropriate training.

Why "Eating Healthy" Is Not Always Enough to Heal Endometriosis

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There is a big difference between "eating healthy" and eating for Endometriosis. When most people think of "eating healthy" they believe this is a simple, balanced diet which contains a little of everything and not too much of anything. They don't eat much junk food, they don't drink too much alcohol or eat too much sugar. They eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and have milk and dairy products in moderation. It sounds healthy doesn't it? It sounds like a perfect remedy for anyone wanting to be more healthy. Unfortunately, we are all largely misinformed about many of the so called "healthy foods". They are generally not as healthy as we like to believe. We have been leading a false idea of healthy and it is no wonder then that our symptoms and conditions don't seem to get better dramatically.

When I first went exploring about Endometriosis and what it really is caused by, as in, the organs that control our hormones, how they work and how it all fits together, I was baffled by it all. I decided to visit a few different practitioners to get my head around it all. The Traditional Chinese Medicine practice believe it all relates back to the liver, which has contracted an "imbalance" or as they refer to it, a "blockage" in the area. They say it is like your body has contracted "the cold" in the area. Not a physical flu but like the cold weather has entered your body. I found this interesting because the symptoms of having cold feet, hating cold weather, feeling hot flushes and getting headaches all made that seem to fit. It was a strange belief and the Traditional Chinese Medicine is a particularly hard one to understand from a western view point. We like to label things and understand that a particular disease is present and yes, we like to simply take a tablet or have it taken out. This is not how the Chinese think at all. They believe the disease is formed and that the same way it is formed, the same way it can be flushed out by the body. One simply has to recreate a balance within the organs involved in creating the imbalance. They also use Acupuncture as they illustrate acupuncture to invigorate the meridians that flow through the area where the "blockage" exists. It is interesting because they say the "blockage" is largely caused by strong emotions held in the body.

I also have a good friend who is a naturopath and he illustrated that the liver is responsible for flushing out diseases and toxins in the body and that our liver is simply underactive and is therefore not able to expel the condition from the body. I started to look into this further and discovered some very interesting correlations with the liver and endometriosis. For instance, did you know that the liver is responsible for the hormone level in our body? Did you know that the liver also is responsible for flushing out the fat content in our body? Did you know that the higher the fat content is in our body the more hormones we have in our body as the liver is not able to flush it out? Interesting! Wow! I thought is brilliant and really thought I had found a real organ that I could study and relate back to the liver. It made perfect sense to me!

As a new born, I had suffered from colic, which affects the liver and had always had problems with my bowels, nausea (even as a young child) and with my hormones. Once, I delved deeper I also discovered the sad connection between Dioxin and Endometriosis! - You have to read about this one.

Anyways, I have gone a little off track....

The point is that we are not eating just to be healthy and that we are eating and healing for Endometriosis. It is quite different. Some of us think that having a little butter or having a piece of meat every now and again is okay. We think this is part of a "balanced diet". We might have a little milk every now and again or we might even have cake every now and again. We do however, cut out many things too and we believe it is not fair that we still have pain. We go through these waves of pain that largely depend on what we eat and the stresses in our lives.

The process involved in eating for the liver is different. It is only marginally different but it is different. We eat to heal and then once the liver is healed, we maintain but we don't have to be quite as strict. Let me explain:

The liver HATES fat. The liver HATES sugar. The liver HATES toxins/ anti-biotics/ hormones. Every food that we eat that contains these will make it not work as well, which is going to ultimately affect our endo. Here are some foods that you probably eat, which are considered healthy but probably contain all or at least one of these:

· Meat

This has been linked to Dioxin which has been proven to cause Endometriosis in monkeys.

· Dairy products

They contain milk products which are derived from cows. These cows are often pumped with anti-biotics and hormonal treatments, landing up on your plate. Milk products are also loaded with fat.

· Sugar lowers our immune system and this plays havoc on the liver. One teaspoon of sugar in your diet, lowers your immune system for up to 2hrs! A lowered immune system has been closely linked to Endometriosis. Some simple examples: marmalade, cereals, bread, jam, yoghurt, chocolate, chutney's - when you start reading labels you will be amazed at what contains sugar. Sugar is like a toxin to the body!

Now, these are just some basic examples but you are probably consuming at least some sugar every day. This sugar is lowering your immune system making it harder on your body to heal. Sugar is found in so many places in our food, it is scary!

Okay, so what are you saying Mel? I can't eat anything anymore! I have already cut out so much out of my diet! Please don't make me cut out EVERYTHING!

No, this is not what I am proposing. What I am proposing is that we need to go on a liver cleanse. It a strict liver cleanse for a period of time and this depends completely on you. The most common ones are 2months but it might take us 6months. They need to be combined with exercise first thing in the morning as the liver does it detoxifying in the early hours of the morning. By exercising first thing in the morning we can get rid of the extra toxins, it has not been able to get to.

Detoxing is always the first step to healing...

My advice is all through my personal experience with Endometriosis. I want to help as many woman as I can who suffer from this debilitating condition. I have found ways to deal and cure the condition for many woman and I share them all on my blog page: I look forward to hearing from you on there!

Vagina Tightening Options

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Women all over the world have one universal problem and that is the loosening up of a vagina after a certain age or pregnancy. In this article let us have a look at some of the modern techniques available to tighten a vagina. The good news is that nowadays there are a variety of options available for women to get a tighter vagina but with so much of variety one can often get confused so let us examine some of the best and effective ways of vagina tightening.

Vagina Tightening Surgery

It is the most quickest and effective way of tightening up a vagina that has lost its firmness due to child-birth, aging or other physical factors. Although it is the surest way of getting a tighter vagina but it has many drawbacks. Women who have gone through this surgery have commonly reported pain in the vaginal walls, high risk of infections and the biggest disadvantage of this surgery is that if you become pregnant then you would have to go through the surgical procedure again and lastly it is a very expensive surgery ranging from $5000 to $10000 so obviously not everyone can afford it.


There are also exercises available for women which can greatly help in tightening up a vagina. These exercises are popularly known as kegel exercises and they concentrate mainly on the pelvic area. They are quite effective when performed along with the use of natural vaginal tightening creams.

Vagina Tightening Creams

These creams have recently surfaced in the market and have become quite popular instantly. There are many companies making these tightening creams but only a few have become popular amongst women due to their high efficacy rate and lack of side effects. Let us quickly review two of such products going around in the market.

1. Instant Virgin Spray

This is a completely herbal formulation and is sprayed on the vaginal area 5 to 10 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. The herbs present in the spray tighten the vaginal walls by almost 30% thereby helping in enhanced feeling of penetration. It has many positive consumer reviews which instills confidence in new users.

2. Virgin Cream

It acts in the same way as instant virgin spray the only difference being that is a cream. It has been around in the market for a very long time and enjoys a great reputation amongst women as a great vagina tightening product.

So all in all women of today have many options available to enhance their sexual life, the only thing is to use the right options at the right time.

Check out instant virgin spray for vagina tightening visit

Yeast Infections in Women Are Very Common

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Yeast infections in women are very common and very annoying but totally treatable. An estimated 75 percent of all women will get an infection at least once in their lives and many will be predisposed to get them more often. Certain factors may also precipitate a bout with an infection. One of the problems though are that women are self-diagnosing yeast infections and running to the drug store for an over-the-counter medication (such as Monistat 7 or Gyne-Lotrimin) to treat the first signs or symptoms of an infection when it may not be what they have at all.

Yeast is a type of fungus that normally lives in the vagina in normal levels. It is estimated that 20 to 50% of healthy women have yeast in the vaginal area. If it overgrows it can cause an infection with associated itching, burning and discharge. The most common symptom is itching which is present 95 percent of the time in all cases.

Causes of vaginal yeast infections:

- When antibiotics are taken to treat a urinary tract infection or a respiratory infection (or other types of infection) vaginal yeast can multiply to unhealthy levels and cause infection.
- Women with suppressed immune systems (when taking cortisone-related medications for example) tend to develop infections more frequently than women with normal immune systems.
- The use of douches or perfumed vaginal hygiene sprays can increase the risk of developing vaginal infections.
- Women who are pregnant, have diabetes or are taking oral contraceptives may be predisposed to developing vaginal yeast infections.

A vaginal infection is not considered a sexually transmitted disease or infection, however, men can develop symptoms of an infection after having intercourse with an infected partner. Also, in rare instances a man can develop a yeast infection due to a weak immune system or prolonged use of antibiotics.


If it is the first time you are experiencing an infection, a visit to the doctor should be in order so they can take a culture, look at it under a microscope and confirm it's an infection. Any subsequent infections will typically have the same annoying symptoms and can be treated with an over-the-counter medication. If symptoms persist, however, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor right away as you may have something other than a yeast infection. Also, doctors are able to prescribe a stronger medication than what you will get over-the-counter which will take care of the infection much faster.

Wearing 100% cotton underwear is also a good practice to help with moisture since moisture trapped against your skin will encourage the growth of yeast. Many women also eat yogurt with "active cultures" as part of their diet to help avoid infections.

Yeast infections can also affect other areas of the body. It is common for women to develop an infection under the breasts. It is referred to as Intertrigo where the folds of skin, such as those under the breasts, come into contact with each other and due to the warm, moist environment a yeast infection can develop. Symptoms are redness, swelling, oozing and itching. Untreated infections in the folds of the skin can persist and take a long time to go away.

Babies can also get yeast infections in their mouth which is called thrush. Signs of thrush can be seen in the form of white patches and sores on the inside of the mouth. A pediatrician must diagnose thrush and prescribe the proper medication for its treatment.

Infertility and Acupuncture - Does Acupuncture Help With Infertility?

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Small-scale studies indicate acupuncture can increase uterine blood flow. Doppler ultrasound technology shows improved blood flow for most of the patients, and pregnancy success increased.

Preliminary research has determined acupuncture can restore a regulated endocrine system and trigger ovulation. A 2002 German study, 80 IVF patients received acupuncture care before and after intrauterine embryo transfers. 50 percent of the women conceived, according to a report in the journal of Fertility and Sterility, in comparison with a 26 percent success rate in the control group.

The important thing is to find a qualified practitioner. Ask for personal referrals from other women that may be going through the same concerns. Find a practitioner that is affiliated with the Western medical community that can understand Eastern and Western medical thought. A practitioner that incorporates Traditional Chinese medicine into their practice through acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and diet is very important.


Chinese herbs can address a multitude of concerns regarding regulating the cyclical patterns of optimal reproductive health both men and women. Herbs can help to harmonize the endocrine system which can regulate the menstrual cycle, ovulation, luteal phase, etc. It is important to find a skilled practitioner that has the clinical experience formulating herbs correctly, dosage amount, and awareness with contraindications there may be with other medications the patient may be taking.

Diet and Nutrition:

In Chinese medicine, this is referred to as proper food-combining. You eat with the five flavors. They are salty, bitter, sweet, sour, and spicy. All of the flavors have a direct effect upon the specific organ systems associated with each flavor and the direct relationship to that organ. Other nutritional concerns with pregnancy preparation are caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco intake and the effects on egg production. Research shows that foods rich in zinc boost reproductive health. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, seeds build seeds right. Yams may support reproductive hormones.

the research is the cornerstone of a group of related studies of yam intake and genetic predisposition to multiple births now under way at Yale and Harvard and in Nigeria. Demographic and scientific studies conducted in the early 1970s pointed to white yams as the culprit in the mystery of multiple births in southwestern Nigeria. The hypothesis is that yams act as anti-estrogens, the chemical link between yams and fertility and has yet to isolate an anti-estrogen from yams. Anti-estrogens fool the brain into thinking there is insufficient estrogen, causing it to release more of a hormone called gonadotrophin and increase the ovulation rate. This could potentially mean yams are great for improving ovulation in general. Interesting study though.

Hope this is helpful and informative.

Please visit my website at

Karin Kramer, Licensed Acupuncturist in Boston, MA
On Point Acupuncture & Wellness

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Fibroids

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Fibroids are growths or benign tumors that form inside the uterus, mostly of women of childbearing age. The exact cause of this health condition is quite unknown but the disease is known to be associated with certain symptoms. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms are similar to those of other infections or diseases and as a result of this many women are often unaware that they are suffering from this condition. It is therefore important that you understand the common symptoms of fibroids so as to seek for proper treatment.

The followings are the common symptoms of fibroids:


This is one of the major symptoms of fibroids. As the fibroids become bigger it tends to press on the colon and this can prevent regular bowel movement thereby causing painful digestion. This condition is often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore immediate check up is necessary in order to ascertain the true cause of this particular symptom.

Abdominal swelling

If your stomach is protruding unnecessary and feels hard to touch, then you need to seek medical attention. Women suffering from fibroids often experience swelling in their stomach which makes them look pregnant when they are actually not, and this tends to grow bigger with time.

Heavy menstruation

Fibroids can also result in heavy bleeding during menstrual period. Sometimes the bleeding can be so severe that it cause anemia and in rare cases blood transfusion may be requires as a result of heavy blood loss.

Irregular periods

Apart from heavy menstruation, many women often experience irregular periods as a result of fibroids. If your menstrual period stays longer than necessary or starts before your normal cycle then you should know that something is wrong. Though this could be normal in some women, it should be a source of concern especially if you are on birth control pills.

Urinary problems

Women with fibroids often experience difficulty when urinating and in some cases there could be blood in the urine. As the fibroids grow bigger it then presses on the bladder and this can block the urinary system. This can also prompt frequent urination by reducing the size of the bladder.

Infertility and Miscarriage

Untreated or prolonged fibroids can result in inability to conceive. As they become larger, they can block the fallopian tube thereby preventing implantation in the uterus. In pregnant women, fibroids can slow down the development of the fetus or cause miscarriage.

Other symptoms of fibroids include painful intercourse, pelvic pain and cramps. If you experience any of these symptoms then you should seek medical attention in order to confirm whether you are having fibroids or any other health conditions.

If you think you may have fibroids or you are diagnosed with this condition, then you should consider appropriate treatments. Treatments often depend on several factors which include the type of fibroids, size and location. Surgery is one of the treatment options for fibroids. Though it can be effective, it is often expensive and sometimes painful and risky. There are also natural treatments which are the preferred options for most women. They provide relief from heavy menstruation, irregular period and can help you to shrink and completely get rid of your fibroids.

To get rid of fibroids permanently, there is a Best Treatment for Fibroids which consists of natural treatment to cure this condition within a few days. To learn more about this treatment option in order to cure your fibroids completely visit Best Treatment for Fibroids

Post Baby Health: Postpartum Depression Revealed

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When I think back to my daughter's birth I find myself with mixed feelings of joy, sorrow, exuberance, pain, guilt and resentment. That has been 3 and a half years. And I still feel those same feelings today, only now I have a very different perspective on what those feeling signify.

You see, as 'unworthy' humans, we give in to the voice of mediocrity that chatters constantly throughout the day at us that we are just fine where we are or that we're not smart enough, strong enough, thin enough, tall enough, what-ever-enough and therefore we receive mediocrity; and in some cases the mediocrity is replaced with self-loathing, which leads to even more destructive life paths (i.e. depression, drugs, alcohol, emotional eating, etc...). I didn't realize this at the time as I was so engulfed in the feelings that accompanied her birth I really couldn't see anything else. I was in survival mode in the most primitive sense of that expression.

I felt each and every waking moment, and some sleeping as well, that I would drown, literally drown, if I didn't focus on simply breathing. For the first 6 months of my daughter's life I couldn't go two to three hours without crying. At the time I thought I was doing myself and those around me a favor by hiding this fact and just 'making it through' the day. It took nearly a year before I was crying only a few times per week and I thought, in my conditioned mind, that this was a mighty step in the right direction.

I share this with you as you may be in the middle of this experience right now. Or maybe you did experience these symptoms, or you may just be curious as to what 'could' happen after childbirth and want way to be proactive. You need to know straight off that these feelings and emotions are both normal and abnormal. They are normal in the sense that NOTHING and I mean NOTHING can prepare you for childbirth, except for the experience of actually birthing a child! And they are abnormal in the respect that when felt and expressed to the extreme that my feelings were, it is absolutely postpartum depression (PPD) strong at work.

I can say with all embarrassment and honesty that I was ashamed and scared to admit to myself, let alone someone else, that I couldn't cope with what I was feeling; to admit that I was depressed. Once I 'owned' my PPD (which was only a mere 2 years after the fact) I had found a sort of 'safe place' in myself with which to store those feelings. Let me point out that... I did NOT cope with, nor work through those feelings, nor did I seek professional assistance... I simply found a way to 'exist' that fit the socially acceptable norm for functional behavior.

You need to know that this was, and is, a VERY dangerous and destructive method with which to cope with PPD. I have since sought professional help to work through my own residual effects of PPD and have found it essential to incorporate this aspect of postpartum health into my program. When I founded Post Baby Health I simply wanted to ensure women had the most up-to-date information on getting healthy before, during and after baby. My first generation program incorporated emotional health and well-being, but was very superficial in its approach. However, in working through my own depression, which manifested itself in the primary form of food addiction and emotional eating, I have enhanced and delved deeper into the realm of postpartum emotional support to ensure that EVERY mommy has the information and support she needs to live out her truest self every day.

If you feel you are suffering from PDD please, please don't wait another minute. Get plugged in today. My team and myself are dedicated to your health. The first step is always the hardest. Let us take your hand and we'll walk side by side to work through this together. CLICK HERE FOR HELP.

Elizabeth Carbonaro is a mother of 2 who is passionate about helping women lose the post baby weight in a safe, natural and quick manner, keeping it off for good and finding that elusive balance regarding physical, emotional & spiritual health and wellness using natural methods.

Get access to a Free Report with more great tips at

If you need help with General Weight Loss or Food Addiction just Google my business profile under NaturalBodyEvolution dot com.

There's no reason to suffer in silence any longer. The help you need is here, it's up to YOU to access it. God Bless!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

So You Have an Appointment With Your Dermatologist, Ladies: What Are You Going to Wear?

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So ladies, you're going to the dermatologist.

We all know that going to the dermatologist can be a humbling experience. It's not always the type of appointment you look forward to, especially when you know that you might have to take off your clothes, wrap yourself in a thin paper gown, and sit in a cool room staring at four walls waiting for the doctor. And you know you are waiting for the doctor to come in and look at your body...the same body you've been meaning to get on to that treadmill since last month...or last year. But you have taken care of the things you can control- you made sure to shower and to shave your legs, and to wear undergarments that are pretty (yet conservative) but most especially clean and without holes. You did your hair and put on your makeup and all of the other things we generally do before we walk out the door into public.

As a dermatologist and a female, ladies, I'm going to lay it on the line with some great advice about your next visit. While all of your efforts to shave, shower and wear clean undies are much appreciated, they probably matter most because they make you feel more comfortable, which is extremely important. I'd like to give you some advice that will be very helpful in making the most of your next visit to the dermatologist. Some of these might surprise you.

1. Don't wear any facial make-up! This is probably the most difficult one to swallow. It doesn't matter if you are seeing the dermatologist for acne or a skin cancer check. Make-up is meant to cover things up. It covers red spots, brown spots, pimples, dark circles under the eyes. It also covers skin cancers, pre-skin cancers, abnormal moles and acne. I could go on and on, but the point is, it covers your skin- the very thing you are at your dermatologist to have checked. Most dermatologists will ask you to remove your make-up because if your dermatologist can't see it, she can't treat it. Understandably, there will be times that you have to come to your appointment with make-up on, for instance, if you're coming from work. In that case, be prepared to take it off and bring your make-up with you if you need to re-apply after your appointment.

2. Take off your nail polish. Another tough one. I know that pedicures aren't cheap, so the thought of taking off your polish before your appointment isn't necessarily an appealing one. However, the nails can speak volumes, not only about the skin, but also about other problems that could be happening internally. You can also develop skin cancer under your nails or cuticles. Melanoma in those areas can show up as a very subtle streak of color on a nail. Those types of things will be missed if you are covering your nails with polish. So remember, ladies, take off the polish.

3. Don't apply lotions to the skin before your appointment. You may not want anyone to see your dry skin, but we can take it- and we can treat it. Lotion can change the way a lesion appears in its natural state, making it harder to diagnose. Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, because we women usually apply lotion to freshly shaved legs, I just want to tell you, it's okay if you forget to shave. It doesn't bother us at all. After all, dermatologist are specialists in skin, nails and hair!

4. Leave your hair down and be prepared to have it messed at little. A full body exam includes the scalp and you can't see the scalp without tossing the hair around a little. It also makes it difficult to see the scalp through hair that is stiff with hairspray.

5. Be prepared to fully disrobe. Some of you might feel a little uncomfortable with this, but remember, skin is everywhere. That includes under your bra, on your breasts, on your buttocks, between your buttocks and on the pubic area. Despite the fact that those areas may not have seen the sun as much as the skin on your arms and legs, you are just as likely to develope a melanoma skin cancer in those area as you are any other area. And while your dermatologist most likely won't be putting you in stirrups for a regular skin exam, you should consider taking off your undergarments so he/she can check those areas. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can always request that the doctor's assistant be in the room during your exam. If the thought of completely disrobing makes you uncomfortable, consider wearing that thong that you purposely left in the drawer. I can't tell you how many times a patient has apologized to me for wearing a thong, because they considered it inappropriate at the doctor's office. Believe it or not, it shows more skin and skin is what your dermatologist is looking at for unwanted lesions.

6. Consider leaving your jewelry at home. This one is pretty self explanatory. You would be amazed at what a watch or a large necklace can hide.

7. Don't worry about not getting on that treadmill. Your dermatologist sees big people, little people, short people, tall people, young people, old people. We've seen every shape and curve that exists or that you can possibly imagine, multiple times a day. So if you're self-conscious, put your fear aside. Your dermatologist is only looking at your skin and focusing on finding troubled areas, not one of us is judging your body, shape or size. Our concern is your health, not your physique.

Dr. Jocelyn Harris LaRocque
Dermatology Care of Charlotte

An Orgasm a Day Keeps Bad Health Away - Tips for Women

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A group of experts working for women's health program in Australia suggested that women who have satisfactory sex on a regular basis are less at risk of developing health problems compared to women who have sex less frequently. According to them, the pleasure of reaching orgasm each time a woman has sex can enhance her psychological wellbeing to a great extent and improve her overall health. All said and done, the critical question still remains: how can you get the kind of orgasm that every couple wants every night?

The secret to better orgasms
An extended massive orgasm refers to an intense and expanded sensation of sexual climax, which is markedly different from a regular orgasm. An orgasm that exceeds the usual expectations of a woman creates an extremely pleasurable sensation that involves muscular contractions in the lower abdomen, inner thighs and the limbs. Such orgasms generate energy and can release immense bursts of positive emotions in both the partners.

The key to experience such orgasms each time you have sex is to have a perfect synergy between mind and body. Many women blame their lack of sexual desire and inability to reach sexual climax (a medical condition known as female sexual dysfunction) to their fluctuating moods or other issues unrelated to sex. As a result of such basic flaws in understanding sexual functions, they don't even know that they can achieve better orgasms than what they normally do. Given below are a few tips that may help you unlock the secrets to an immensely gratifying sex life.

1. Relax and take it easy
Many couples tend to stiffen up as they approach sexual climax. It does not help at all in achieving better orgasms. You must learn to relax and let go off the immediate feelings of pleasure that occur as you near climax. Doing so will help you release the nervous sensations and prolong your climactic pleasures.

2. Develop an uninhibited approach to sex
Human sexual behavior is often under the influence of social norms and cultures. You grow up within a particular social setup and you are taught certain things that you should do during sex and many a things that you should not do. Now to get true sexual pleasures, the first learning lesson for you is to unlearn what you have learned so far. Approach sex in a fully uninhibited manner: try different sex positions; get dirty with your mouth and tongue and make it happen in any way you and your partner are comfortable with.

3. Strengthen your PC muscles
Pubococcygeus muscles, commonly known as PC muscles, play a crucial role in controlling an individual's sexual stamina and responses. There are lots of exercises to strengthen the PC muscles and experience heightened sexual pleasures, including EMO.

However, if you suffer from female sexual dysfunction because of lack of testosterone, you can try female libido enhancers such as testosterone patches to treat your condition and improve your sex life. Intrinsa patch is the most popular product within this category. It can help boost libido by delivering small amounts of testosterone into the bloodstream. You need to consult a doctor before you can use Intrinsa patch.

For more information on female sexual dysfunction visit our health blog: Expert Medical Advice

Managing Your Periods

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One of the biggest changes that occur in a girl during puberty is menstruation or getting periods. Periods usually start between the age of 9 to 13 years. Every girl has a different experience with her periods. For some, the flow lasts for 3 days, while for others it can last for 7 days. Typically periods appear every 28 days, though most doctors consider anywhere from 21 to 35 days as a normal cycle. Regular periods are one of the important indicators of a woman's general and reproductive health.

Given that women have periods for nearly 30 to 40 years of their lives, how do they manage? Periods are associated with a certain degree of discomfort and inconvenience. In earlier days, women would not step out of the house during periods, because of superstition and lack of proper sanitary protection. Today most women carry on with their regular routine, thanks to the various forms of sanitary protection available. These include sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cups.

Sanitary protection ensures proper hygiene and less risk of infection. To stay comfortable during periods, women should change their pad or tampon regularly. This keeps away any odor and also avoids embarrassing incidents of leakages and staining. Women with active lifestyles and sportswomen generally prefer more robust forms of protection like tampons and menstrual cups, both of which are worn internally.

Apart from taking care of the flow, women also need to deal with mild to extreme discomfort and pain during this time. Stomach cramps, feeling bloated, leg pain, headaches, backaches, acne and fatigue are common menstrual problems. Doctors advice women to stay well hydrated, avoid caffeine based drinks and sugar, and indulge in some form of mild exercise. For painful cramps, external remedies like hot water bottles and heated packs are often used. However, if the pain is extreme or the flow is too heavy, immediate medical consultation is required.

Despite the irritation, it is better than women get their periods every month! Irregular periods mean that there is something wrong with the reproductive system/health of the woman. Drastic changes in body weight, extreme dieting and exercise, stress, illnesses and eating disorders, all affect the regularity of periods. And need medical attention.

Irregular periods can result in Amenorrhea, defined as the absence of menstrual periods. This condition is usually associated with extreme exercise, hormonal imbalance and poor dietary habits. This is also a symptom of eating disorders like anorexia.

The opposite of Amenorrhea is excessive bleeding and prolonged periods. This could be caused by imbalance in the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone, both of which affect the uterus lining. It can also be due to inflammation or infection in the cervix, fibroids or endometriosis.

Dysmenorrhea which is painful and severe periods is another common menstrual problem. It mostly affects teenagers and can interfere with the ability to go about normal activities.

In all of the above cases, it is better to seek professional advice, so as detect serious conditions if any and treat them immediately.

Numerous articles has been written by author Perry Bryan. The article here about periods, menstrual blood stem cells is also one of the best article written by him.

Introduction to the Female Reproductive System

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While the word vagina is often used colloquially to refer to the vulva or external organs of a woman, technically speaking, the vagina is actually the internal structure of a woman's reproductive system. The vagina has several biological functions, mainly for uterine secretions, sexual activity, and childbirth. Many women undergo painless hair removal in order to remove pubic hair from the vulva.

The vagina is an elastic muscular canal that extends from the inner cervix of the uterus to the outer vulva region. Moreover, the elasticity of the vagina allows it to expand during sexual intercourse and during childbirth. The vagina and the interior of the vulva is reddish pink in color. Vaginal lubrication is provided by special glands near the vaginal opening and the cervix. The vaginal membranes also produce moisture, and the cervix's mucus glands secrete mucus before and during ovulation.

The highly sensitive nerve endings near the entrance of a woman's vagina can provide pleasurable sensations during sexual intercourse. When a woman is sexually aroused, or if her clitoris is stimulated, the walls of the vagina will self-lubricate. When it is aroused, the vagina lengthens rapidly to an average of about 4 inches but can continue to lengthen in response to gentle pressure.

The female erogenous zone is concentrated in the G-spot, which is about five centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. Some women experience intense sexual pleasure if their G-spots are stimulated during sexual intercourse. The vagina is also the channel used to deliver an infant from the uterus to its independent life outside the mother during childbirth. Women can improve their vaginal health by washing the urethra and clitoris area, and by undergoing painless bikini waxing to remove pubic hair.

Physicians advise women to wash their genitals at least 20 minutes after sexual intercourse. After a woman washes her vagina, she should immediately dry it with a cloth as wet areas promote bacterial growth. Moreover, when woman are menstruating, they are advised to change their tampons every 3 to 4 hours when it becomes moist. Women are also advised not to wear a tampon for more than 8 hours as this may lead to infections.

If a tampon is left inside the vagina for more than 24 hours, a bad smell starts to emanate. If this happens, women should not douche, as this can cause the bacteria breeding in the vagina to travel up higher, which can lead to a pelvic inflammatory infection. Regular painless hair removal of the pubic hair around the vulva will also prevent the vagina from emanating foul smells.

For more details, search "painless hair removal" in Google for related information.

Most Common Causes Of An Irregular Period

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Periods can sometimes be a real pain. Headache, stomachache and general fatigue can be possibly acquired when having your period. These periodic menstrual bleeding can cause major discomforts; and things can only get worse once it becomes an irregular cycle. Having an irregular period is one of the most common menstrual complaints heard from women all over the world. Women generally have 11 to 13 menstrual periods in a year. You may have observed a different pattern with the occurrence of more or fewer menstrual cycles; and it is possible that what you are experiencing is an irregular menstrual cycle. If you want to overcome repetitive episodes of irregular period, this article will be quite useful.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of An Irregular Period?

The most common stages for women to experience an irregular menstrual cycle is at the onset of puberty, during the teenage years, and at the initial phases of menopause. At these times, your body is adjusting to the changes in hormones that control your menstruation. The irregular period is simply considered the result of the body's transition reaction to the new hormone fluctuation.

Stress is another common cause of having an irregular period. When there is stress, whether physical, mental or emotional, the body's response would be to produce a hormone called cortisol. This hormone, in turn, may affect estrogen, progesterone and DHEA production, all of which play a role in preventing irregular menstrual cycle.

Other common causes of irregular period episodes are excessive exercise, eating disorders and illness. Though most causes are not harmful, eating disorders and illness are alarming causes of irregular menstrual cycle that require immediate medical attention. Two health issues associated with irregular period occurrences are polycystic ovarian syndrome and uterine abnormalities, such as endometriosis. Polycystic ovarian disorder is also a leading cause of infertility. Endometriosis can affect fertility; it can also cause very painful periods. You should track your cycles and let your doctor know when large variances of irregular menstrual cycle occur so you can be certain that an illness is not the main cause.

What Can You Do About An Irregular Period Or Irregular Menstruation Cycle?

Depending on the cause of your irregular period, there may or may not be much you can do about this. Irregular menstrual cycle can be normal to newly menstruating girls because their menstrual cycles still fluctuate. Over the first two years, periods tend to adjust and gradually become more regular each succeeding month. Also, menstrual cycles are expected to become abnormal again during the pre-menopausal stage, which may occur as early as the late thirties, until menopause.

However, if there is an underlying medical condition that is causing your irregular period, then receiving adequate treatment for the condition should help get your periods back on track. If you find your irregular menstruation cycle becoming more annoying, there are some helpful alternatives you can do to regulate your hormones, such as the following: 

Reduce your stress levels. Take time to meditate, relax or just hang out. This may help change your period into a normal cycle.Avoid excessive exercise. Although regular exercise can keep you fit, exercising too much can also pose a risk to your health. If you are an active athlete, try to lessen or cut back a little bit of your level of exercise.

There are also a few medical treatments that may be helpful in regulating your period. Here are some of those:

Hormonal Contraceptives: They are often used for managing irregular period episodes. These contraceptives are usually available by prescription and come in oral, patch, ring and injectable forms.Hormonal Supplements: If you have specific hormonal problems that cause menstrual irregular period episodes, hormonal supplements is the right aid to regulate your periods.

Therefore, continuous episodes of a menstrual irregular period are conditions that need full attention. Although the following alternatives are helpful to regulate your hormones, asking help from your doctor is highly recommended.

Would you like to read more on subjects related to an Irregular Period?

I know it is hard to talk about subjects like this. Talking about your irregular period and related issues might make you feel insecure. To give your confidence a boost and show you that you are not the only having these issues, I have written some more articles on related subjects. The article about Spotting Between Periods for example might be very interesting to you. Just read through the articles and get some more background information so that you can decide whether you should consult a doctor or not.

I have also written an interesting article about Reasons for late Period. Learn more about that by clicking the link.

2 Yeast Infection Home Remedies You Can Use To Stop Your Infection Fast

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A yeast infection is a problem that is produced by yeast naturally found inside your body. About 50% of all healthy women have yeast in the vaginal region. Although naturally found in your body, this yeast fungus becomes a problem once it grows in excessive amounts and reproduces itself.

This is the most common way a yeast infection develops, but it can also develop if you injure your inner vagina or if you're taking medications that lower your immune system. There are also other disorders that could create an infection like pregnancy and diabetes. Try not to use too much perfumed vaginal hygiene sprays because these can increase your chance of developing an infection.

Even men can fall victim to this infection after sexual intercourse with a partner who is infected. There are plenty of ways you could treat this disorder. Treatments available include antifungal medications, creams, and over the counter topical treatments. However, a lot of women find that using these medical treatments just help for a while and then the problem returns worse than before.

A number of natural yeast infection treatments you could use are much more efficient over long term. Make sure you know for sure you're dealing with a yeast infection before you treat yourself at home.

It's estimated that 2 out of 3 women will buy over the counter medication to treat yeast but not really have a yeast infection. There are other types of vaginitis that could make similar symptoms.

You could utilize boric acid capsules to treat your yeast issue naturally. It has been known to be much more helpful dealing with recurrent or resistant infections than prescription drugs. Simply buy boric acid capsules and insert them into the vagina.

If your skin is raw or broken around the vulva area then inserting the capsules could create some discomfort. If so then you can just get a vaginal cream that contains the boric acid.

Boric acid is extremely inexpensive and you do not need a prescription to get it. Until the skin heals completely you might still feel itchy and irritated. After using this natural treatment you'll see your infection starting to go away in a few days.

You could also make your own cream to stop your yeast infection. It's really simple and cheap to make and the ingredients contained in it can help put an end to your infection within a week. First you'll need to get some mineral oil which can be bought at your local grocery store. Use a measuring spoon and add about 1 teaspoon of the mineral to a bowl.

Now add about 2 teaspoons of cornstarch to the bowl with the mineral oil. Mix the two thoroughly in the bowl until they form a paste. Now add about 2 teaspoons of zinc oxide, 2 teaspoons of a triple antibiotic ointment, and 2 teaspoons of a yeast infection ointment to the bowl. As soon as you have mixed all these ointments with the paste you're ready to use this very efficient home remedy.

Simply apply the cream you made directly to the affected area and continue to do so for about a week until you don't experience anymore symptoms. Once you are done making use of the cream you must store it inside an airtight container so you could use it another day.

You shouldn't have no trouble getting rid of your infection with these two yeast infection home remedies. Just make sure you utilize these natural remedies consistently to get the best results.

With the right Yeast Infection Home Remedy you can put an end to your Yeast Infection Symptoms while in the comfort of your home.

All You Need To Know About Breast Enhancement

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Breast enhancement or augmentation mamoplasty is actually a cosmetic surgery. It is performed to increase the size and perfect the shape of the breasts. The main objective behind it is to enhance the person's overall sex appeal. Most women want to increase the size of their breast. It is true that cosmetic surgery is very easy to achieve and reverse but still it is not for everyone. Cosmetic surgery is really a substantial investment of time and money both because it has a lot of after effects and you cannot predict the result. If you are really determined to enhance the size of your breasts then you should consider breast augmentation as a last option.

Now you can find different a option so that you can improve the shape of your breasts before applying any kind of surgery. These techniques range from breast increasing creams and pills to different types of workouts. It is always important to gather all the important information before using anyone of these methods.

Most of the breast enhancing pills come with a combination of different herbal ingredients. They use different types of formulas such as fenugreek, saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam, dog qual, damiana and blessed thistle. Generally herbal components induce reactions similar to those which occur during the time of puberty, when breast tissue starts to grow. Most of these herbs deliver estrogen which mainly stimulates the delicate breast tissue from inside by causing some hormonal changes. You might be curious to know whether estrogen is harmful or not. Off course it is not. It is a completely natural product derived from plants and it is very mild also. It may take some time when you have started taking the course of breast increasing pills. Usually it takes two months to see any kind of noticeable change. But some women can see the change before this.

This is also one of the very effective options to increase the size of your breasts. But one thing you should remember is that it is not that effective alone but it is highly effective when you are taking it along with pills and performing exercises. The working principal of these creams are almost the same as the breast increasing pills. Generally these types of creams come with a mixture of herbs and chemicals. Some of them have some cosmetic effects also as they can make your breasts smoother and firmer.

You can also find different types of workouts for your breasts. Exercise is the completely natural and cost free method of enhancing the overall size and shape of your breasts. Pushups are the best exercise for shaping up and toning the size of your breasts. It would be good if you were to start with 10 repetitions. Increase the number gradually. Always wear comfortable sportswear when you are doing it. Before starting a workout it is always advisable to consult with a doctor because they can guide you in a professional manner.

To find out more on how to get bigger breast there is more information on our site. You can get bigger breast naturally without the need for surgery.

PTLS - A Woman's Story

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Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome is something that is discussed pretty much on a regular basis. There are women that are adamant that they suffer with t. How can all of these women be suffering from the same thing but be told PTLS doesn't happen? Good question. The thing is there are many women who are going for tubal reversal surgery and actually finding relief.

No being a physician, I cannot diagnose PTLS. But, what I can say is I have written and spoken with women that have had the surgery and witnessed the remarkable change following. These women are feeling like their old selves again and are getting their "normal" lives back.

One such woman is telling her story. 'Karen' is more than happy to report what she has gone through trying to find help for all of the symptoms she was having. After going to multiple physicians and having medical test after medical test she was about to give up. After exhausting all avenues and having to endure medical test after medical test, Karen contacted a tubal reversal surgeon.

Karen has recently shared her story with the world and not only does she offer hope, she offers friendship and encouragement. There are so many women out there suffering with pretty much the same symptoms she did. She understands what others are going through because she has been there herself.

There is nothing more frustrating than knowing that there is something wrong with you and no one will listen. Or, if a physician does listen, a list of reasons will be given. Some of the reasons given are, it is your age, and let's just put you on birth control pills and you were on birth control pills before the ligation so this is going to happen. Unfortunately, this is also said to women who have never been on birth control pills too. There are no right answers for what is happening. Only out of share desperation do women begin to search the Internet for answers.

Over time women do find answers. They read about what others are going through. Although they are happy to find out they are not alone they are still suffering. Finding relief from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome is something that takes their days away. They want to feel good again.

This is the reason why Karen is so willing to share her story with women. She is willing to take the time to help others because she has found a way to regain control over PTLS. Tubal reversal surgery has helped Karen feel normal again. Although not all symptoms have disappeared the majority have. She is proof, among others that tubal reversal does work for those suffering with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.

Debra Verville

Post tubal Ligation syndrome is something that women suffer with. For further information on PTLS and finding relief visit:

Essure Problems Have Women Asking Questions

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As patients we tend to want to believe everything that is told to us from those who are in the medical field. We have been taught that we should trust the doctors and they will make us feel better. But, what happens if something isn't as good as it seems? What happens when we listen and take the advice and something just isn't right?

These are questions that women are asking. They are having problems with a newer form of female sterilization called Essure. The problems that women seem to be discussing are pretty much the same. They are seeking answers and help and seem to be getting little. What they are getting is frustrated and do not know where to turn.

Couples will decide when they feel they are done with having children. When speaking with the doctor they are told that the new procedure is quick and simple. There is no surgery involved to put the little flexible coils into the fallopian tubes and then the woman will be on her way. Over time, tissue forms around the inserted coils and blocks off the fallopian tube. This blockage keeps the sperm and egg from uniting so that pregnancy cannot occur.

The problem is man women are reporting complications after the procedure. Some of the symptoms are:

· Sharp stabbing pains in the sides where the coils have been placed.

· Severe bleeding surging periods or menstrual cycles.

· Unexplained weight gain

· Skin rashes.

· Painful intercourse.

· Changes in moods. Depression, anger.

· Feeling as though they are coming down with the flu.

· Vaginal discharge.

· Symptoms of yeast infection.

· Night sweats.

· Back pain.

The symptoms listed are not a full list. And women want answers. All too often women are being told that the Essure coils cannot be removed. If they are told they can be removed it can only be done with a complete hysterectomy. The fact is, the coils can be removed safely. There are expert surgeons who have taken the time to reverse this procedure.

What about those that have had the procedure and now want children? The Essure procedure can be reversed and fertility restored. There have been children born to women whom have had the Essure and sought the help of a tubal reversal surgeon.

Are you a woman that has had a problem with a tubal ligation or the Essure sterilization? This seems to be more common than we are aware of.

For more information on Essure reversal visit the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website. Couples have had hope restored after the Essure and many have gone on to have children. For more information contact the tubal reversal nurses at 1-919-968-4656.

Tubal Reversal Surgery - Fear of Miscarriage

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For the couple that has gone through a tubal reversal the next step is getting pregnant. Over time the woman may have charted her cycles and knows when her most fertile time is. After this the timing of intercourse is done and then the positive pregnancy test follows. Getting pregnant after a tubal reversal may take time. Many women find that it takes longer than it did before the reversal surgery. Many believe it takes longer because they are now older. It is not uncommon for it to take longer after a reversal because the truth is, they are older. This is something that is regularly discussed on the tubal reversal message board.

One of the major fears of women is miscarriage. This is a very real and valid concern to have. It seems like there are women who are reporting miscarriages on a regular basis. What causes a miscarriage? Is there something that can be done to avoid having this happen? Is there a higher rate of miscarriage after a tubal reversal? Let's look at some of the facts.

What causes a miscarriage?

There are many factors that can cause a miscarriage. The most common seems to be chromosome issues. Chromosomal abnormalities issues seem to account for about 60% of miscarriages. Another cause can be a uterus that is not shaped right. If this is the case, it is because the fertilized egg cannot attach to the lining.

Many miscarriages cannot be diagnosed. Physicians can do testing, but in many cases cannot come up with a valid diagnosis for the miscarriage. If you have had one miscarriage and there seems to be no reason as to why it happened, be patient. Miscarriage is very common and happens to many women, although knowing this may not help, the key is to be patient.

Is there something that can be done to avoid having this happen?

The most common answer to this question is being as healthy as possible. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and keep your weight at a healthy level. Many women view their bodies differently while trying to conceive. They understand that once pregnant that they will be carrying a child.

Is there a higher rate of miscarriage after a tubal reversal?

The rate of miscarriage after a tubal ligation reversal is not higher. There is a slightly higher risk of ectopic pregnancy following a miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg begins to form inside the fallopian tubes. This can be very dangerous and the pregnant woman should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Many times a woman who has had a tubal ligation reversal will begin performing pregnancy tests very early, before the period is even missed. This can cause a few things to be noticed. After the tubal reversal the body is getting adjusted. Women will comment that they feel as though they are having pregnancy symptoms. This is most likely due to the hormones adjusting.

When a pregnancy test comes out positive before the missed period, the pregnancy is in the very early stages. The test will turn positive because there are trace amounts of the pregnancy hormone (HCG) in the urine. There are many women who know they are pregnant in the very early stages because they are excited to have the chance at pregnancy again. This is something they have waited a long time for and of course want to share it with family and friends.

Having a miscarriage is not easy and it is extremely heartbreaking. Whether you know the reason or not it still doesn't help ease the pain. The reality is that it does happen and it happens too many. Does this make it easier? No, but having support around the couple and others that understand what they are going through can help.

It is not uncommon for a woman to fear having a miscarriage following tubal ligation reversal. For more information on tubal reversal surgery and coping with early miscarriage visit the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website. A tubal reversal message board waits that is filled with couples all experiencing the tubal reversal journey together. Tubal reversal and miscarriage are something that couples regularly discuss.

Support Pantyhose to Curb Issues of the Lower Limb

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When it comes to the body parts we are blessed with, the significance of each part is simply irreplaceable. However, one of the most used parts of the body happens to be the legs. Unless we are sleeping, our legs never get complete relaxation. And despite them being the most worked up body part, not many of pay heed to taking care of our legs. However, as they say desperate times call for desperate measures; when an individual start facing or is diagnosed with pooling of blood in the lower limbs, that's when they begin to search for remedial measures.

Thanks to the development of compression support pantyhose, people with pooling of blood in the lower limbs can curb the issue by a great extent. In order to understand how compression socks work, you need to understand what causes the pooling of blood in the legs. To give you in a nutshell, pooling of blood occurs due to the decrease in the blood pressure in the arteries. This can happen due to high cholesterol, heart ailment, diabetes, and even pregnancy! In this condition, the legs start to swell, may develop sores, pain will persist, and the individual may also sense numbness in their feet.

Now, compression support pantyhose are made from a special material. This material is made to offer uniform pressure on the legs of the person wearing the pantyhose. By increasing external pressure on the arteries, compression socks are able to promote the flow of blood back to the heart, thereby preventing pooling of blood. It is due to this characteristic property of these compression hoses that they have become immensely popular in all parts of the world and are being widely prescribed by registered medical practitioners.

Unfortunately, the fame gained by support pantyhose worked against their favor rather than working for them. As soon as their market segment witnessed a rise, a number of manufacturers and importers stepped into the league offering poor quality compression hosiery at extremely low prices. Such sellers are a potential threat to first time buyers as the offers they come out with are extremely wisely disguised. Thus, if you have to buy support pantyhose, it is very important to go with a trusted seller. This is the reason you must buy these stockings from an online seller so that you may check the reviews the pantyhose you are about to buy has received from the previous buyers.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to compression socks and support pantyhose.

Naked Appreciation

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I can remember, many years ago when it was age-appropriate, reading an article in one of those teen magazines. It was memorable, I suppose, because it was the first time I recall feeling a sense of outrage at the less-than-subtle suggestion that I wasn't good enough because I didn't look like the model on the magazine cover. I had been through a doughy phase at around 13-14, but I was back to a normal weight by 16. But still, I was a 16-year-old girl.

The article directed, "Stand in front of a full-length mirror naked. Frankly assess any less-than-perfect parts." Excuse me? Did you just, actually, advise an entire class of the most obsessed-and-critical-of-their-bodies humans (teenage girls) to scrutinize every inch of those bodies, and judge them against a standard of perfection? Is this the article that launched a thousand eating disorders?

With a few well-meaning hiccups like the "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty" and Tyra Banks' complaint that even her thighs had been airbrushed smaller for an ad, the media has been presenting us with unrealistic "standard" images for decades. It is incredibly ironic that the web address has been abandoned by the Dove folks and purchased by, you guessed it, a weight loss program. Sigh.

I'm not the first to point out that equating skinny with beautiful is a 20th-century concept. The painting above, Rubens' Venus at the Mirror (1615), shows a vastly different standard of feminine perfection. Now I admit, Rubens was famous for liking some meat on his women, but art pretty much up to the 20th century depicted nude women as anything but skinny. The damsel in Millais' Knight Errant (1870), below, looks a lot like me. A LOT. In fact, only the sure and certain knowledge that I was not alive in 1870 assures me that I didn't have one too many and pose for it in a weak moment.

Somewhere between about 1910, when women had chucked their corsets and bustles and remembered what their bodies actually looked like, and the deprivations of the First World War and the 1918 Flu pandemic, women just got skinnier. Then the fashion houses started designing for that shape, and the new Hollywood cultural machine made it the look. And we, unfortunately, have never looked back.

The thing I find oddest in today's world is the idea of implants. Butts and boobs are made almost entirely of fat, so women who starve themselves down to a size zero find that they no longer look like women. But instead of embracing the bean-pole look like our flapper forebears did, they have surgeons stick bags of fluid inside them to put back the lumps they dieted off. C'mon girls, eat a cookie and save yourself $15,000 and the risks of general anesthesia. Sheesh.

So here's my anti-Seventeen suggestion. After a nice, relaxing hot bath or shower, towel off and look at yourself in a full-length mirror naked. Not bad, huh? A lot of us forget that the rolls we notice and get depressed about when we undress at night are created or at least enhanced by the elastic in our bras and panties and the waistbands in our clothes and pantyhose. (Don't get me started about those hideous sports bras and spandex cycle shorts The Biggest Loser has the women wear at weigh-ins.) The rope around the waist of the bound damsel is definitely accentuating her tummy pooch. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) Give your body a chance to erase those "squish" lines and you may find that you don't look nearly as bad naked as you might have thought. Consult your significant other- it might lead to an interesting evening.

If you look in the mirror and your first thought is still "Michelin Man," it's time to talk to your doctor. Studies continue to support the idea that carrying weight around your waist is an indicator for serious health problems. I know I am fortunate that owing to a certain Latin heritage, I put most of my excess weight in my rear (where happily, I don't have to look at it very often). If you wear yours like an inner tube, you need to "woman up" and address it. Your doctor is the place to start; you may end up with a diet and exercise program, but there may be thyroid or other endocrine issues in play. Healthy first, shapely second.

"Perfect" has always been, and always will be, an unattainable standard. Not only does it change with the fashion of the day, but with the advent of PhotoShop, Perfect is now more than ever something completely unreal. Until some Matrix-esque future time when we're all just lumps in a tube and our body images are avatars programmed inside a computer, we can't look however we imagine. So it's time we approach our naked selves not from the "God, my thighs are huge" end of the ratings continuum, but from the "If I were a guy, I'd tap that" end. Men are remarkably uncritical when presented with a slightly damp naked woman, and it's about time we were, too.

Abby Lange is an accountant and brings that perspective to the question of weight control. Lifestyle nutrition and weight management can be optimized by the same behaviors that optimize our finances. Wallis Simpson once said "A woman can't be too rich or too thin." I'm no fan of The Duchess, and of course, you can be both too rich and too thin. But if you'd like to be a little thinner and a little richer on a diet of laughter and food for thought, peppered with occasional indulgences, this web site is for you. Come join us at

Role of Testosterone in Female Sexual Function - FSD Patch Treatment

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According to The Sexual Advice Association, about 50% of total women population experience sexual problems that become more prevalent as they get older. Lack of sexual desire, decreased arousal, problems attaining orgasm, and painful intercourse are some of the common symptoms of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Female sexual response is multidimensional, involving hormonal, psychological, physiological, emotional, and relational parameters. Menopause is one of the common causes of female sexual dysfunction.

Menopause can be a game-changer

During menopause, the ovaries cease producing the hormones oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Due to which, most women experience distressing symptoms such as hot flushes and mood swings. This gradual fall in the levels of sex hormones can lead to erratic sexual changes in sex life.

Role of testosterone in female sexual function

Testosterone is normally associated with male sexuality as it is found in higher percentage in men than in women. However, testosterone plays a major role in orchestrating the sexual function in women also. It contributes to the strength of bone and muscle and stimulates growth of pubic hair in females. Testosterone is also known as a precursor to oestrogen production during puberty. Due to lower levels of oestrogen and testosterone after menopause, there can be a diminished response to sexual stimulation with some genital tissue changes. Surgical removal of the ovaries can set menopause before its usual time. This can lead to a sudden fall in the levels of sex hormones and female sexual dysfunction symptoms. A persistently low sexual desire in women is also known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

FSD patch treatment

A series of in-depth studies on female sexual dysfunction have led to the development of female libido enhancers that could help women get their sexual life back. Androgen or testosterone replacement therapy can help in compensating for the loss of testosterone after hysterectomy-induced menopause. Patch treatment for testosterone replacement is the most convenient and effective way to boost libido. Testosterone patches can be applied on the skin below the waist. A controlled dose of testosterone is released at regular intervals into the bloodstream.

Intrinsa patch is one such testosterone patch designed to be worn for three to four days at a time. It has been found that about 70% of total women on this patch treatment regained their sexual life. Intrinsa patch can be used even while doing day-to-day activities such as performing an exercise or taking a shower. One prerequisite before using this patch is that you have to be on oestrogen therapy. It can take up to a month or more before you experience enhanced libido. Women up to the age of 60 can use Intrinsa patch with effective results. However, there are some limitations in the use of this patch for women with a history of cancer. Intrinsa patch should also be avoided by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. You can now buy Intrinsa online from registered clinics to save time and avoid the hassles of visiting a local clinic.

How can I buy Intrinsa online?

Once you place an order for Intrinsa online, you have to fill in a medical questionnaire. A registered doctor studies your condition before writing a prescription. Following this, Intrinsa is dispatched at your address within 24 hours.

For more information on female sexual dysfunction visit our health blog: Expert Medical Advice

How to Achieve Steady Weight Loss Postpartum

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During pregnancy it's very important to eat well for yourself and your baby. Your body naturally builds up stores of fat to help you provide healthy breastmilk to your baby after birth. Weight will often come off effortlessly over your baby's first year just from breastfeeding. Many moms, however, want to have their bodies feeling "normal" and their clothes fitting a little faster than will happen just with breastfeeding! Here's how to achieve a steady weight loss postpartum.

Wait on the Weight - Just a Little

You should give your body a chance to heal before you start trying to lose any weight. You'll probably be happy to see that you lose a good amount of weight right after your baby's birth. You lose the weight from the baby and from the amniotic fluid. You also lose a lot of "water weight" from extra fluids and the higher blood volume you have at the end of pregnancy. But you may want to lose even more weight than that.

Again, give yourself a chance to heal. Doing too much, too fast can prolong your postpartum bleeding (call lochia). That's your body's way of telling you that you're doing too much. You can do some gentle, seated exercises like Kegels or Tupler abdominal contractions in the early weeks. You can also start to take low-key walks as soon as you feel able to. But wait until your six-week appointment to start anything more ambitious. If you're breastfeeding it's a good idea to give yourself about eight weeks -- this gives your milk supply a chance to become well-established.

Start With Diet

Your diet is going to make the biggest difference on your baby's weight gain. Our bodies were designed to eat certain foods: animal products (meat and animal fats) and natural vegetables along with some fruits. Grains are newer in the history of humanity, and the grains we eat today are far different than those eaten in the past. Extremely high carbohydrate food signals to your body it's time to store fat.

You want to watch what you eat. Eat nutrient-dense foods. Avoid high-carbohydrate foods. It's hard, especially when you're a tired mom of a young baby. It's much easier to grab a few crackers than to pick something else. But try to. Pick cheese or some nuts to snack on, both of which contain healthy fat.

You do not want to eat a low-fat diet. Not only do low-fat diets not work (period!), they also rob your baby of vital fats he or she needs to grow brain tissue. Your baby's brain literally starves without the good fats in your diet creating creamy milk to feed it. Low-fat diets and skyrocketing rates of learning disabilities go hand-in-hand.

Choose instead a lower carbohydrate diet. This will help you lose weight -- it may be slowly, but it will be surely. If you don't see results at first, don't worry. Your body is nourishing a baby and it may take time for it to start mobilizing the stores it thinks it needs for that job.

Do not starve yourself counting calories. Keep a reasonable calorie level for nursing your baby. You shouldn't feel like you're weak or starving. Restricting calories too much will cause your body to go into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism.

Add in Exercise

Add in an exercise routine gradually as you are able. As I said above, walking is the best way to start. It's low-key and can easily be scaled up to more challenging hikes. Your baby can ride along in a carrier. It's perfect!

You can also start to work in an exercise routine at home. Some moms are really motivated by a gym or class, and if this is for you, go for it. But you can have an effective routine at home, too. Pick up some basic weights, such as a 5 pound, 8 pound, and 10 pound dumbbell set. Use those for some arm routines. Add in some basic bodyweight exercises like push-ups (you can do knee push-ups) and squats. Go slowly and do these in shorter sets and with support at first if you need to. As you get into a regular routine you will start to feel more and more like yourself.

A Final Tip

Watch your waistline. It can feel really frustrating to see that the scale is not moving. But sometimes muscles that weakened and lost tone during pregnancy build back up and strengthen as you do an exercise routine. This means that you burn fat padding away, but build some muscle weight. You may see and feel your waistline slim down before the scale reports a loss. Keep up your new, natural diet and your enjoyable fitness routine and eventually the scale will catch up with you!

By the way, do you want to get more practical baby care information that will give you keys to a smarter, happier baby while building a strong bond with your little one?

If so, download my free guide: How to Have a Smarter, Happier Baby

You'll get my guide and information packed with helpful tips on baby care and on managing life as a mom (and loving it!)

What Are The Main Reasons For Late Period

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AppId is over the quota

Wondering on the possible reasons for late period and why it has not arrived on your expected date? If you are trying to conceive a baby, then you would be looking at this positively. However, if you are not, then you should start exploring the probable causes why you missed your period. There are many reasons for a delayed period. By reading this article, you will be able to go over them one by one.

First and foremost, you might be pregnant! Use pregnancy test kits to determine the reasons for your late period. Try different brands to countercheck results. If you are pregnant, then take the necessary steps like consulting an obstetrician. If not, then you need to search for other reasons.

Stress and Anxiety

One of the most common reasons for late period is stress and anxiety. Emotional and psychological concerns can manifest physically and can potentially disrupt your normal menstrual cycle. Typical reasons for late period are situations when you are stressed out and in a high-anxiety mode for long periods of time. Your hormones can go out of control and could be one of the contributing reasons for your late menstruation. Take time out to relax. Get some rest and chill out in comfortable surroundings. You need to acquire the inner balance and to give your hormones a jumpstart to get the rhythm back.

Medication or treatments can also be reasons for late period. Some medication may actually cause delay in your cycle. If you are on the pill, this is usually one of the side effects. Certain types of contraception can also be one of the reasons for missed period. Carefully check out the medicines that you have been taking and see if they have any hormonally related side effects. Just remember not to self-medicate for this can be dangerous.

As stated above, the common reasons for a delayed period are conceiving a child, stress and medications. But when all these are not the cause, then you'd better get your doctor's opinion. Perhaps the cause for your late menstruation is related to hormonal or physical changes that have occurred. These can range from menopause to hormonal problems. Other possible reasons can also be brought about by age or triggered by some pathogens in your body. It is important to get checked for any physical or medical conditions in order to recognize the exact reasons for late period. Either way, it is best to get the opinion from your doctor.

Main Reasons For Late Period

Moreover, reasons for a delayed menstruation are quite diverse other than pregnancy. Missed periods can be observed when taking oral contraceptives, during climate changes, under stress, and having a poor diet. To establish the reasons for missed period, the woman's age (puberty, sexual maturity, pre-menopause) should be considered. Here are the main reasons:

Pregnancy: It is the first thing you should think of among all reasons for missed period, especially if you are sexually active. Such reasons for a dealyed period cannot be disregarded. There are cases when you become pregnant even if sexual intercourse was done during the time of menstruation. Pregnancy can also occur if you missed taking your pills regularly.
Abortion: This is one of the reasons for a delayed menstruation when hormonal imbalance happens after a miscarriage. The removal of internal tissues inside the uterus during miscarriage or instrumental curettage causes a temporary disruption on the reproductive organs and could potentially be one of the reasons for a delayed period. To restore these tissues, it will take some time, usually a month or 40 days after the abortion or miscarriage. Such situations call for medical supervision.

If none of the above mentioned are the reasons for late period and you still have not gotten your period for three months, it is time for you to see a health care professional. However, it is advisable to practice birth control measures if you are not planning on having a child.

Would you like to read more on subjects related to Reasons For Late Period?

I know it is hard to talk about subjects like this. Talking about your irregular period and related issues might make you feel insecure. To give your confidence a boost and show you that you are not the only having these issues, I have written some more articles on related subjects. The article about Spotting Between Periods for example might be very interesting to you. Just read through the articles and get some more background information so that you can decide whether you should consult a doctor or not.

I have also written an interesting article about Irregular Period. Learn more about that by clicking the link.

How Important Is Healthy Eating During Your Pregnancy?

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AppId is over the quota

If there is one time in your life during which it is crucial to have a healthy diet it is during pregnancy. Fetal development depends on not only the health of the mother, but also what she is putting into her body. Toxins and preservatives hinder the fetuses ability to develop healthily during pregnancy, and they contribute to birth defects and other medical problems. If you are pregnant, then it is crucial that you take your diet very seriously. The quality of life of your baby depends on it. Let's take a look at some healthy eating habits moms can develop during their pregnancies:

· What to eat: When you are pregnant, your body uses nutrients to nourish you and your growing baby. Increasing your intake of iron, folic acid, protein and calories will help your baby grow and develop with a lower risk of birth defects and complications. Fruits, veggies, grains, and protein from nuts and poultry should be the staples of your pregnancy diet.

· What not to eat: Just as it is important to know what to eat during your pregnancy, it is equally as important to know what not to eat. Many foods are good to avoid because they have no nutritional value, but some foods are actually dangerous to the newly forming baby. Avoid raw eggs, raw and undercooked meats, fish that contain mercury, and unpasteurized milk.

· Vitamin supplements: When you are pregnant, it is a good idea to use prenatal vitamins as a means of complementing your diet. There are many pregnancy supplements on the market, mostly high in folic acid, that you can take to strengthen your baby's developing body, and they are worth checking out.

· Don't diet: Dieting is not a good idea when you are pregnant. Diets often take you away from healthy, balanced eating, and will negatively impact the development of your baby. If you are worried about your weight, just know that baby weight comes off with proper eating and exercise after pregnancy and keep in mind that the foods you should be eating while you are pregnant should not contribute to excessive weight gain in the first place.

Eating right during your pregnancy will keep you healthy and give your developing baby the best chance for a healthy future. Don't spend your time worrying about your figure and don't spend your time over-indulging on junk food-both will have adverse effects on fetal development. Pregnancy is a good time for you to re-evaluate your own eating habits and gives you a chance to develop healthy eating habits that you can carry into the future, long after you have delivered your bundle of joy.

About the Author

Maureen Hamilton is an Integrated Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and a Demartini Method Facilitator. Maureen has previously worked in many areas of health in Australia as well as overseas. Her health background includes training in general and midwifery nursing, mental health and children's behavioural issues (including the effects of emotional trauma especially in children). Maureen is very much involved in promoting and assisting people to obtain optimal health and is absolutely committed to helping people to stop smoking and/or lose weight naturally using Hypnosis and NLP. If you would like to find out more, visit and and talk to Maureen about your requirements.

Tubal Reversal Surgery and Buying Baby Things

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AppId is over the quota

One of the greatest things about tubal reversal surgery is the chance to become pregnant. Although this isn't the only reason why women have the surgery, it is one of the most common. When planning on having the reversal surgery women will begin stocking up on the baby items. Why do they do this even though they are not pregnant yet? Because it gives them hope and something to look forward to when the day finally does come and they are holding their precious baby.

This is a big discussion among tubal reversal women. There are even some that will begin buying baby items before they even have the surgery. It makes the whole process seem more "real". They will watch for the sales and begin to stock up on things.

Now, on the other side of the spectrum are the women that are afraid to pre-buy things. They feel that if they begin buying things that the pregnancy will never happen. They are afraid to get all of the things that are needed and will never be able to use it. Then there are the strong women that know tubal reversal is not a guarantee to have a baby. What will they do with the items if they do not become pregnant? They will donate the items to those that can use it. They will be helping someone if they do not become pregnant.

One of the main things witnessed in the tubal reversal community is the positive outlook on things. There are the women that even though they have not conceived yet are cheering the others on. When it seems like they are about to give up they seek the advice and support of the others on the board.

The one thing about tubal reversal surgery is that it restores hope. Although there is not a guarantee of pregnancy with any type of fertility treatment, there is still hope. With a positive attitude and being surrounded by support things have a way of going smoother. The tubal reversal journey can be a very emotional time and having friends that understand will make things easier.

Sharing what your plans are and buying those baby things helps to keep that positive outlook. If things begin to get frustrating then returning to those who understand brings an understanding of the journey. With time and patience the day you have been waiting for comes along. And after the surgery it is then time to share the experience with others and show them support. Over time others will be in your shoes and having the experience you have helps others.

So buying those baby clothes when the tubal reversal surgery is scheduled? If you are, you are in good company. Not only are you in good company you will also have the things needed for the day your reversal baby makes his or her entrance into the world.

Debra Verville

Tubal reversal surgery is used to restore fertility to those who have had a tubal ligation. Buying baby items is just one way in which women begin their journey. For more information on tubal ligation reversal surgery visit the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website by visiting

Saying Good-Bye to Bacterial Vaginosis Odour - How About Right NOW

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The smell of fish is invasive and quite strong, but when it's coming from you then you know that something is really not right. Many women feel like they could be working in a fish shop because of that awful fishy smell. Trouble is you know the truth, that awful fishy smell is BV, a common bacterial infection of the vaginal passage. It causes you to feel embarrassed and you think that you are somehow unclean.

Have you been visiting the doctor regularly trying to get relief for what you now know is BV.

Well that is in your past, there is a way to treat Bacterial Vaginosis that will see it off in a very short space of time, it is a natural treatment that is rarely shared with you at your Doctors visits.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a common problem over 30% of women contract it, but knowing that thousands of women suffer is of no comfort to you when you are one of them. It's re-assuring in some ways to know that this is not a unique to you; it is an extremely embarrassing one though.

One of the easiest to contract and most common issues a woman faces when she becomes sexually active is the infection called BV, that fishy smell that exudes from 'down there' and sends you to the bathroom for clean underwear and maintenance several times a day.

Bacterial Vaginosis is an over proliferation of multiple types of vaginal bacteria that cause a discharge from the vagina that has a fishy odor.

There are many types of bacteria that cause this odor, and many reasons why woman can have a vaginal discharge so the first step in the treatment must be diagnosis. This will ensure that other types of infection including yeast infection or even more serious like Chlamydia, are not the cause of the discharge and discomfort being experienced.

We are not talking about normal vaginal discharge, every woman will know what is normal for her. We are all different for some woman a heavy discharge is normal while others have none or very little. We are talking about an excessive or unusual amount of discharge that is different to your normal day to day flow, usually thin and pale that has a distinct fishy odor.

BV was thought to be sexually transmitted in the past, however this is possible but not always the case as women who are not and have never been sexually active can contract BV. Multiple sexual partners can increase your chances of BV, but then so can smoking, and IUD's or other apparatus being inserted in the vagina.

Bacterial Vaginosis affects your whole life, it changes the way you feel about yourself, and it brings you to the health clinic or doctors surgery more often than you care to mention. If you are now being told as a friend of mine once was, "it's something you will have to live with", then this is not the truth.

The use of antibiotics or creams is often unsuccessful and in fact can be the cause of a yeast infection, 50% or more will be re-infected with BV in the first six months after treatment. Not a very good record, often created by the antibiotics that were taken to treat the condition in the first place.

Search around on the internet and you'll see this is an extremely common experience.

Most doctors just don't know about alternative treatments for BV.

It's not your doctor's fault that they can't be as helpful as you would like - most of them are just unaware of the effective alternative BV treatment methods that are out there.

When every time your partner starts getting amorous you have to keep going to the bathroom to have a bit of a cleanup, spoiling the moment for both of you, and its so embarrassing that you wonder if its all worth it then its time for you to start taking action yourself.

I want to help you get the answers to your BV, there is a natural solution in a great eBook that will guide you through the steps to a natural remedy for BV from your home then you can sleep easy knowing that you have solved your BV and need not have this issue again.

"The BV Miracle" walks you step-by-step through a proven, time-tested, cost effective method for Bacterial Vaginosis treatment and prevention.

Negative Body Image Worse Than Ever For Women

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Millions of women all over the world want to change the way that their bodies look. Most women want to get bigger breasts and this has caused breast augmentation to be the most popular cosmetic surgery option around. Even then many women do not like their bodies.

Ads on television are constantly telling women that they need to be thinner with bigger breasts. Almost every model that you see will have a tiny waist and large breasts. Even if you do not notice what is going on you may start to feel inferior.

Whenever you have this constantly feeding into your brain you may develop serious problems that you should speak about with your doctor. If you start to feel like you hate your body it is important that you speak with a medical professional.

If your doctor thinks that your problem is severe enough they may prescribe medication or give you a referral to another professional that will be able to help you. There are millions of women out there that have the same feelings and problems that you do and you should not be afraid to seek help.

The various popular movie stars throughout the years have greatly influenced the way that we think about beauty. The thin look has been in for the longest time but there are people that would prefer that you would be healthy instead of just thinking that you need to be thin.

Negative body image can lead to hatred of your body. The hatred that you feel for your body may then lead to self hatred. All of this could go very wrong and lead to depression and even suicide. It is important that you take care of these issues as quickly as possible instead of hiding them away.

Whatever body image issue you have can be helped. You need to speak with someone that can help you get out of the situation that you are in. Whenever you deal with something like this it is not going to be a problem that you can fix for yourself. If you turn inward to help with this problem you are not going to be able to get relief.

You do not have to hate your body. You can get the results that you want without doing something that is drastic and harsh. Speak with a doctor and then see what kind of options you have to enhance your body naturally.

Learn more about how to make your breasts grow larger naturally. You can experience natural breast enhancement.